The pond is winding down as Xmas approaches, and is looking forward to a break from the unrelenting diet of reptile stew, and yet, as the pond winds down, it seems the reptiles are intent on winding up ...
The pond had completely forgotten about having a war with China by Xmas, but there was Monsieur Dupont on the weekend doing his warrior thing ...
The pond blinked, and so missed it, but luckily today the reptiles have dragged their favourite, moth-eaten old teddy bear out of their Citizen Kane cupboard to maintain the warrior rage ... (every so often the pond quietly celebrates the onion muncher's service) ...
The pond deeply regrets pushing aside important matters to listen to the onion muncher be raucous about AUKUS, but whenever the onion muncher speaks, the reptiles, and so the pond, must listen ... and wasn't it clever for him to talk about "potential foes" when we all know he's talking about bunging on a do, and joining Monsieur Dupont in that War on China by Xmas ...
Be still, beating heart, soon an inspirational flapping sight will flap into view, at least for those who return to the original to see a video clip of Jimbo himself pounding the drums of war ...
Every so often, the pond wonders what it would be like if the reptiles, the onion muncher, Monsieur Dupont and others happened to be like the legendary dog that caught the bus ... but never mind, let the warrior instinct flow ...
Here of course, the great onion muncher is referencing 1 John 14-15: And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us: And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him.
Dear sweet long absent lord, send us ancient submarines, and Royal Navy personnel ...
It was splendid stuff, with Xi trembling in his boots, and no doubt the bromancer grimacing and envious, off stage, and furious at the knowledge that the onion muncher had it all sorted ...
An edited version? So there is some sense of mercy at the lizard Oz?
But the pond stood by its decision, even though it meant that firm pond favourite, brave warrior Major Mitchell, had to be pushed down the page ...
Uh huh, the pond can sense where this is heading, and would like to remind the Major of the sterling role the lizard Oz has played in accepting advertising for those crying freedumb ... and the pond doesn't just mean the likes of Killer Creighton, and the dog botherer, it also means those Clive ads doling out cash for the reptile claw ...

Yes, there's been much crying freedom and closeted anti-vaxxer talk in the lizard Oz, but do go on ...
And apparently you won't find any shame in the Major at the lizard Oz taking Clive's cash in the claw ...
Or perhaps just watch Faux Noise in action, and examine the thoughts and deeds of Tucker Carlson ... or come to think of it, the doings of the mango Mussolini and the GOP ...
If you want to do a nostalgic hippie trip, why not head off to Rolling Stone back in September celebrating the way The Anti-Vaxx Movement Is Taking Over the Republican Party ...
For the pond it reached peak stupidity when it saw MAGA flags at the latest Melbourne demonstration ... apparently the transfusion of American madness is almost complete, no doubt thanks to the able assistance provided by the reptiles ...
What the fuck? How long has that nonsense been going on?
Cue a Vanity Fair story back in October about Faux Noise, and the nonsense being spouted on air up against Fox's strict in-house policies ...
Over the past six months, Fox News personalities have used the network’s platform to liken vaccine mandates to apartheid, accused the Biden administration of using vaccine requirements to banish “sincere Christians in the ranks” of the military, and otherwise undermined the efficacy of vaccines nearly every day…
...While the network did somewhat bend on the issue over the summer, as a number of anchors promoted the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines, Carlson never broke, and he continued his fight against the jab even if it meant actively undermining the pro-vaccine remarks made by his colleagues. Though, Carlson is not alone in that respect. Sean Hannity, Fox’s second-most popular host behind Carlson, had a brief stint in which he voiced support for vaccines and recommended that his viewers “take COVID seriously,” but his apparent change of heart was remarkably short-lived. Following those remarks in July, Hannity assured his fans that he was by no means “urging people to get the COVID-19 vaccine” but to “do the research.” And Hannity has only renewed his concerns about the country’s low vaccination rate in an effort to demonize the “unvaccinated” migrants crossing the U.S.-Mexico border. “An unprecedented multimillion-person surge, all these unvaccinated illegal immigrants packed into Biden’s cages, Biden’s overcrowded cages, makeshift tents, no social distancing, and as I pointed out, not even any testing––never mind a vaccine,” Hannity said on Wednesday night while running an ad that depicted migrants as disease-ridden. “We will never know, by the way, how many Americans died because they were infected by the illegal immigrants that Joe Biden is processing through the country and dispersing all around the rest of the country.”
That same night, Fox News host Laura Ingraham, who has previously accused “anti-freedom” Democratic lawmakers of forcing an “experimental drug on Americans against their will,” used the alarmingly high nationwide COVID death toll as a political cudgel against the Biden administration. “Why didn’t Biden step down today? According to Johns Hopkins, more people died of COVID in 2021 than all of 2020,” she said. “So despite being handed vaccines, promising therapeutics, Biden has presided over a year of death.”
On the matter of COVID deaths, the daughter of an unvaccinated man who died of COVID-19 last month partially pinned her father’s death on Carlson’s promotion of vaccine misinformation. “He watched some Tucker Carlson videos on YouTube,” said Katie Lane while discussing her father’s death on CNN. “And some of those videos involved some misinformation about vaccines. And I believe that that played a role.”
While it is difficult to quantify the effects caused by Fox’s anti-vaccine push, the progressive media watchdog group Media Matters released a report this week detailing just how committed the network apparently is to undermining vaccines. Fox News has aired segments denigrating COVID-19 vaccines or pro-vaccine policies on all but two days over the last six months, according to the report. “Fox pushed a claim undermining vaccines during 99% of the days [from April through September],” the report states, noting that it “deemed claims to be undermining vaccines if they described the vaccines as: unnecessary or dangerous; coercive, representing government overreach, or violating personal freedom or choice; or cynical ploys for political or financial gain.”
You won't read anything about that in the Major's piece. Say what you will, the Major is loyal and knows that staying mum, or perhaps freedumb, is the word ...
And what of the reptiles' role in fanning vaccine hesitancy? What of Killer Creighton and his fabulously Freudian fear of the mask? What of the dog botherer on the weekend doing his Susan Hayward impression and shrieking that he wants to live?
Come on Major, step up. Sure there are some classic loons pissing outside the tent, but what about the loons pissing inside your tent?
And so to a novelty item to wrap things up ...
Yes, tell that to indigenous people that coon was just a name and not a slur. It was all the go once upon a time in Tamworth ... and it was breathtaking, the way people went around reassuring all the coons that it wasn't a slur, it was just a name ...
In much the same way as the pond dubbing Frank "Fuckwit Frank" is deeply affectionate, and not intended at all as a slur on his ability to think ...
Hear you out Frank? No, the pond is just about done with you ... sure there's a gobbet to go, but the pond is suddenly feeling very tired ...
Frank is a Melbourne businessman? And there was the pond thinking that Frank was a Melbourne comedian with a rather boring routine ... but that final plea to accept the Nazis of the past no doubt deeply moved the Nazis of the present ...
And so to a Rowe the pond can accept, with more more than acceptable Rowe available here ...
Oh what wags they are, and the tragedy of the banana, when everyone knows a banana should be stuffed in the diff ...
Just spent a week in Ben Boyd National Park.
ReplyDeleteAhh yes, the "Scottish entrepeneur", yes yes, marvellous fellow - largest land-owner in NSW, yes, yes, marvellous, "slaver" - what??? Developer of black-birding, or enslaving Pacific Islanders to extend the good of the rich white colonialists.
Frankly Mr Galbally, to imagine that young persons of all colours could not be inspired and impressed that achievements such as those by Mr Boyd really does push my woke button hard. What? Wipe his name and re-name, say perhaps in the language of the original owners? Oooh, trolling at its finest eh Frank?
I've never liked either Melbourne or Victoria for what I hope are fairly obvious reasons - though I wasn't aware of "Lord" Melbourne's defence of slavery. More just his, and her, right-wing shitheadedness.
DeleteSo bring on the "woke" changes. Maybe we could rename the city Florence and the state Nightingale ? She didn't promote or engage in slavery did she ?
"The pond is winding down..."
ReplyDeleteOnly 11 days to the first day of Saturnalia, DP. Hang in there.
So Francis Galbally is "waking up to the absurdity of woke". Now apart from thinking that Mr Galbally wouldn't recognise "woke" even if it pissed all over him, may I just say that I'd much rather be "woke" than be an evil pissfart nong who can only understand what is said if it's exactly what he says. "My point is we must not dscriminate" he preaches whilst ensuring that only his point of view is ever heard.
ReplyDeleteBut never mind, the "guest contributors" to the reptile press are all like that: consider Lomborg, Donnelly, Ridd, Abbott ... yep a veritable who's zoo of them. They fit in with the resident reptiles so very well.
In the meantime, here's a bit of casual reading for all us "wokies":
Patriotism is the key to understanding the fight over critical race theory
"This, for example, is at the heart of the fight over Nikole Hannah-Jones' 1619 Project. It's not about minor errors of fact or even the factual content writ large. It's about what the authors think about America, a word I use advisedly. Do they think America is a great idea enacted by great people who made some mistakes along the way? Or do they think that America is at root a racist country created and built by racist white men who also did a few good things along the way?"
Quite, but then who's discriminating and what can we say about Moreland and Melbourne Australia ?
Just a small point about Maj. Mitch. when he says: "It is indeed odd that coverage of anti-vaxxer misinformation is so often about the right of politics." He means "The Right" but never mind. Do you think that somehow, someday, it might be possible to drive into Mitch.'s skull cavity that the Byron Bay folks do not own, or work for, an international wingnut media empire and that therefore nobody is interested in what the Bay folk have to say ?
ReplyDeleteICYMI: Marjorie Taylor Greene Compares Covid-19 To Cancer, Here’s The Twittersphere Response
ReplyDeleteDidn't miss it, but love that you spread it further Joe. See you and match you ...
... but allowing you can be bothered to do an imbed, you win ...