Wednesday, November 22, 2017

In which the pond engages nattering "Ned" to act as ancient mariner party bouncer and pooper ...

The pond has been enjoying a bit of a surge of late in terms of hits, and that simply won't do. 

It might give the reptiles some kind of whiff of hope, that they might yet find redemption in the arms of google and achieve a FANG-like triumph ...

The pond isn't a killjoy - oh what a lying hypocritical wretch the pond is, of course it's a trolling killjoy - and the surest way it knows to ensure there'll be no dead cat bounce or fang-like surge is to bring on nattering "Ned", especially late in the day when any likely readership is already likely to be bored and restless and irritated by the travails of work ...

If ever there was a party you wanted to fail, surely the thing to do is to have nattering "Ned" outside stopping three of three, and imitating the ancient mariner with an endless harangue ...

As soon as "Ned" talks "hope and confidence", everybody will nod off to sleep ...

Uh huh, here no solution, no solution here, just a lot of blather and endless, mindless tedium, a step too far even for the pond, even if desirous of inducing a zombie-like trance and mute indifference in passing stray readers ...

How to keep their eyelids open until the bitter end? Perhaps a tax cartoon from another country?

Oh sheesh, it's golf and taxes, there goes the readership, and yet Ned's only cranking into second gear ...

Um, isn't that the Liberal-implemented NDIS? Oh never mind, perhaps another cartoon from a different country ...

The good news is that there's only one gobbet of nattering "Ned" to go, and soon people will be able to take their hands from their eyes, and stop noisily chanting "lah, lah, lah, lah" like a Krishna overdosing on "Ned" ...

Actually, Malware has the serious problem. He's surrounded by white ants, busily doing what termites must do, and the talk of tax cuts, unspecified, undetermined, and undescribed, was received with all the credibility of a Donald Trump tweet doing its best to distract from more pressing current problems ...

The pond appreciates nattering "Ned's" leaden attempts to take the unknown and the unspecified seriously, but in view of the fact that not a hint of a whit or a jot of what might be proposed was unveiled, it's all so much specious, boring garbage, delivered with unmitigated tedium and the usual ponderous solemnity ...

The pond knew right from the get go that any stray passing readers would quickly start dropping like flies, that the reptiles would be reminded yet again that their business model is doomed, and the pond along with it, and that the only thing left to do was to reward hardy survivors with another tax cartoon from a different country... it having as much insight into Malware's unproposed, unspecified tax plans as nattering "Ned's" endless wittering ...


  1. Dorothy
    I find the dithering old fart to hard to read and follow such drivel he takes himself so seriously and continues too bore the reader with a made up story that he would be the only one to believe what he is saying.
    The ABC had him on commenting about Lionel Murphy. Kelly would not have the ability that Murphy displayed with the ground breaking law reform he initiated and to think they used this upstart to comment is an insult to the changes that Whitlam Government legislated.

  2. "... bring on nattering "Ned", especially late in the day when any likely readership is already likely to be bored and restless..."

    Well maybe so, DP, but masochism is a powerful motivating force.

    Anyway, here we go:
    Neddled Neddy: "Turnbull must champion the corporate tax cuts for economic reasons ..."

    Oh yeah, sure, that's it: "for economic reasons". Well, if it's just for small, lower income companies, it might achieve something very minor, but if it's for the big end of town, then surely even Thickhead Trumble understands that Aus is a medium sized open economy with a large percentage of foreign ownership (ie GNI is a fair bit less than GDP) and that all corporate tax cuts achieve is to send more money back overseas as dividends for foreign owners.

    No, hold it, that would be a very difficult concept way over Malware's, and ScoMo's pay level. It requires a basic 3 digit IQ and at least the first semester of Economics 101. That leaves the whole LNP in the dust.


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