Hmmm, that trip to the dentist combined with a mini-retrospective of Tarantino movies seems to have liberated the pond, sent it right off ...but amidst all the Harvey-fuelled nonsense of shows such as Django Unchained and Inglourious Basterds, the pond retains an affection for Christoph Waltz, even as Austria disappears up its far right fundament ...
Somehow it all seemed right, so and just kind of viewing, as preparation for yet another idiot reptile complaint about free speech being trodden on ... when all the pond has seen of late is the Chairman turning up to tell a bunch of lies and hogwash about the culture in Fox News, proving that lies and fake news are now so embedded in News Corp, free lying speech is clearly alive and well, though after a few people noted it, and CNN made a meal of it, here, the Chairman's forelock tuggers, grovellers and supine dissemblers were forced to issue a clarification:
And that's the point of course. Online anything goes - bloggers rant and rail, tweeters tweet outrageous lies of the Donald kind, and the comments on YouTube are a cesspit of filth and depravity, and that's before anyone gets into the weird world of 4Chan, alt right sewers and crazed libertarians, who sometimes get out from their mum's basement so they can shoot people - which the pond regards as a notable form of treading on free speech ...
Meanwhile, the Speccie crew and the reptiles themselves, aligned with the Donald and led by the Chairman, keep on printing all sorts of provocative crap and nonsense - duly noted in the pond's "twofer" comments section - and every so often this is interspersed with some willing tool chirping about how free speech is in dire peril.
The only thing in peril at the pond is how to cope with the tedium ...
Now all this blather needs only to be put up against the sort of trolling indulged in by the Speccie mob to be revealed as half-baked alarmism.
Truth to tell, Sexton has produced the old conflationary argument, moaning about how the real problem will involve religious bodies, then suggesting that it would be terribly expensive for individuals ...
Truth to tell, Sexton has produced the old conflationary argument, moaning about how the real problem will involve religious bodies, then suggesting that it would be terribly expensive for individuals ...
Hint. Tax-free religious bodies have plenty of moola and feel free in spending it to defend their right to be bigots ... just as Akker Dakker and the Bolter and the Devine and the rest of the slavering rabid pack can turn to the Chairman for help should it get ugly.
The last the pond checked the Bolter was still careering down the track in his usual offensive way without any sense of being impeded or silenced ...
Oh sheesh, not the war on Xmas ...
Of course the Bolter always plays the martyr card ...
... when in reality it would take a miracle to shut him up for a nanosecond.
The pond suspects the reptiles are actually hankering for a prosecution so they can keep cultivating a martyred sense of persecution ...
You know, if free speech was such an issue, where's the harm in making fun of Christ or delusionals who think that they have a trinity of imaginary friends, while assembling to indulge in ritual cannibalism over the Xmas break ... (while in Melbourne the pond had to explain the actual meaning of transubstantiation to disbelieving young folk who'd never heard such twaddle before).
Sheesh, if the richly offensive Akker Dakker can start off a piece for the Spectator with this sort of tripe ...
‘Tis the season to be jolly, Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la, Don we now our gay apparel … Oops, I don’t think Don will doing any fa-la-a-la-ing this Christmas, and as for gay apparel, no thanks.
... then the pond can mock the trinitarians in a cheerful way, and all's well with free speech ...
Of course the tiresome Sexton wants to stir the pot and generate a sense of fear and loathing, when all the pond could think of was the pompous Sexton in Much Ado About Nothing:
"Dogberry: God's my life, where's the Sexton? Let him write down the Prince's officer "coxcomb." Come, bind them - thou naughty varlet!"
But enough of high falutin' references, it's on with the Sexton's hand wringing ...

If complaints are actively pursued ...
You see how they yearn and hunger for a do, for someone bunging it on?
In the meantime, it's all just empty rhetoric and posing and the Chairman can keep lying about sexual harassment at Fox and it's all just in a day's work in the failing media ... and in their provocation and trolling, they make the pond think it's in a Tarantino movie, swearing, guns blazing, putting a derringer bullet in the heart of a plantation owner, blowing up an ante bellum pad, confusing the movies with the Nazis, when really it should be disseminating its standard Python Xmas lesson ...
LADY PRESENTER: Well, that's the end of the film. Now, here's the meaning of life. Thank you, Brigitte. M-hmm. Well, it's nothing very special. Uh, try and be nice to people, avoid eating fat, read a good book every now and then, get some walking in, and try and live together in peace and harmony with people of all creeds and nations, and, finally, here are some completely gratuitous pictures of penises to annoy the censors and to hopefully spark some sort of controversy, which, it seems, is the only way, these days, to get the jaded, video-sated public off their fucking arses and back in the sodding cinema. Family entertainment bollocks. What they want is filth: people doing things to each other with chainsaws during tupperware parties, babysitters being stabbed with knitting needles by gay presidential candidates, vigilante groups strangling chickens, armed bands of theatre critics exterminating mutant goats, page three girls with huge tits, Kristina Keneally in a swimsuit -- Where's the fun in pictures? Oh, well, there we are. Here's the theme music. Goodnight.
And now to a relevant Wilcox, with more Wilcox here ...
Is anyone surprised that Sexton doesn't think it's worth mentioning the proposed laws restricting advocacy by charities?
ReplyDeleteFree speech ? "When I use a word," [Sexton] said, in rather a scornful tone, "it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less."