Thursday, February 08, 2024

In which the pond does a hard petulant Peta pass, before veering off into the land of Killers and Lynch mobs ...


Every so often the pond drops in on the reptiles in the late afternoon to see who from the second rank or the hack brigade have been elevated to maintain the level of whining, and yesterday saw a motley crew moaning about losses, pips squeaking, and offering up negative gearing as a new old front in the tax wars ...


Down below there was an odd coupling, with the lesser member of the Kelly gang coupled with the hardly bearable Bearup fixation ...

Um, shouldn't that now read the "bipartisan revamp of the tax system"?  Or has Captain Spud changed his mind?

Not being able to bear Bearup, the pond thought it should run a Wilcox to celebrate the lesser Kelly's work, still struggling against the tide, back to the future...

The pond dwelt on the past because, like bad smells, they were still hanging around in the morning, while early this day perched in the far right spot in the digital edition sat a raven crowing far worse than "nevermore" ...,

The pond was halted in its tracks by petulant Peta's ability to mangle words into blather about "a green-leftist corporatist state" ...

There won't be any late arvo spot for petulant Peta. The pond dipped a toe in the water, and got this far ...

Have you ever wondered why big business was so totally behind the failed voice campaign and, before that, in favour of same-sex marriage? Has it ever puzzled you that the green-left now consistently outspends the conservative side of politics in election campaigns, even though it’s the Coalition that was always thought to represent the “big end of town”?
There are a number of factors at work here: the sustained leftist indoctrination of the bright students (once just at uni but now in schools too) who eventually go on to dominate the commanding heights of our society and economy; plus the “long march of the left” more generally through our institutions.
But a key element in the radicalisation of big business and in the avalanche of money to support leftist causes has been the mobilisation of our savings into union-dominated superannuation funds that are staffed by Labor activists and largely run by former Labor politicians.

It was the "long march through our institutions" that did the trick. 

The pond learned early on that listening to the neighbour's cockie indulge in a few mindless swear words was a party trick that soon palled and became exceptionally tedious, and following petulant Peta in a long march through super was way too much for any koala to bear. The pond would begin to moan about the feckless fees charged by private super, at some fair cost to the pond, and we could be here all day ...

But if not petulant Peta, then who, what, when, how, why?

Yes, it was slim pickings ... the reptiles had managed to ignore the story in the Graudian, Closing the Gap will fail without 'fundamental change', scathing report finds ...

Mentioning it was the only way the pond could manage to drag in the infallible Pope of the day ...

And the Climate Council also had a report out, Aussie Summer Whiplash Explained: Climate Chane Fuelling Unpredictable Fires, Storms and Heat ... (the report itself could be downloaded here).

That's a tropical storm in a bathtub to the Bjorn-again mob ...

The pond only mentions these things as evidence that it's aware there's an alternative universe out there ... before plunging down the rabbit hole with the Lynch mob, doing their level best to bring disgrace, shame and odium to the University of Melbourne's name ...

The pond is well over US politics this year, but still retains an idle curiosity at the way that the reptiles reflexively manage to indulge in worship of the tangerine tyrant ...

Dear sweet long absent lord, he still has students?And he still tortures them with papers? 

The pond supposes one of the set topics involves the mango Mussolini's triumph of building a gigantic wall, better than Hadrian's Wall, bigger than the great wall of China, and then double whammy, making Mexico pay for it ... and he's still pulling off astonishing deals ...

Okay, the pond broke early, and went the cartoon relief, but so did the remnants of the lizard Oz graphics department, flooding the wayward prof's piece with very large, and not particularly illuminating stills ...

Stripped of the padding, you could do the prof's essay in small chunks ...

Meanwhile, thanks to the influence of the mango Mussolini, the country is surging ahead in solutions to assorted issues ...

At this point the prof came up with what sounded a bit like a billy goat butt ...

Indeed, history will also record that the largest genocide in recent times also happened under Biden's watch, and as for those astonishing Abraham Accords, how are they holding up? Cue the Jerusalem Post ...

Israel must recognize a Palestinian state at the pre-1967 lines in order to normalize ties with Saudi Arabia, the Kingdom’s Foreign Ministry said in a statement that appeared to douse US President Joe Biden’s hope for a trilateral deal between Washington, Riyadh, and Jerusalem this year.
“The Kingdom has communicated its firm position to the US administration that there will no diplomatic relations with Israel unless an independent Palestinian state is recognized on the 1967 border with east Jerusalem as its capital,” the Saudi Foreign Ministry said.
It added that "the Kingdom reiterates its call to the permanent members of the UN Security Council that have not yet recognized the Palestinian state, to expedite the recognition of the Palestinian state on the 1967 borders, with east Jerusalem as its capital, so that the Palestinian people can obtain their legitimate rights and so that a comprehensive and just peace is achieved for all.”
It issued its statement just one day after US Secretary of State Antony Blinken visited Saudi Arabia and met with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud in Riyadh on Monday.

Apparently they're also going to take over tennis, so you wouldn't want to be out and proud and want to make a raquet in the kingdom ...

Meanwhile, the University of Melbourne prof - that's right he's upholding the proud traditions of the University of Melbourne - finished his impression of Mike Johnson ...

... with this short gobbet, ending appropriately with a credit to the University of Melbourne ...

He rather thinks he might? Presumably that's on the basis that while in office, the mango Mussolini could be relied on to be as reliable and as filling as a fast food burger, with nary a hint of chaos or a parade of lackeys shuffled in and out of his team ...

Never mind, if he wins, we can always call on a Seal team ...

That wise prof advice to forget about January 6th - any coup is a minor banana republic matter - saw Killer take up the cause with lusty Killer vigour ...

If there's a conspiracy doing the rounds, Killer will be there to find it ...

The pond can still vaguely remember that old Murdochian chant, you do the crime, you do the time. 

These days it seems, you molest women, and you get featured in a Killer story ... which probably explains why they also dressed in Kamela as a distraction ...

And with the snaps out of the way, just like the Prof, Killer could be done in small gobbets ...

Now there's how to downsize a coup, and prepare the ground for the return of the Messiah ... and he'll make Mexico pay even more, just like he did before ...

Sorry, but the pond can only take so much of Killer's special pleading without a cartoon to lighten the mood ... now back to conspiracy central ...

Indeed, indeed, where's the harm in a little coup here or there, or fucking with the vote. It's as American as apple pie, and so many are suffering because of their worship of the mango Mussolini ...

And so to end this special pleading day for the tangerine tyrant, with a hint of deep, dark conspiracies, brought to light by a Killer investigation ...

Thomas Massive?

FFS. If Killer is going to get into the conspiracy racket, at least he should get his references right ...

How long has this massive circus been going down? 

How long have assorted conspiracy theories done the rounds in lieu of actual government? 

Cue a sample of a Rolling Story story from back in July 2023 ...

 And just to complete that flashback, here's that hint of irony ...

New rule: you do the crime, you seek the pardon ... or perhaps get Killer to plead for you ...

And with all that done, here's an immortal Rowe to wrap things up ...

... and as always when identifying cancerous growths, it's the detail that matters, as scathing a medical report as the pond has seen ...


  1. "Apparently they're also going to take over tennis...". Well, they've already taken over golf, so why not ? Next comes cricket and finishing the takeover of soccer.

  2. Oh here we go with KillerC: "...or the rampant shoplifting that blights big Democrat-controlled cities." Yeah, no shoplifting in any "big" Republican-controlled cities, is there. And no murders or gun deaths or school shootings either, is there. In fact, every big Republican-controlled city is like paradise-on-earth.

    Then there's the bit about how jailing the Jan6 "harmless individuals" "...destroys what remains of their often-modest lives, without obviously serving to reduce the likelihood of such riots occurring again." Well of course it won't, and that's why Republican-controlled cities don't jail shoplifters, no matter how trivial the "lifting", so that the likelihood of such behaviour isn't reduced.

    Anyhow, "The same zeal to track down rioters wasn't observed in the wake of George Floyd's death in 2020..." No, I guess it wasn't, maybe because active insurrection is seen as a much greater crime.

    But if there's mention of George Floyd, maybe this is relevant:
    "As the New York Times reported July 3, four recent polls 'suggest that about 15 million to 26 million people in the United States have participated in demonstrations over the death of George Floyd and others in recent weeks. These figures would make the recent protests the largest movement in the country’s history, according to interviews with scholars and crowd-counting experts'."

    I don't think that many people could fit into the Capitol buildings. Nor into American jails.

  3. I know that a busy, hard-hitting journos can’t waste valuable time verifying information before going to print, but it might have boosted Killer’s credibility a smidgen (up from its current level of 0%) if he was able to provide credible sources for such claims as -

    Judges expressing dismay at the severity of sentences handed down to 6 January rioters: who are these outraged judges - the likes of Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito, perhaps? Some obscure member of the judiciary in a Red State? Where and how have they expressed their concerns? Perhaps it was some liberal pinko judge - aren’t conservatives supposed to support “tough on crime” approaches?

    Rampant shoplifting in Democrat-run cities: that’s interesting - I didn’t realise that such comparisons were routinely made. Perhaps Killer would like to provide a source for these statistics, provide for context for any claims of rampant growth in shoplifting (and indeed, what sort of items are being increasingly stolen), and outline whether and what comparative breakdowns are made in other categories of crime.

    New York coppers being bashed by illegal immigrants: At least I think it’s probably police that Killer means when he mentions “offers”. Or maybe it is indeed some sort of abuse of offers of housing, education places, or shop discounts that he’s citing, as I’ve not heard of any recent major incidents of NY plods being attacked in force by evil illegals . Of course I haven’t gone hunting for confirmation, but I would have thought such incidents, if genuine, would have made a bit of a splash in even the local media.

    You wouldn’t simply be recycling far right conspiracy theories, would you Killer? I know you’ve been hanging around with the likes of Steve Bannon, but surely that sort of stuff should be a bit rich for the Flagship?

    1. Make a splash in the "local media", Anony ? You do know who owns the "local media" don't you ? Channel 7, Channel 9 and Murdoch ... and the pointless ABC and that one the reptiles never mention, SBS. So, you wouldn't really expect something like 'wokies attack plods' to really make a splash, would you ?

  4. I know it doesn't fit the thinking of most of the 'contributors' to a publication called 'The Australian', for them to focus on matters of more direct interest to, um - Australians, but, yesterday, Prof. Allan Fels spoke at the national press club - apparently, the place where members in good standing of 'the press' meet from time to time - anyway, Prof. Fels spoke about the inalienable rights whereby 'People of the same trade seldom meet together, even for merriment and diversion, but the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the publick, or in some contrivance to raise prices'.

    We are assured that 'cost of living cost of living' often comes top of the list, in alleged 'surveys' of what concerns citizens of - Australia. Perhaps. The several overviews of the cameras at the press club showed a gathering taking up about half the usual number of places at these luncheons.

    Prof. Fels followed the custom of speaking for about half his allotted time, to leave a good period for questions from - the press. Which segment of the press was notable for not generating one single question? Easy answer - the reptiles. No identifiable reptile asked a question, and this humble observer could not identify a table of reptiles, or even the odd one or two individuals at other tables.

    I guess the the attitude for those who claim to write on matters of business or economics for Rupert is that, far from them attending on Prof. Fels, he should ask when he might call on Mein Gott, or any of the Dames, or Ms Ton-yee-nee - or whoever - to give them personal, EXCLUSIVE briefing on how various parts of his report will hasten the nigh total collapse of the Australian economy. In doing so, he would have to delete all of his references to the extent of regulation of business across the waters there - where Killer is now observing yer genuine free enterprise, to tell our governments how to butt out of interfering in how business gets on with improving the standard of living and other circumstances of those living in the land of the free.

    1. You do find ways to fill in your spare time. don't you Chad.

      Though I must confess that for want of anything else, I've actually sat through a few episodes of 'Who do you think you are' in recent weeks (you know, the thing that gets broadcast on the 'invisible' SBS, the most recent being Lisa Wilkinson). And I have to say that it's a wonderful commentary on 'Judeo-Christian Western Civilisation', at least as it was practised in the 1700s and 1800s.

      Such pointless and deliberate misery and suffering on so many people for so many years. Makes me proud to be an Englishman.

    2. And gosh, we're still doing it - that's British persistence for you:

      Tables without food, bedrooms without beds. Grinding child poverty in Britain calls for anger – and a plan

  5. I wonder if this is the sort of crap that Killer is basing his fantasies on ?

  6. Now here's something: a Conversation post headed "Supermarkets, airlines and power companies are charging ‘exploitative’ prices despite reaping record profits"

    And here I was thinking that it's because the supermarkets, airlines and power companies' charge 'exploitative' prices that they are reaping record profits. Silly me, just no concept of economic realities.

    1. But here's some enlightened commentary from a chap who does understand economics quite well:

      For corporations, greed is good – so how can Australia really tackle price gouging?

  7. Peta Credlin is a stupid man's idea of a smart woman. I do love how everyone involved with it must think that picture of her resting her chin on her hand makes her look deep and insightful, rather than the preening narcissist she is.


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