By the time this goes to air, the pond will have already spent several days in Melbourne doing an anthropological study of a plague infesting the town.
The source of the disease is obvious enough, but studying the way it has moved out from RMIT in Swanston street to the wider community - far beyond South Melbourne - requires a forensic investigation.
The source of the disease is obvious enough, but studying the way it has moved out from RMIT in Swanston street to the wider community - far beyond South Melbourne - requires a forensic investigation.
But enough of environmental hideousness, and architectural filagree Melbourne style.
How to stay true to the weekend contemplation of the reptiles, while away in another town, marvelling at the decline and fall of Victorian civilisation?
All at once, the pond was seized by a metaphysical fit …
How to stay true to the weekend contemplation of the reptiles, while away in another town, marvelling at the decline and fall of Victorian civilisation?
All at once, the pond was seized by a metaphysical fit …
The Red Queen said, ‘That’s a poor thin way of doing things. Nowhere, we mostly have days and nights two or three at a time, and sometimes in the winter we take as many as five nights together — for warmth, you know.’
‘Are five nights warmer than one night, then?’ Alice ventured to ask.
‘Five times as warm, of course.’
‘But they should be five times as cold, by the same rule —’
‘Just so!’ cried the Red Queen. ‘Five times as warm, and five times as cold — just as I’m five times as rich as you are, and five times as clever!’
Why not go back days and days in time, and lump them together?
Anything reptiles scribble at any time is timeless and can be invoked at any time, and it will still provide unceasing joy to any stray passing reveller, and so the pond decided, like a Tamworth dog of old, to return to the vomit produced by the Major Mitchell last Monday …
In its Tamworth days, the pond was always impressed with the way that parrots could give the impression of human intelligence with a keen glance, though truth to tell, a sleepy galah caught on the road at dawn was a prime candidate for road kill …
But it's been such a long time since the pond marvelled at the Major, why not travel back in time to last Monday?
That blather about the ABC reminded the pond immediately why it no longer missed the Major, the joke of him searching high and low for a missing Order of Lenin medal having run its course, and been mocked far and wide …
What cheek for the humbug to propose ideological blinkers, when the man routinely wears eye covers worthy of an SM masquerade ball ...
You see? The Major isn't your ordinary dumb fuck climate science denialist. Your Major is a proud, righteous, up himself dumbfuck delusional narcissist, boasting about the lizard Oz's startling place in the media world, while preening as an expert in climate science denialism …
And as for that talk of Trump derangement syndrome …
Well the pond apologises for that detour into the NY Times here, but the Major manages it every time … he produces pond derangement syndrome, down there with RMIT syndrome …
The reptiles manage to be a bit more canny in their talk of invaders, infestations, and disease-laden aliens …
The reptiles manage to be a bit more canny in their talk of invaders, infestations, and disease-laden aliens …
They'll probably get there in the end, but meanwhile, the notion of paying for the thoughts of Major Mitchell suggests that on the right day you can fool punters into buying a half-warmed, sawdust-laden pie at a sporting event ...
Before the pond gets on to those examples, if the lizard Oz is doing so wonderfully well, why do they keep on bleating on about the ABC, or drifting back to nostalgia la la land when they could berate the Fairfaxians? It seems the Major can't come to grips with the papers now being owned by Nine …
Another feature is the way that the reptiles shamelessly recycle their talking points over and over again, borrowing from fellow reptiles to harp away at the same old same old ...
Israel Folau didn’t use any such language in his own proselytising it should be noted; the mention of “idolators” going to hell covers not only non-Christians, not even only non-Protestants, but also those Protestants who vary from Folau’s specific beliefs. The “synagogue of Satan” reference is so sizzling that it was left out of Brad Norington’s coverage in The Australian — either by Norington himself, or excised by subs conscious of the pro- and anti-Folau factions in the Oz.
Excisions, ideological blinkers, a reptile house divided against itself?
That sounds like a fit subject for a Sunday meditation, but the pond will not be denied another little outburst …
And now to a beautiful parrot "tell" ...

Well there's a set of tidy lies, dressed up by the Major with nostalgia about the way he set it all up. The reptiles rarely pay attention to the many stories doing the rounds about the planet, and the effects being observed and explained by climate scientists.
Note instead first the talk of climate scientists, and in opposition, the "many people who disagree: and "readers", and it's not until the end that the Major remembers to throw in "many prominent senior scientists".
It's nonsense of course, and there's a vast world outside the lizard Oz and the ABC who have paid attention to actual events in the world, such as Greenland's ice wasn't supposed to melt like last week until 2070 …
What do the reptiles serve up instead, and expect mug punters to pay for the pleasure?
Oh fucketty fuck, more blather about the ABC and groupthink, when the lizard Oz reptiles are saturated in groupthink kool aide drinking sessions.
The dog botherer as a climate scientist, the Bolter, and the rest of the pack of ideologically blinkered clowns?
By Sunday it'll be a tad late, but instead, here's the infallible Pope on a subject that should have intrigued the reptiles …
And so to a bonus …
Now the pond will confess to having only one motive for running a piece from the WSJ:
That mention of Putin set the pond off … and David Rowe has been having a fine old time with Moscow Mitch … (and as always there's more Rowe here).
The days of the United States posing as a protector of, and an example to, the supposedly free world have long gone. And yet delusional reptile scribblers, beavering away for Chairman Rupert still trot out the same old memes ...
Yes, but let's not wonder how long before Bolton manages to produce a war somewhere in the world, while the Trumpists ensure that the Taliban regain power in Afghanistan, and those fundies will no doubt go on to ban music, women and all those other tricky bits they don't like …
Let's just celebrate where the United States has reached ...
And so to a final gobbet of examples of the American delusion at work ...
The autocrat in Moscow is complaining? Now there's a rich one, and that's why the pond thought it such fun to read ...
Maj Mitch: "...this is one of the few papers in the world whose paid digital circulation has passed its all-time print circulation high. It now sits, in print and digital, about 50 per cent above its print peak."
ReplyDeleteAnd all this has happened, if indeed any of it has really happened, since the Major "retired". Now that's a true success story for him, isn't it.
So, as you say DP: "... the reptiles shamelessly recycle their talking points over and over again..."
Yep, the litany of lies that forms the reptile catechism. Over and over and over again and again and again ... But then, we know that a reliable way to induce people to believe in falsehoods is frequent repetition - note Trump's lies and Faux Noise.
And that's why Maj Mitch delivers this asininity:
"Readers today can find out for themselves online the truth about sea level rises, sinking islands, the pause in temperature rises, the backlash against renewables in Europe and Canada, the many prominent senior scientists who disagree with the IPCC about the role of CO2."
Now every single one of those reptile lies has been refudiated many times, but that has absolutely no effect on the reptiles. As Daniel Kahneman puts it: "We know that people can maintain an unshakeable faith in any proposition, however absurd, when they are sustained by a community of like minded believers."
[Kahneman: Thinking, Fast and Slow, p217]
But then, as Kahneman also says: "We are ignorant, and we are ignorant of our ignorance."
And personally, I'm very happy to remain totally ignorant of both Bolton and Moscow Mitch.
The Major's list makes his pursuit of the Order of Lenin look like one of his more lucid moments.
ReplyDeleteThe antepenultimate (did I get that right?) paragraph is a corker. Does every nut-job who wants to disagree really deserve the same coverage as the experts. We are talking about a ninety nine percent consensus now .
If you are a one percenter perhaps that is the level of coverage you should get.
I would also point out that the dissenters in, say, the field of economics don't get any coverage in the Oz. There are plenty of heterodox economists who are keen to point out the failures of neoliberalism but they are invisible to the Oz.
Perhaps its the Murdochracy that needs more "balance"
I rather liked the penultimate para too, Bef, where he says: "...the ABC is telling lies about the frequency of extreme weather events." which is based upon Maj Mitch's expert understanding of chapter two of "the IPCC's own latest report".
DeleteNow I would personally be very surprised if Maj Mitch has actually ever read any of the IPCC's reports. But even if he has, I would be even more surprised if he actually understood any part of any of them. As DP says "Your Major is a proud, righteous, up himself dumbfuck delusional narcissist... preening as an expert in climate science denialism …"
But then, that's the way of the reptiles, isn't it: always claiming knowledge or understanding that they simply don't have. As DP puts it: "the pack of ideologically blinkered clowns". So then, who is it that is actually doing the lying ?
It's gone beyond some arcane argument about a long term trend. Not only is the science settled but global warning has become so self-evident that only the truly stupid continue to argue.
DeleteIt's all becoming very pythonesque as the reptiles get buried under the facts. No evidence, no actual argument no references. Just keep repeating "that's not right" or "that's a lie". Apparently the parrot is just sleeping.
Anyway, it's hardly an insight that liars don't tell the truth.
It's been "beyond some arcane argument" for about 120 years, Bef. Ever since Svante Arrhenius formulated and demonstrated his 'greenhouse effect' model back in the late 1900s.
DeletePS: he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1903.
Ooops, sorry, that's in the late 1800s.