There was no way that the pond could walk around it, though the thought of an Oreo on a Thursday, in company of the bromancer, was vaguely sick-inducing ...
An Oreo a day? Where would it end?
Say what?
Damn you Oreo, damn you to hell ... let the real Oreo stand up ...
Back, and as barking mad as usual ...
Who else but the Oreo could scribble "The freedom of the political right is distinctive. It is not anarchy. It is the form of freedom that provides the spiritual, social, economic and political foundations for the flourishing of Western civilisation ..."
Or perhaps the flourishing of western Sydney ...
Still there's nothing so quaint as an Oreo flogging a dead horse, with Jimbo Paterson having already withdrawn his bill, leaving the perfidious Smith to usher in a regime of state-funded censorship which will no doubt see the lizard Oz bankrupt and the Oreo silenced and purged ... (and not just by way of a laxative after binging on a whole pack of Oreos) ...
Well there's no time to spend brooding about the persecution of hapless paranoid Xians.
No doubt like the Oreo, the pond is immensely saddened that the days of criminal prosecution, chemical castration, a decent stretch in prison, a hefty fine, or perhaps a hanging, or at least a jolly good caning are no longer with us ...
No doubt like the Oreo, the pond is immensely saddened that the days of criminal prosecution, chemical castration, a decent stretch in prison, a hefty fine, or perhaps a hanging, or at least a jolly good caning are no longer with us ...
Oh how the pond yearns for the Buggery Act of 1533 or at least the Offences Against the Person Act of 1828 ... or perhaps of 1861 ...
By gad, sir, or madam, those were the days ... ah the joys of western Xian civilisation at its finest and most compassionate ...
But there's no time to dilly dally, the pond must move on to the next celebration of nattering negativity in the lizard Oz ...

It can be seen by that google that the bromancer is simply parroting the party line. That line about not ignoring the bigots and the homophobes has been a reptile mantra, but it's hard to blame the bromancer for falling into line ... that's what all the reptiles do, as the Murdochaisn do their best to re-group from this shocking slap-in-the-face exercise in postal surveys...
After all, a business model that pitches its wares to a minority of voters must be seen to be taking care of its minority ...

Just as only the Oreo could scribble her nonsense, surely only the bromancer could come up with lines such as "Religious teachings on basic issues are either true or false. The essence of the teaching cannot change because social opinion changes."
Such a stupid man, and so regularly he appears on their ABC ...
Of course religions change over time, sometimes by way of social opinion and sometimes because people think they've come up with a better interpretation. It's never binary, it never has been, and it never will be, not so long as there are splitters from the cheese-makers ...
The pond doesn't often quote the Betoota Advocate, great regional newspaper as it is, but this one's a lay down misere ...
As for that other bromancer notion, Religious teachings on basic issues are either true or false, which religious teachings are we talking about?
The ones where the Catholics consign the Protestants to eternal hellfire for heresy, or the ones where the Protestants cast the heretic whore of Babylon believers out of paradise, or the ones where the Islamic fundamentalists launch a jihad on everyone? Or even worse L. Ron Hubbard shakes the very last notes and coins out of your bank account, to stop the tele-evangelists from getting their greedy paws on the loot ...
Never mind, here's another one ...
Of course it's only a coincidence that the Donald has been married three times, the last time in a lavish ceremony at his Palm Beach resort, but moving right along with the bromancer ...

Only the bromancer could berate the Americans for the pervasive rancour that besets American politics, while celebrating the onion muncher, the man largely responsible for the pervasive rancour that now besets Australian politics ...
The pond says "largely" because it doesn't seek to diminish the contribution of the Murdochians, especially the tabloids of the Terror kind, and the many scribblers for the lizard Oz, but also those of the Cory, Erica, Kevin "sourpuss" Andrews political kind ...
The Murdochians will go on and on creating the rancour, channelling Hannity down under, giving space to the likes of the Oreo, and rabidly talking about the persecution of paranoid Xians and seizing on every little example they can find to whip up the divisions and create agitations, palpitations, fear and loathing ...
Rancour? The reptiles reek of it.
Why, as David Rowe suggested today, if you want to kill the joy of a wedding, just bring along certain guests (with more timely Rowe here) ...
Applied right-wing politics in 3 stark truth-telling images, and one essay which reviews the political and cultural significance of an unspeakably vile sado-masochistic snuff/splatter film
It's always a pleasure to settle down to an afternoon of Oreo's totally unimaginative lies. Just like you, DP, I was immensely impressed by the delcon (thanks Miranda) absurdity of her claim that:
ReplyDelete"The freedom of the political right is distinctive. It is not anarchy. It is the form of freedom that provides the spiritual, social, economic and political foundations for the flourishing of Western civilisation ..."
So I thought I might just look up the history of some "freedom" in Australia: the legalisation of homosexuality. The timeline is this:
September 17, 1975: South Australia is the first state to decriminalise male homosexuality under reformist premier Don Dunstan and attorney-general Peter Duncan.
November 4, 1976: The ACT very nearly beat SA to the punch, having prepared a decriminalisation bill before
December 23, 1980: Until 1949 the death penalty was still on the books for sodomy in Victoria. The Hamer Liberal government decriminalised male homosexuality in December 1980.
A loosely worded "soliciting for immoral purposes" clause, inserted by dissident Liberals, saw police harassment of gays continue well into the 1980s.
October 4, 1983: According to Australian Gay and Lesbian Archives, the NT was the only Australian jurisdiction to decriminalise homosexuality without a grassroots campaign for change. Chief minister Paul Everingham's CLP government reformed the law in 1983.
May 22, 1984: Despite having Mardi Gras and Australia's largest gay population, Sydney was not a gay law reform leader. Anti-discrimination laws were passed in 1982 before decriminalisation in 1984. Neville Wran was premier in both occasions
Theoretically, for two years, being gay in NSW was not grounds for dismissal but it was for imprisonment.
December 7, 1989: After four failed attempts during the 1970s and 1980s, the Labor government of Peter Dowding in Western Australia removed consenting homosexual activity from the criminal code in December 1989.
It passed into law in March 1990 under premier Carmen Lawrence.
November 29, 1990: Under long-serving Queensland premier Joh Bjelke-Petersen, gay law reform was not on the Sunshine State's radar. Following the election of Labor's Wayne Goss in late 1989, and recommendations from the CJC, the law was changed in October 1990.
May 13, 1997: Twenty-two years after SA's historic move, Tasmania alone persisted in criminalising gay men. Previous reform attempts had been blocked by the state's conservative Upper House.
Gay activists took the matter to the High Court, so faced with the state law being struck down Tasmania's Upper House finally passed gay law reform by one vote. It came into effect on May 13, 1997.
So, apart from the CLP's Paul Everingham, the only non-Labor instigator of "freedom" was Victoria's Rupert Hamer who was simply the most liberal Liberal Australia has ever had.
Thanks Oreo for keeping up your fine standard of 'Ministry of Truth' rewrites of history.
The Bromancer: "Undemocratic rule by courts contributed to the rise of Donald Trump."
ReplyDeleteNow that's a new tack by the operatives of Minitrue: anything they don't like is clearly something which brought Trump to the presidency ! So, "activist judges" - the ones who rule - clearly aided Trump. Wau, the delcon is strong, today.