Friday, June 21, 2024

The pond is on a short travel break ...


For those who came in late, the pond is off in the wilds.

It has now left sunny Melbourne, land of trams, beautiful one day, perfect the next ...

The pond regrets that it didn't find the space to admire the many bits of filigree ...

The pond was also disappointed it didn't have a chance to celebrate the building frenzy on Smith street, full of sophisticated developments and inspirational copy...

And notable landmarks went unnoted, even if worthy of a Napoleonic parade ...

This is just a page holder, a way of keeping the comments section open and also offer an apology to the deep north at the way the pond has focussed in an unseemly way on the deep south ...

Congratulations again to Tarong and Callide in Queensland, part of the world's closest nuclear movement ... a nukessie-ism, so to speak ..

Meanwhile, the pond anticipates starting herpetology studies again on the coming Monday ...

No doubt in the interim pagans will be joining the pagan pond in celebrating the winter solstice ...

The pond also wants to stay in touch with the immortal Rowe ...

What a splendid set of portraits, with this one being undiluted Tamworth and much to be proud of...

It's always in the details ...

And finally a fond farewell to an actor who has graced the pond's banner for many a year, and somehow managed to make many stinkers bearable, while sometimes producing some striking moments and remarkable images ...

Please nuke the comments section, knowing that soon the reptile horror, the pod people, the hive mind dwellers, will return ...


  1. Gone, and never once strode Sturt St nor joined the bar at The Mallow.
    Next time???

    The Athens of the South | The Courier | Ballarat, VIC
    "Ballarat has a well-earned reputation for being a centre of the arts."

  2. A beautiful snap of Tramelbourne - it's a shame that all the trees detract from the poles.
    Just being serious for a minute, a thought for the future; with super-battery or hydrogen fuel trucks, perhaps trams could go the same way, thereby enabling the removal of all the poles and wires. It is hard to imagine what the great southern capital would look like without the poles and wires - perhaps we could just leave them there even if they are not needed, like some of the cable tv lines which now provide roosting space for the birds, to preserve the look of Tramelbourne. This would also avoid the need for producing a new set of postcards of Tramelbourne.

    [Just as an aside, how would a tram with an SMR go? Just ask Peter. Even further aside, it is possible that Peter has nuked himself this time - I struggle to remember a policy, if you can call it such, landing to such a chorus of negativity. Michelle Grattan on the ABC News site did her best to say something positive, or neutral, about it. Who said the ABC is a conservative-free zone?]

    I must say I like the sound of Brissie-ism - a term which could be used to describe all manner of things, cultural or otherwise. I will add this to my dictionary of 'elite' words. AG.

    1. Don't you worry, Anony, the Murdoch Media - along with its fellow travelling Nine News and Seven News - will have them back in positive state as quick as a wink. Just look what they achieved with "the voice" (not "Voice"). Birds of a feather and so forth.

  3. Nuclear Roulette Rowe's my boat.
    Details. The 2 piles of black chips just under 'spin" are being played by 2 shadowy figures.

    Who are they?
    The rhs silhouette looks like Pete "ooos photographer" Costello.???

  4. If Dutton really wanted a SMR the only party likely to deliver on time and on budget would be his preferred enemy


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