Flee the Taliban for their treatment of women? The Taliban? They’re nothing. Rank amateurs.
Try the Australian Labor Party if you want to learn how to hang a woman out to dry. Especially if it involves having a conscience. Robots only please …
Still, it helped set the cartoonists off, with the infallible Pope pottering away ...
In other news, it seems citizenship revenge is in the air - important caveat, according to the lizard Oz - and even as the cocaine-snorting, allegedly condom-avoiding Lehrmann presents in court in the deep north in relation to another matter, Dame Slap is still banging on about Higgins (not the musical one).
Just you wait, Ms Higgins, oh just you wait ...
Spare the pond and please spare the pond from woke jokes of the kind offered up by simplistic "here no conflict of interest" Simon ...
A little later the reptiles decided to embark on a rolling coverage of the election they'd been ignoring for weeks, but as The Sun and The Times had already jumped ship and sold the Tories down the river, like the Murdochian rats they are, all the pond could do was to urge Liverpool to stay true ... lest we have to endure a headline boasting that it was the Murdochs wot done it ...
Luckily the pond's business is on the far right of the digital edition, and naturally the pond ignored the meretricious Merritt to focus on the hole in the bucket man, and luckily at the time the pond dropped in, our Henry was amongst the contenders at the top of the world, ma ...
Why the hole in the bucket man should get so excited about Assange right at this point in time must remain a deep mystery, but the pond is always up for the thoughts of a man who wears his learning heavily, in as ponderous and pompous and portentous a way as possible ...
Talk about escaping the rule of law and not mention the valiant work of the orange Jesus and SCOTUS and all the rest?
That's the hole in the bucket man, and there were videos and snaps as a distraction ...
The funniest came from the dog botherer ...
That text read
"Sky News host Chris Kenny says Prime Minister Anthony Albanese is 'so far out of touch' with Australians as he believes the biggest thing happening is the return of 'anarchist' WikiLeaks..."
Never mind the grammar, what does that say about the peculiar obsession of our Henry?
Apparently our Henry is so far in touch with Australians he believes the biggest thing happening and worthy of his heavy book larnin' is the return of WikiLeaks, aka Assange.. but forget these quibbles, because surely the next gobbet will satisfy the most demanding pedants...
Now there's a classic effort. Sure, Thucydides didn't make the cut, but Louis XIV's memoirs, Marchamont Nedham (with Latin titles), John Milton, Adam Smith, Immanuel Kant and Jean-Jacques Rosseau did, albeit the latter without mention of onanism or masturbation (perhaps our Henry was doing enough for both of them?) ...
Ripper stuff ... have a cartoon on another matter ...
After that splendid outburst, there was no way that our Henry could maintain the rage and vent his classical larnin' spleen with a similar level of elevated references, and so the next gobbet was a tad disappointing ...
With the greatest respect, Washington and Martin Luther King are a step down, and bring our Henry close to an uncomfortable reminder of what he's been studiously ignoring ...
Then there was just a short gobbet to go ...
The pond will credit "antinomian" - Xians here, wiki here - as an arcane slur, a flourish and a return to form in the last gobbet - but if the hole in the bucket man had wanted to preen and pontificate and indulge in righteous anger about lawbreakers, surely there were more important and more significant targets to hand ...
And so to the usual "anger with renewables" bonus ...
There were a couple of videos as a distraction ...
... but here the pond must do a spoiler.
Not to mention a scamp and a rapscallion, and a known associate of a long-term windmill hater ...
You might remember the beefy boofhead from
stories such as this one back in November 2022...
Incidentally that link to the anti-windfarm rally still leads to the beefy boofhead's performance
here, with a chance to watch him on
YouTube here ... assuming a stray masochist dropped in for a visit ...
Here, have a cartoon ...
The pond usually doesn't do spoilers so early, but it's worth knowing a little of the history when doing the read ... it's almost up there with those SCOTUS wives, known for there way with flags and with coups ...

The world's largest fusion reactor has finally been completed, but it won't run for another 15 years, project scientists have announced.
The International Fusion Energy Project (ITER) fusion reactor, consisting of 19 massive coils looped into multiple toroidal magnets, was originally slated to begin its first full test in 2020. Now scientists say it will fire in 2039 at the earliest.
This means that fusion power, of which ITER's tokamak is at the forefront, is very unlikely to arrive in time to be a solution for the climate crisis.
"Certainly, the delay of ITER is not going in the right direction," Pietro Barabaschi, ITER's director general, said at a news conference on Wednesday (July 3). "In terms of the impact of nuclear fusion on the problems humanity faces now, we should not wait for nuclear fusion to resolve them. This is not prudent."
The world's largest nuclear reactor and the product of collaboration between 35 countries — including every state in the European Union, the U.K., China, India and the U.S. — ITER contains the world's most powerful magnet, making it capable of producing a magnetic field 280,000 times as strong as the one shielding Earth.
The reactor's impressive design comes with an equally hefty price-tag. Originally slated to cost around $5 billion and fire up in 2020, it has now suffered multiple delays and its budget swelled beyond $22 billion, with an additional $5 billion proposed to cover additional costs. These unforeseen expenses and delays are behind the most recent, 15-year delay.
Never mind, an SMR it must be, and so to a final gobbet ...

For anyone wondering, that last link led to a story by a lesser member of the Kelly gang, because you've got to keep the aged demographic deep inside the hive mind ...
The pond couldn't quite work out the relevance, but it never can with reptile links ...
And so on, and the pond, having done its reptile duty, can offer up a final cartoon ...
Bit late with this, but I saw Peta won a place yesterday. Not happy to see her there, however, I was heartened by this observation, " She's such a lightweight bubble head, sublimely unaware and monstrously stupid....... "
ReplyDeleteWhere to start? How about an article from The Wall Street Journal on the evils of windfarms - oops, sorry my mistake, that's the glory of windfarms: A Conservative Farm Town Went Green Without Really Trying
"The farm town of the future is visible long before you reach the city limits (of Morris, Minnesota), thanks to a pair of wind turbines rising as high as the Statue of Liberty above the flat terrain. They pump cheap electricity into the local grid, providing the energy to make carbon-neutral fertilizer. Closer in, cows graze next to solar panels that provide them with shade. A county-wide compost operation disposes of food and agricultural waste, electric buses take kids to school, the public library relies on geothermal heating and even a city-owned liquor store has rooftop solar panels."
"Wind also powers a federally funded pilot project to make “green ammonia,” fertilizer made without fossil fuels by using wind energy to generate the heat and pressure needed to mix nitrogen and hydrogen into the ammonia compound. A small demonstration system is being replaced by a $12-million experimental factory scheduled to come online in September and churn out one metric ton a day. Having access to a local, inexpensive source of fertilizer is a game changer for farmers."
Secondo, The Media Kept Assange Behind Bars
"The establishment press acted in concert to assassinate the character of the WikiLeaks founder, making it respectable to hate him, writes Jonathan Cook."
Beware, he attacks - Marina Hyde!
There is no challenge left with the Henry. He is now irretrievably set in volleys of ever more obscure quotes to establish what he might even believe is a defensible moral position to support what he will then ramble on about. For this day, he mixes that with runs of innuendo about the legal system of another country, which somehow proves that 'official' secrecy is justified, particularly when it is imposed by - the officials on whom it might reflect badly.
ReplyDeleteThat all suits the Reptile business model. I noted that the Woman from Wycheproof had no qualms about claiming she had been with the 'in' crowd for high level briefings - then identified the subject of some of those briefings (Julian Assange) with broad reference to his dastardly behaviour.
But for some of this day I have been bemused by another aspect of the Reptile business model - as it applies to 'Sky'. According to some of the news sites I look at, there was an election in the UK yesterday. But one would have real trouble finding any reference to that during this day, on 'Sky' for Oz. The clips were more involved with trivia from the USA - the same clips of Joe Biden stumbling on the steps up to AF 1, four years back, tripping on the sandbags that were supposed to make demountable fence lines safer - and so on. Hmmm, thought I - perhaps the open borders policy (to quote Reptiles on immigration) of the Labor government has seen a surge in arrivals from the USA - that would explain the weighting (bias is not the appropriate word!) towards USA in these broadcasts in Australia.
So I checked the readily-available listings of residents of Australia by place of birth. Ah - born in the USA (familiar line) accounts for 114 000 residents of our land. So, let me see - that United Kingdom - add those born in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland and we get - interesting number - 1 141 000. Just on ten times as many. Oh well, ten minutes a week of Brendan O'Neill covers their interests here, plus the scores from Wimbledon when an Aussie is playing. Meanwhile - where's that clip of Joe Biden's bicycle -haven't run that since Monday.
As to 'official secrecy' Chad, I think we're still suffering from the situation back in WWII when some level of secrecy was justified - wouldn't want to publish the plans for the Normandy landing in the daily papers - when it was carried on into the era of the Cold War and continues on even now. After all, who's going to change it ?
DeleteAs to Holely Henry, he seems to have changed since he apparently became sundered from Thucydides. So now we just get more and more obscurity and less and less sensibility (not that there ever was all that much).
For the Pommy elections, I think it is worth noticing that Labour supposedly simply maintained its vote at the same level it was back 5 years ago when they lost a 'landslide' to Boris Johnson (who ?). So clearly the Tories lost rather than that Labour 'won'. But then, since the total vote was significantly down this time, maybe Labour's result in holding its level was a 'win' after all.
As to Miss Wycheproof, well what can ever be said that isn't just a waste of time and effort ?
The world is getting more and more disconnected and decentralised - even the farmers are doing it:
ReplyDeleteElectrifying the farm: ‘It could add a couple of hundred thousand to our bottom line’
No matter how the Murdoch paid propagandists try and spin it, the big failure was Weasel Farage, claiming his party rocked the Tory establishment, the fact is the little weasel only managed 5 Seats, after he and his Murdoch cheer squad were predicting at least 13 to 15 Seats. 5 out of 650, lol.
ReplyDeleteSinn Féin won 2 more seats than Farage.
Farage got so much coverage here, by all the media, including the ABC, that everybody here knows who the bum is.
I had no clue who led The Liberal Democrats, who won 71 and probably 1 more after a recount in one Scottish Seat.
Why I did not know, because the Press here totally ignored him, unlike the weasel Farage.
Plus of course. the Bromacer hates the result, so plays down the massive victory as some sort of minor protest vote.