As noted, the pond is being overwhelmed by the flood of reptilian offerings and must apologise for not attending to Dame Slap on the weekend ...
It's a pity because the pond had its own suggestions in relation to power imbalance relationships, derived say from a president who happily accepts a blow job from an intern and more recent events, and their relevance to policy discussions...
Hypothetically speaking, what might happen if a minister of the Crown wanted to speak on matters of policy affecting personal relationships?
What happens in the privacy of the bedroom (or exhibitionists on the beach) should stay in the bedroom, until and unless it begins to affect policy.
But what happens when a politician talks of abortion as a kind of slavery, and then suggests a pregnant woman get an abortion. What about a politician running with the sanctity of marriage crowd, and arguing against SSM, while acting like a dick in marriage, and swinging the dick in the office?
Still, with this sort of hypocrisy you can end up thrice married president of the USA, or if young nubile flesh in the mall attracts you, running for the US senate, so what would the pond know.
What happens in the privacy of the bedroom (or exhibitionists on the beach) should stay in the bedroom, until and unless it begins to affect policy.
But what happens when a politician talks of abortion as a kind of slavery, and then suggests a pregnant woman get an abortion. What about a politician running with the sanctity of marriage crowd, and arguing against SSM, while acting like a dick in marriage, and swinging the dick in the office?
Still, with this sort of hypocrisy you can end up thrice married president of the USA, or if young nubile flesh in the mall attracts you, running for the US senate, so what would the pond know.
And now for a further confession. You see, while waiting for the car to be serviced this morning, the pond cheated and read all the Sydney papers.
It brought a tear to the eye to see what the reptiles wanted to charge for tree killer service.
There was the Daily Terror still blathering on in an editorial about the benefits of dropping billions on a couple of currently serviceable stadiums, while trying to mount hysteria about rival stadiums in other states, while that epic goose John Barilaro tried to explain to his country clientele how this was great news for rustics ...
It seems it's slowly dawning on the state government that the peasants are revolting.
There was the Daily Terror still blathering on in an editorial about the benefits of dropping billions on a couple of currently serviceable stadiums, while trying to mount hysteria about rival stadiums in other states, while that epic goose John Barilaro tried to explain to his country clientele how this was great news for rustics ...
It seems it's slowly dawning on the state government that the peasants are revolting.
In all the nonsense to hand, there was only piece that attracted the pond - what a joy it was to read Max Mason's AFR's Inside the deal: How CBS outsmarted the Murdochs and turned The Eye on Network Ten ... (probably inside the paywall, but hey, just so people know it exists).
It always brings a tear to the eye of the pond to read an extended piece on the Murdochians getting dudded ...
There was an excellent Rowe illustration to go with it, with a wonderful family portrait hanging on the wall behind the sofa ...
There was an excellent Rowe illustration to go with it, with a wonderful family portrait hanging on the wall behind the sofa ...
To be fair, there was some other fun too, like the reptiles valiant attempts to turn a 53/47 situation into a major win for Malware - while others furiously scribbling in another place how Newspoll and the reptiles had ruined politics (who can argue with that?), and noting that little Johnny had been a regular Newspoll loser, well over a hundred times ...
When the pond returned to check out the digital edition, they were going over the runes and wringing their hapless paws ...
Ah good old nattering "Ned" and the cawing Crowe, and no 47/53 is a much needed win?
The pond would rather have all its teeth drawn than brood about this sort of nonsense ...
Sad to say, given the disruption to the pond's routine, there's only one post left in the pond today, and what an agonising choice it was ...
You see, there was the Major Mitchell rabbiting on about JJJ, but the pond had already done the Oreo on this theme, and it turned out that one of the world's greatest climate scientists had also written on the subject this day ...
Oh what to do, what to do, which donkey to pick?
Sorry irrelevant Major in the dust heap of a failed business model if there was any donkey bigger or better than Moorice ...
Moorice on the ABC is almost as good as Moorice on climate science ...
Of course Moorice is completely correct. Chairman Rupert is certainly not the devil incarnate. The pond has it on good authority he's a character in either Lord of the Rings or one of the Star Wars' sequels Disney is churning out in a bid to raise the cash to buy out substantial parts of Fox ...
Never mind, that was another good read, to learn that Disney was back in the market and interested in buying ...
The mouse house as a purveyor of Hannity? The evil overlord might still win ...
The mouse house as a purveyor of Hannity? The evil overlord might still win ...
As for that clarion call for a ringing endorsement by the IPA and the Menzies Research Centre, truth to tell the Australian taxpayers' dollar can only spread so far ...
Well the pond presumes that Maurice meant to talk about the MRC ... the Menzies Research Institute of course "exists to perform internationally significant medical research leading to healthier, longer and better lives for Tasmanians"... (warning, eerie Muzak alert).
Why the MRI would endorse the ABC is one of the deeper Moorice mysteries... ah Caterists, so unloved that Moorice can't even get the name right?
Never mind, on the pond plunged to the meat of the argument, though let it be said that the service centre's humble tea and packaged biscuits did nothing to distract from what it knew was coming... a ritual mention by Moorice of his speciality, climate alarmism ...
Why the MRI would endorse the ABC is one of the deeper Moorice mysteries... ah Caterists, so unloved that Moorice can't even get the name right?
Never mind, on the pond plunged to the meat of the argument, though let it be said that the service centre's humble tea and packaged biscuits did nothing to distract from what it knew was coming... a ritual mention by Moorice of his speciality, climate alarmism ...

Remarkably, the pond caught up with the glossy science magazine Cosmos at the service centre - amongst a horde of Who and Women's Weekly and all the other mind-numbing tosh people contrive to waste their money on - and they, poor deluded scientists, seemed to take the global hoax seriously, and when the pond checked their website, they ran scurrilous pieces such as Arctic sea ice outlook at worst point in 125,000 years ...though the piece the pond read noted that it wasn't the Arctic that was the main game changer, it was the Antarctic, and the rate of change there was a bit trickier to read, but might in the end be catastrophic ...
Never mind, please allow the pond to pause for just a moment - bugler if you please - to celebrate Moorice's noble sacrifice. Remembering how he enlisted at a mature age, saying the job couldn't be left to conscripted working class boys from the bush still brings a tear to the eye of the pond - yes, it turns out he's contributed as much to the military as he has to climate science ...
And now bugler, if you please, something a little more pop rock, because it's time for the ritual carry-on about JJJ, with all the reptiles in a shocking tizz about the kerfuffle ...
And now bugler, if you please, something a little more pop rock, because it's time for the ritual carry-on about JJJ, with all the reptiles in a shocking tizz about the kerfuffle ...

Well there goes the reptile business plan. There's many that think that JJJ has got a little old and lost its edge and no longer works as it once did for the younger demographic ... like back in 2016 Tone Deaf scribbling Surprise, Triple J Is Not Really A Young Broadcaster ...
Butt, billy goats, butt, it still manages to get Moorice to do his Bruce Ruxton imitation and that can't be all bad.
Dinosaurs and fossils and somehow the reptiles think this sort of old man shouting at clouds and a pop music station is the way forward as a business plan?
Dinosaurs and fossils and somehow the reptiles think this sort of old man shouting at clouds and a pop music station is the way forward as a business plan?
As for Pearson?
Well being a genuine old school dinosaur, who did his bit for the ABC, Moorice is probably a little slow in catching up with the latest news from that shapeshifter, as described at their ABC here ...
Well being a genuine old school dinosaur, who did his bit for the ABC, Moorice is probably a little slow in catching up with the latest news from that shapeshifter, as described at their ABC here ...
Mr Pearson said he regrets urging Indigenous Australians to put their trust in conservative politicians and the right side of politics because they have been betrayed in the end.
"What I would say to them is that I have no right, I have no right to tell you ever again that there is hope in that direction because it has not transpired and … Malcolm Turnbull has essentially burned the bridge that we sought to build over these past two decades," Mr Pearson said.
Of course Pearson wrote an epic rant for The Monthly about his one-time chums in the Liberal party, the lizard Oz, and his mate the onion muncher, here (may be paywall affected) ... which inter alia brought back nattering "Ned" into the conversation and ended this way ...
...When faced with the question of whether we predicate our struggle on the political right finding compassion or the political left finding its brains – I now know the answer. The left have an altruism the right will never muster. Every progress we make will have to be fought for, and every battle will be partisan. Bipartisanship is dead.
The day after Turnbull’s betrayal, my friend, the doyen of the Australian, Paul Kelly, came down from his mountain at Holt Street with those heavy tablets of stone declaring the correctness of Turnbull’s call. Kelly is one of the principal trustees of the Idea of Australia and I thought that we had persuaded him to shift from his original opposition. He had congratulated Morris on one of her TV altercations with Andrew Bolt propagating the IPA-style equality objection. Kelly knew it was bogus, and encouraged us. Then, after Turnbull’s rejection, Kelly reverted to type. His opinion was horrific and brutal in its moral certitude.
I telephoned him that morning. I said there were two powers of federal parliament having unique application to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders: section 122, the territories power, which disproportionately affects our people; and section 51(26), the race power, which was an exclusive Indigenous power, used only for our people. I asked why people subject to such special powers should not have a voice, non-binding at that, in respect of what parliament might propose.
Kelly said something startling. He understood the voice proposal was not a third chamber, and Turnbull was wrong to describe it as such. The startling thing he said was that the voice, even though only having an advisory function, would operate virtually as a veto on parliament. A body without the legal power to direct parliament would hold some sort of non-legal veto over the parliament. Really? This late in our history and here is a great old white man conjuring a great old white fear about Indigenous voices. A stalwart defender of free speech, now saying he opposes the mere expression of an Indigenous opinion, for fear it might influence Indigenous policy. Discuss.
He told me he supported recognition. I responded by saying that if not a non-discrimination provision or an institutional voice, then what is the recognition he has in mind? He said with some chagrin, I think, “I don’t know.”
And there ended my long lesson in the politics of justice.
Well not quite, because Moorice will go on using your words to demonise, and the vale of tears will continue ...
Good old nattering "Ned", as puffed and as bloated as Moorice, lugging around the reptiles' heavy tablets of stone...
Truth to tell, the pond was pleased to escape the service centre, leave the reptile tree killers behind and drive out into the rain-sodden Sydney streets, turned to chaos and eternal future motorway ruin by the state government, in its desire to produce LA down under ...
Suddenly the crappy tea and biscuits seemed like the up side of the deal ...
And now the pond can't resist running that full Rowe cartoon ...
Dorothy you have excelled with this story. You have pinged the Murdoch bunch of numb skulls for what they really are all about lying and distorting facts to suit their agenda.
ReplyDeleteAboriginals will never be treated as they should be by the conservatives. From my memory the only decent minister the conservatives have had was by a Western Australian Fred Chaney.
Naughty JJJ, making demonstrably factually correct statements about the 1st AIF when they should by myth-making to Moorice's satisfaction.
ReplyDeleteNext they'll be telling listeners that the Oreo probably didn't celebrate "freedom and equality" with her mates in her post-Australia-Day-Eve recovery sessions, because if she did celebrate these things on Australia Day then she didn't have any mates.
Is it just me, or is the reptilian chest-thumping even thumpier these days? Their grip on reality seems to be as flimsy as the old buffers in that Secret Policeman's Ball sketch - "We had to get up four o'clock every morning and lick the road clean with our tongues, eat a half a handful of cold gravel, the work 28 hours a day at mill for tuppence every four weeks..."
" the reptilian chest-thumping even thumpier these days?"
DeleteYeah, I've been thinking that too. Can't quite grasp whether it's purposeful or just panic.