The pond gets it … it was hoping this weekend to head out on to fresh pastures, perhaps enjoy a little time with the Fox wars, thanks to the Beast here, or perhaps spend a little time at WaPo here ...
...or at NYmag here ...
But there came a sense of false security, and a mounting sense of alarm.
The reptiles were onto a big one, with the urbane Urban leading the way … and what should have just been a waggish post about the Donald turned out to be an epic journey roughly equivalent to a bad hair day …
The reptiles were onto a big one, with the urbane Urban leading the way … and what should have just been a waggish post about the Donald turned out to be an epic journey roughly equivalent to a bad hair day …
Now it goes without saying that the lizard Oz has nothing to do with the filthy, vile 'leets and aims all its work at the western suburbs, with Ming the Merciless a champion of the working class … so agitation in the ruling classes is just a chance to pay back some hubris and offer some ethnographic observations ...
The pond could sense this might be a matter for Dame Slap - there was an ominous reference to "morality lessons", but surely the reptiles wouldn't let her out from behind the paywall?
Surely the Anglicans would intervene and straighten things out. After all, they know how to keep complimentary women in line. Once more the urbane Urban was on the case ...
Cut the council, cut it short, cut it by COB!
Oh this was building in what the reptiles knew was a slow tease, a kind of necessary promenade before Dame Slap came on the scene, but surely they wouldn't let her out from behind the paywall ...
Oh this was building in what the reptiles knew was a slow tease, a kind of necessary promenade before Dame Slap came on the scene, but surely they wouldn't let her out from behind the paywall ...
It's rare these days that the pond feels like it's being swept back to the 1960s - the acid flashes only seem to come as weird dreams - back to the days when the hair debate was in full swing, and the nuns still got out the ruler to measure the hemline, and ensure everything was modest and proper … and teachers felt they could harass and intimidate to ensure that ancient cultural values remained in full force …and the pond saluted the flag, and marched and marched, and said the mutton Dutton's pledge of allegiance to an imaginary friend and a distant foreign queen ...
But they wouldn't allow Dame Slap to emerge, would they?
They did, they did! The reptiles let Dame Slap out of her cage, and it was on ...
Now it goes without saying that Dame Slap, as a registered member of the proletariat western suburbs is only interested in Trinity in an ethnographic way, and it occurred to the pond that she might ask why there was so much fuss about a little long hair, it not being unusual for long hair to come and go in fads, and for it once to have been sported by kings, even if only as wigs …
Indeed, indeed, cut it off, cut it off …
Of course hair must be above the collar when playing sport.
The pond occasionally pays attention to Melbourne's religion, the AFL - at least once every two hundred years - and just look at the sort of hair styles that ruin the player, the team and the game ...
The pond occasionally pays attention to Melbourne's religion, the AFL - at least once every two hundred years - and just look at the sort of hair styles that ruin the player, the team and the game ...
Oh it was never any good once they shipped Fitzroy and South Melbourne out of the game, was it? (You see, the pond speaks the Melbourne religion as easily as talking of transubstantiation).
As for the question of study, it's clear that unruly and seemly hair can ruin a country. There's no need to look far ...
So the pond is onside. Cut it off, cut it off, and let Dame Slap get into the rucking and the mauling ...
Think Dead Poet's Society?
Hmm, wasn't that a mealy-mouthed, pious, wetly liberal Peter Weir tract dedicated to alternative lifestyles and - gasp - poetry, and didn't the hero scorn maths?
Hmm, wasn't that a mealy-mouthed, pious, wetly liberal Peter Weir tract dedicated to alternative lifestyles and - gasp - poetry, and didn't the hero scorn maths?
On the first day of classes, they are surprised by the unorthodox teaching methods of the new English teacher John Keating, a Welton alumnus who encourages his students to "make your lives extraordinary", a sentiment he summarizes with the Latin expression carpe diem. Subsequent lessons include having them take turns standing on his desk to teach the boys how they must look at life in a different way, telling them to rip out the introduction of their poetry books which explains a mathematical formula used for rating poetry, and inviting them to make up their own style of walking in a courtyard to encourage them to be individuals. His methods attract the attention of strict headmaster Gale Nolan.
Upon learning that Keating was a member of the unsanctioned Dead Poets Society while he was at Welton, Neil restarts the club and he and his friends sneak off campus to a cave where they read poetry and verse, including their own compositions. As the school year progresses, Keating's lessons and their involvement with the club encourage them to live their lives on their own terms. Knox pursues Chris Noel, a girl who is dating a football player from a public school and whose family is friends with his. Neil discovers his love of acting and gets the role as Puck in a local production of A Midsummer Night's Dream, despite the fact that his domineering father wants him in the Ivy League (and ultimately medical school). Keating helps Todd come out of his shell and realize his potential when he takes him through an exercise in self-expression, resulting in his composing a poem spontaneously in front of the class... (Greg Hunt more of the plot here)
What the fuck?
Love of poetry, love of acting, make up your own style of walking, individuality, exercises in self-expression?
Next thing you know, the little fuckers will be wanting to wear their hair long …
You tell 'em Dame Slap, you show 'em what for ...
Love of poetry, love of acting, make up your own style of walking, individuality, exercises in self-expression?
Next thing you know, the little fuckers will be wanting to wear their hair long …
You tell 'em Dame Slap, you show 'em what for ...

It's true, it's true. The pond always wonders where the next generation willing to die like mindless sheep in world wars is going to come from. These wretches with their long hair and their desire to live … how did it come to this?
Truth to tell, the pond suspects it's got something to do with the current fad for beards … oh sure, beards and moustaches were once fashionable, but this revival is ruining sport …
How can he see the ball past that foliage?
And it's ruining politics …
And now for a bit of bashing the young, a skill which Dame Slap has excelled at since she first ran her school in the land above the clouds …

The pond has absolutely no idea why young people think the world is dangerous. Why don't they live in Dame Slap's bubble? As if life in Syria is in any way difficult at the moment …
Where will it end? Next thing you know girlies will be playing footy, and with long hair too, as if they don't have a clue how it's ruining their game …
And while we're at it, no more man buns!
Oh he's well cut, maybe keep the man buns ...
And now since somehow the Donald crept into the discussion, as he seems to creep in all the time, a few more cartoons for danger seekers and death cheaters interested in exciting times …
Hi Dorothy,
ReplyDeleteI’m not sure if you have seen this snippet of Kudlow and Bernie Sanders during the last financial crisis.
Kudlow is literally arguing that the profits be privatised and the losses socialised and now this bozo is going to be steering the US economy.
How long before another crash?
Well when Trumpy sacks him, Kudlow can always get a senior position with the National Farmers Federation. They've been fervently in favour of privatising the profits and socialising the losses for generations.
DeleteWhat's that called ? Oh yes, "agrarian socialism" beloved of all right-thinking Conservatives.
But I've never found out what it's called when the Banks do it. Other than "sound capitalist free market practices", anyway.
What shits me is how every incident at these largely tax payer funded snob factory elite schools is considered newsworthy as former students and hanger oners in the press rush to bore us with the latest mini storm in a doll's playset tea cup, headlines in both the Murdoch bin liners and Fairfax and off course our ABC's very own nightly branch meeting of their Liberal Party Branch, The Drum.
ReplyDeleteThis just reinforces the spoiled brat students and up them selves teaching staff that they are better than everyone else and everything they do is of interested to us mere yokel riff raff. Well it aint of interest!
Umm, well I was always taught that in a well ordered 'free' democracy. laws and rules made by a duly constituted and legally appointed authority were supposed to be obeyed. So presumably the rule that determines that a forcibly applied haircut is an assault is a valid rule that "Brownie" should have known and obeyed. Yes ?
DeleteSo when they "manfully defended Brownie" were they not "manfully defending" an unbridled right to disobey the law ? Isn't that the way to start revolutions that overturn the established order ? And why would a bunch of reptiles want to praise such revolutionary behaviour ?
Yes, I know, it's a silly question because the answer, as always is: "because they are very thick and simply do not grasp the consequences of their own actions.
Perhaps they need to be given a set of 'trigger warnings' and then sent off to a 'safe space' to contemplate their gormless perfidy.