Thank the long absent lord for petulant Peta this Sunday ...
You see, there was the Devine banging on about an ancient, long lost NSW government ...
... while the current mob are proposing to drop a cool $2.3 billion to rebuild a stadium a mere 17 years old, and fix up another one, all to pander to the Terrorist devotion to thugby league.
Instead of brooding about ancient corruption in the service of an ancient foul-mouthed tennis star afraid of being lobbed out of court, what about that? Isn't that of interest to the Devine? Why isn't some of her vitriol splashed on that form of rotten corruption?
So it was thank the long absent lord for petulant Peta, turning out for the HUNSters and determined to lighten the mood with some hat jokes ...
There are of course some piquant ironies in all this, speaking of wool being pulled over the eyes, and petulant Peta working for one of the worst PMs in recent history, the 28th PM, the man who suddenly had the pond thinking of the 20th PM of the country ... (the pond must dig out its old copy of the wit and wisdom of Billy McMahon and give it another run, even if there's no apparent wit, and certainly no wisdom).
Now on with the hats, the point being to mock softies who affect hard hats and being one with the selfie workers...
Uh huh.
It's yet more gnashing of teeth and doomsaying and predicting the downfall before Xmas ... and the pond is supposed to care pourquoi?
If petulant Peta wants to campaign so hard for Comrade Bill, in the name of the onion muncher, let her do so, and let her resort to the ultimate argument ... the tendency to look silly in hats ...

Now the comparison is fair, even if it does mean eliding over petulant Peta's role in the worst government in recent living memory, because the Ruddster was always fond of donning a hard hat ...
But to be fair, he knew his hat limits, and refused to go to certain places...
Malware makes him look like a rank amateur, either hard hat ...
... or soft hat ...
Around this point, the pond had completely lost the plot and desperately needed to return to petulant Peta to get the point ...
Indeed, indeed, and speaking of silly hats, who makes the biggest clown in this random sample?
By any reckoning, the onion muncher's selection of hats marks him as a politician ready to implement knighthoods for Dukes ...
And so with the hat issue set aside and finally resolved in favour of the onion muncher, the pond was in the mood for some Chairman Rudd bashing, and who better to deliver the goods than Akker Dakker, returning from snorting up a break to snorting at the Ruddster ...
Sadly at the top of the Akker Dakker outing, the Terrorists still had little Johnny and the Chairman blaming careerists like the onion muncher for the current troubles ... it being obvious that the onion muncher, from his time in student politics, had little ambition, aim or desire other than to be a politician so he could interfere in the lives of others ... and create a new reich for hat wearers that might endure a thousand years ...
And so with the hat issue set aside and finally resolved in favour of the onion muncher, the pond was in the mood for some Chairman Rudd bashing, and who better to deliver the goods than Akker Dakker, returning from snorting up a break to snorting at the Ruddster ...
Sadly at the top of the Akker Dakker outing, the Terrorists still had little Johnny and the Chairman blaming careerists like the onion muncher for the current troubles ... it being obvious that the onion muncher, from his time in student politics, had little ambition, aim or desire other than to be a politician so he could interfere in the lives of others ... and create a new reich for hat wearers that might endure a thousand years ...
Indeed, indeed, and yet the pond was moved this day by the sight of the gorgeous George of the north recycling this form of nostalgia ...
Ah sweet memories of brown paper bags and deep, shameless corruption ... Queenslander, Queenslander ...
Now where were we, Akker Dakker?
Oh indeed, indeed, and please no mention of the onion muncher's wondrous legacy, or gorgeous George wanting to create a far north land for the toads ...
What, as a refuge? Whither Pauline, where oh where is Malcolm the climate scientist?
Yes, if you head off to George's wittering, you might end up with him retweeting Lyle Shelton, and we've still got miles to go with Akker Dakker ...
Yes, if you head off to George's wittering, you might end up with him retweeting Lyle Shelton, and we've still got miles to go with Akker Dakker ...
Oh dear that's unseemly to the point of cruelty, quoting nattering "Ned" in that way ... but to be fair, Ned did say it, and it - and more - and even now, it can be googled, for at least a sampling of "Ned" in his finest prophetic form... (worth remembering the next time he rubs his hands together, and runs around in Chicken Little fashion to tell the world the rapture is at hand) ...
Oh dear. Is there anybody else who can remind the pond of the abject futility of reading the reptiles' prophecies? Will Akker Dakker malign another reptile?
And so the real point is revealed, yet another apocalyptic denunciation of Malware, and a reminder that the rapture is getting closer ...
Sadly while Akker Dakker quotes him, the bouffant one's prediction seems to have escaped into the digital ether ... the closest the pond could get to it was Tim Soutphonmmasane sharing his recollections back in 2013 at Fairfax ...
But how loyal of Akker Dakker not to malign the onion muncher or his knighting of the Duke or his supine submission to petulant Peta's rule or any of the other things that explain why desperate Liberals turned to a notorious eastern suburbs flake ...
Some say the world will end in onion munching fire,
Some say in harbourside mansions ice.
From what I’ve tasted of benighted desire
I hold with those who favor onion munching fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of onion munching hate
To say that for destruction harborside ice
Is also great
And would suffice.
And with apologies to the aptly named Frost, it's time for a last Akker Dakker gobbet, still calling for the resuscitation of onion munching fire ...

And there, in a very long post for which the pond profusely apologises, is the full panoply, the rich absurdity of reading the reptiles ...
Is there an upside? Well the pond avoided the Devine, but at some fair cost and some pounding o fthe old noggin, with Akker Dakker still stubbornly clinging to the onion muncher, and both he and petulant Peta soundly thrashing Malware ... while warning of the perils of comrade Bill ... while doing their very best to do down Malware and usher the comrade into the Lodge ...
... because at the end of the day bashing former chairman Rudd is fun, but old and stale, and besides, right know, you know, onion munching fire and harborside mansions ice ...
Is it any wonder that Malware, an incompetent who ruined the NBN at the behest of the onion muncher, has difficulty playing a straight bat and is still surrounded by silly people making silly points? (With more Moir here ...)
Petulant Pet: "Even in the final week, there were faint signs a Rudd victory might be narrowly averted, but it was probably hope against hope."
ReplyDeleteShe is such a happy little pollyanna, isn't she. What actually happened in 2007 was this:
1. ALP gained 23 seats to total 83 out of 150.
2. The Liberal+National Party coallition lost 22 seats to total 65 (and an independent also lost giving Labor its 83).
3. The reigning Prime Minister - one John Winston Howard - not only oversaw a disastrous result for his party and allies, but he himself lost his own "safe" seat.
Yes, absolutely, right in the middle of that there was indubitably a "hope against hope" for a Howard victory. What was it that someone once said about delcons ? Ah yes: "...delusional is a medical expression describing a mental disorder in which beliefs that are totally unrealistic are irrationally held." Oh yeah, you said it Ackers Dackers, you said it.
But the Petulated Pet had her very next paragraph completely screwed up by the reptile subeds. So I fixed it for her as below:
"After all, Canberra types had seen him up close for years and knew what the rest of the country would quickly see in time, public life was merely a vanity project fir a deeply simplistic man who didn't have the temperament or authenticity to be a successful prime minister. But the Liberals' slick machine and corporate dollars helped pull the wool over the collective eyes of the Australian voter and Tony Abbott was duly elected our nation's 28th prime minister."