Saturday, September 21, 2024

The pond is on an indeterminate break ...

AI has left the building, normal intelligence never entered, as might be expected of a herpetology student, and the pond is unwell and is stepping out of the tent for a while ...if nothing else, our hole in the bucket man is a worthy placeholder ...


  1. All the best, DP - hope your health improves.

    (Or was that a “Jeffrey Barnard is unwell” - type message?)

  2. You can sit back and just enjoy the weather, DP:

    "Rain is set to soak every Australian state over the next week - with some locations forecast to receive a month's worth of rainfall in just a few days."

  3. Today’s Reptile offerings include a lengthy propaganda piece from the Bromancer in favour of Christianity-based schools that ban screens, teach Latin and focus on the Great Books of the past. According to the Bro, that’s basically the only possible way to save Western Civilisation. So yes, it’s an ideal time for a break.

    1. But, Anony, what if that really is the only way to save "Western (Judeo-Christian) Civilisation" and that's why none of us want to save it ?

      Besides, it's all down to Islam anyway:

  4. Hi DP,
    Good wishes and I trust you will be feeling better soon.

    I posted the below some time ago here, but what the heck why not give it another go -

    “To quote the only line of Gertrude Stein’s which I have ever been able to understand,
    ‘It is wonderful how I am not interested.’” –Dorothy Parker on Gertrude Stein (from
    her 1919 review of the play Tillie)

    1. BTW, JM, in case you're interested:
      All of it.

  5. Replies
    1. Well it kinda had to be, didn't it, the Chinese being responsible for the largest CO2 contribution. And maybe it might have something to do with China's declining population. Anyway, if only we can get India and the USA to join in, we might be beginning to get somewhere.

      But do remember:
      "It's worth remembering why this is so momentous. Carbon dioxide, the warming gas we can't seem to stop spewing into the atmosphere, stays there for a long time. Like, a really long time.
      It means that all the additional carbon added to the atmosphere since the Industrial Revolution will continue to warm the planet and haunt humankind for centuries to come.

      So, just to emphasize, even if we basically reduced the amount of CO2 we spew to roughly zero tomorrow, the amount we've already spewed will be with us, and the planet, for millennia.


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