Just a warning for sensitive souls, who might like to sod off ... today is an obscenity-laden story of woe.
You see, little Timmie Bleagh, aka the shithead of Surry Hills, is out and about with his usual shitty Monday story ...
You see? While blathering about faux moral outrage in his usual hypocritical way, the arch hypocrite shithead finds himself laden with an asterick-filled header which talks of S**thole-gate and then attempts to dismiss the impact of an off-the-cuff remark.
If it means so little, shithead, then why didn't you join in the coarsening of the public debate? Why did you feel the need to cover it up, dissemble, put culottes over the confronting table legs as it were, like a Victorian fainting at the shock?
Is it so hard, you humbug, to talk of Shithole-gate being just hot air?
If those liberal WaPo mugs could do it, why couldn't you?
Is it so hard, you humbug, to talk of Shithole-gate being just hot air?
If those liberal WaPo mugs could do it, why couldn't you?
No, confessing to being a fuckwit isn't a defence ...
And now what fun that the Donald has escalated a war with a shitty newspaper at the head of a shitty rapidly shrinking empire ...
By golly, there's something empowering in a Tamworth way about scatological talk, though at one time the pond would have fainted at the use of some words.
Not shithead, which in the context of little Timmie Bleagh has the scientific redemption of accuracy of observable reality, but 'escalates', which naturally led to the horror of "de-escalate", as celebrated in the Graudian with Obama wants to 'de-escalate' but I will be de-happified if we can't de-accelerated of this word ...
Not shithead, which in the context of little Timmie Bleagh has the scientific redemption of accuracy of observable reality, but 'escalates', which naturally led to the horror of "de-escalate", as celebrated in the Graudian with Obama wants to 'de-escalate' but I will be de-happified if we can't de-accelerated of this word ...
Next thing you know there'll be talk of 'elevatoring' - oh wait, there already is ...
Never mind, once in a scatological mood, what better way to turn to continue that to devour the Oreo of the day?
Sadly, it's no mystery, a bit like other Oreos it seems ...
From a marketing standpoint it just doesn't make sense. Why would they release a flavor so similar to one they offered a year ago, and add a guess-the-flavor contest with $50,000 dollars on the line? Where's the mystery? The Challenge? Have they finally lost their edge? (here).
Of course this is to assume that the Oreo ever had an edge, as opposed to a bunch of paranoias, delusions and the endless blather about Orwellian ... like the fuckwitted loon she is ...
...Most alternative models of sexuality... define sexual orientation in terms of dichotomous biological sex or gender... Most theorists would not eliminate the reference to sex or gender, but instead advocate incorporating more complex nonbinary concepts of sex or gender, more complex relationships between sex, gender, and sexuality, and/or additional nongendered dimensions into models of sexuality.
— Paula C. Rodriguez Rust (Greg Hunt that quote here).

Well the pond just had to slip in a 'fuckwit' to avoid being labelled as an Orwellian speaker of forced PC speech ...
Though a few might think the pond passed that test by calling little Timmie Bleagh a shithead, alas that was just a scientific observation of discernible reality ...
Though a few might think the pond passed that test by calling little Timmie Bleagh a shithead, alas that was just a scientific observation of discernible reality ...
And now for the first bite into an Oreo likely to piss a few people off with its predictable flavour ...
So far, so predictable, from a scribbler the pond sometimes thinks of as a hermaphrodite gastropod ...
How many times do we have to go down the road of the natural world to observe the rich and varied dynamics of sex, a world which almost never conforms to the simplistic notions of binary existence and coupling?
How stupid can it get?
It's a biological fact? It's a biological fact that immediately requires a modifier because there's 'intersex biology'?
It's a biological fact? It's a biological fact that immediately requires a modifier because there's 'intersex biology'?
Yes, in the usual way of Greg Hunters, it's possible to head off to discover that there are all sorts of nuances out there in the real world in the "intersex" listing ...
To cope with the diversity, some understand there's something needed that's a little less blinkered, something that won't have to be contradicted in the next sentence after a loon scribbles with enormous stupidity and lack of awareness that "it is a biological fact."
But not the Oreo ... you see, she's concerned about the way that the good old days of talking of darkies and niggers and coons and chinks and such like has gone the way of the dinosaur, thanks to state suppression of free speech, and soon enough she probably won't be able to scribble furiously about poofters and sissies ...

... except of course if you have a test tube and there's a baby in there, thanks to the wonders of modern science ...
By golly, was it that long ago?
But enough of arguing with a fuckwit, because it constantly brings out the pond's desire to scribble in an inelegant, coarsened, Tamworth - or if you will, Donald - way ... so please allow the pond to do a final gobbet and be done with it ...this time replete with sundry paranoias and a persecution complex so rich and deep as to strike the pond as deeply weird ...

The pond never thought it would tire of George Orwell. But the tireless invocation of "Orwellian", an appropriation that does dirt on Orwell and those labelled "Orwellian", is now beyond the valley of the tiresome ...
It's particularly so when the Oreo has spent her time bashing intersex folk, when one of the chief features of the sort of gruesome re-education programs of countries peddling state doctrines is the way they bash homosexual and intersex folk.
Here's the thing. Two plus two might equal four, but in the world of sex, fuckwits should heed the mating siren song of the simultaneous hermaphrodite.
Who knows, instead of being fuckwitted dimwits, sounding off about their persecution complex, they might end up having a decent fuck ... they might even begin to understand there's more to the binary of a Left and Right divide, as if everything must be a deep binary chasm, because that's all there is.
Sheesh, do they ever actually read George Orwell and have the first clue as to what he was on about?
And that, thank the long absent lord, is the end of scatological Monday, and instead the pond can turn to the strange sex life of abandoned nationalist warriors, talking to coconuts as if they were Oreos ...
Great to see you are back and in full swing and taking into describing the puppets at Murdochracy.
ReplyDeleteWould Oreo a have shell to crawl back into when she has fulfilled her adulterated and poisoned spiel.
The Oreo is so out of touch calling Labor "the Left".
ReplyDeleteThat's because that's what it became when she departed: the Left.
DeleteOr maybe vice versa.