Why "Ned"? Pourquoi pas?
The only requirement for a Sunday meditation is a capacity for inducing ennui and a sense of tedium, and in full flight, channeling someone else, nattering "Ned" is a master of the art.
Having copped a full week of the Donald, the pond will likely resort to a simple response, of the "et serpentium, qui tollis peccata mundi misere nobis lacus" kind ...
And yet, for all of that, there's the Donald, chairman Rupert, Fox and Friends, Fox, News Corporation, Hannity, Tucker, and all of that …close-kissing cousins of the Bolter, the Devine, Sky, and yes, it must be said, the bromancer, nattering "Ned" and all the rest at the lizard Oz …
If this is what represents good intentions and good ideas, is it any wonder present and future generations feel deeply fucked? Is it any wonder that the youff of today are tired by tedious old farts blathering on about being a generation being set up for failure, as if News Corps and its serfs and servants were some sort of model for success ...
But do go on ...
Oh and social media …follow the ways of your elders and betters ...
But to go on, the pond is pretty sure that the Donald, chairman Rupert, Fox and Friends, Fox, News Corporation, Hannity, Tucker, and all of that …close-kissing cousins of nattering the Bolter, the Devine, Sky, and yes, it must be said, the bromancer, nattering "Ned" and all the rest at the lizard Oz won't be mentioned.
There'll be others to blame, others to berate ...
There'll be others to blame, others to berate ...
And yet, for all of that, there's the Donald, chairman Rupert, Fox and Friends, Fox, News Corporation, Hannity, Tucker, and all of that …close-kissing cousins of nattering the Bolter, the Devine, Sky, and yes, it must be said, the bromancer, nattering "Ned" and all the rest at the lizard Oz …
But speaking of vulgar youff, and clichés and stereotypes of the generational kind and social media recycling Fox News stories into the ether, and identity politics, can we have an understanding of practitioners of the art in this particular column?
Luckily the reptiles provided an illustration, which made a nice match with another …
Ah yes, that seems clear enough …wired folk of the white-haired king …adding to the blather and the Tower of News Corp Babel ...
And yet, for all of that, there's the Donald, chairman Rupert, Fox and Friends, Fox, News Corporation, Hannity, Tucker, and all of that …close-kissing cousins of the Bolter, the Devine, Sky, and yes, it must be said, the bromancer, nattering "Ned" and all the rest at the lizard Oz …
But no doubt there's a solution to hand … which won't involve mentioning any of that, because there's so many others to blame, so many others to wring hands about, and shout at clouds and keep lawns clear ...
And so to the fundamental problem of fundamentalist religious fanatics, a strand in the United States long before its official foundation …though naturally in the usual way, the coin is flipped, and the talk isn't of religious morality and tribalism, somehow it takes on a secular tinge … (go tell that to Mike Pence and Mother) ...

And yet, for all of that, there's the Donald, chairman Rupert, Fox and Friends, Fox, News Corporation, Hannity, Tucker, and all of that …close-kissing cousins of nattering the Bolter, the Devine, Sky, and yes, it must be said, the bromancer, nattering "Ned" and all the rest at the lizard Oz …
Oh and the Donald chumming about with Epstein, who chummed about - if that's the word - with girls … but let's not talk of ramifications ...
And yet, for all of that, there's the Donald, chairman Rupert, Fox and Friends, Fox, News Corporation, Hannity, Tucker, and all of that …close-kissing cousins of the Bolter, the Devine, Sky, and yes, it must be said, the bromancer, nattering "Ned" and all the rest at the lizard Oz …
And here comes the final gobbet, and what's the bet that at last they'll get a guernsey? Well no, the pond encourages people not to bet on reptile words, because they always disappoint ...

Might it be possible to pursue the truth and pursue social justice at the same time? Apparently not … better to slide back into the primordial swamp ...

And yet, for all of that, there's the Donald, chairman Rupert, Fox and Friends, Fox, News Corporation, Hannity, Tucker, and all of that …close-kissing cousins of the Bolter, the Devine, Sky, and yes, it must be said, the bromancer, nattering "Ned" and all the rest at the lizard Oz … and of course not once were they mentioned in the analysis, yet right now, for all the talk of all the other problems in the world, this was an elephant trumpeting in the room, and neither Kelly nor Haidt mentioned it …
What Donald Trump and his team are doing to science and social justice, the environment and many other things, requires a mind wipe ...
The pond had an overwhelming desire to tell Haidt to head back to where he came from, and perhaps Kelly should too, though in that case, the pond might meet up with him in Ireland, so where's the benefit?
There's nothing to be learned from Haidt's blather, as channelled like an ouija board by nattering "Ned', and the pond can already feel it receding deep into the swamp-like recesses of the mind ...
And so with mind wiped, the pond turned to Dame Slap for a shallow, devious debate, as the reptiles once again speak out loud and proud against those uppity, tricky, confecting blacks ...

Of course the pond could write this in its sleep. It's simple enough, bugger off tricky, devious blacks, no room at the inn for you …
And so to Dame Slap demonstrating how she too can do a Barr ...

Yes, indeed, the one thing that's certain is tricky, devious blacks can't be trusted, and they will certainly go awry, unlike such expert parliamentarians of the onion muncher - oh will he never return? - and Cory kind ...

Around this point, the pond began to nod off, but perked up when it remembered that in better days, Dame Slap went beyond bashing pesky, difficult, uppity blacks with grandiose ideas … s
She was able to spot the way the United Nations was using climate science to establish world government …so please allow the pond to pause to celebrate with an anniversary …
Meanwhile, it seems pretty fair to say that the reptiles will do their best to defeat any measure, any referendum, any chance of giving the minority original owners of the country a fair shake of the prawn … by drowning them and any ideas of giving them a voice in a barrage of saucy doubts and fears, equivocations and hair-splitting …

You know, it would have been possible for Dame Slap to take a positive view, to make suggestions, propose ways for an indigenous voice to become a reality. But it's not the Dame Slap way … negativity, denial, knocking down, that's the natural Dame Slap way …pissing on people from a low height, as it were ...
It might be possible to hope for a miracle, a way of arriving at some transformation ...
… but not really. Dame Slap's face is resolute, there's no room for pesky, difficult blacks at the inn. The reptiles are agin it, and it's dead in the water, and if any learned ponce comes forward with a proposal, the reptiles will do their very best to mock it and undermine it ...

Read those last few lines, and it's clear where the reptiles stand.
"It is high time supporters of the voice ..."?
What that really means is that it's low time for haters and deniers of the voice, and Dame Slap is leading the way with her usual hating and denying. She could have elevated the debate, but she preferred to knock. It suits her to designate it a shallow and devious debate, while blathering about constitutional sabotage …
Does she have a model in mind? Of course not, the only model she has is the 'do nothing' model … because, after all, they're only tricky, uppity, confecting blacks ...
Sorry, uppity blacks, Dame Slap will do for you and your voice what she did to climate science … in much the same way as the Donald, Chairman Rupert, Fox, Hannity, Tucker, and all the rest of the reptiles are doing things to the United States and the planet …remember, all of them, including Dame Slap, have donned the MAGA cap ...
"And yet, for all of that, there's the Donald, chairman Rupert, Fox and Friends, Fox, News Corporation, Hannity, Tucker, and all of that …close-kissing cousins of nattering the Bolter, the Devine, Sky, and yes, it must be said, the Bromancer, nattering "Ned" and all the rest at the lizard Oz …"
ReplyDeleteAnd the KKK, DP, don't forget the KKK:
"The Ku Klux Klan, with its long history of violence, is the most infamous — and oldest — of American hate groups. Although black Americans have typically been the Klan's primary target, it also has attacked Jews, immigrants, gays and lesbians and, until recently, Catholics."
"According to the Tuskegee Institute, 4,743 people were lynched between 1882 and 1968 in the United States, including 3,446 African Americans and 1,297 whites."
And Andrew Kehoe too, of course. Never forget Andrew Kehoe, an historical trendsetter among those committed to pointless, causeless individual violence.
And then we have "Ned" passing on the gravid thoughts of Haidt: "So far there has been little political violence in the US ..."
Sure, Johnny boy, sure.
But then, Ned says: "In general, identity politics is a good thing, "not morally problematic"..."
Ooops ?! Who's going to tell that to the reptiles ?
And as for Dame Slap, well: "... it would have been possible for Dame Slap to take a positive view, to make suggestions, propose ways for an indigenous voice to become a reality. But it's not the Dame Slap way "
So now, at the risk of repeating myself, we know precisely why Dame Slap has been appointed as Chairman of the IPA.