The reptiles of Oz were keen this morning to propose that gorgeous George would pour oil on troubled waters, or if you will, kero in the rain tank to quiet the mossies, but dammit, to mix the metaphors, the squeaky wheel is always unhappy, no matter how much oil you drop on it ...
Paranoia's the name of the game, and fear and loathing must continue apace.
It's not enough to fear the apocalypse, the rapture, the end of the world, a life spent in limbo (if it existed), the usefully invented purgatory, or an eternity of hellfire, it's those damned progressives assaulting traditional values that must keep everyone up at night ...
It's not enough to fear the apocalypse, the rapture, the end of the world, a life spent in limbo (if it existed), the usefully invented purgatory, or an eternity of hellfire, it's those damned progressives assaulting traditional values that must keep everyone up at night ...
You know, traditional values like burning witches and heretics and gays, or at least stoning them to death, and other traditional values ...
Say what?
Shanahan has also taken to scribbling the same sort of paranoia sighted three days earlier in their ABC?
Relax, that's just silly old Andrew West wanting to stir the pot and keep the paranoia bubbling along nicely in the Religion Report on RN here ...
Relax, that's just silly old Andrew West wanting to stir the pot and keep the paranoia bubbling along nicely in the Religion Report on RN here ...
No need to listen to that lightweight outing - yes, the pond did, and knows whereof it heard - because when the going gets tough, and maintaining the rage and the fear and loathing becomes a heartbreaking necessity, we need a heavy hitter of the Catholic fundamentalist Shanners kind ...
Now there are so many wonderful bibs and bobs in this opening that the pond doesn't quite know where to begin, but how about that line dragooning agnostics and atheists into the 'no' vote ... it being remarkable how many atheists lined up alongside Lyle Shelton to argue fiercely for the 'no' cause ...
Why, back in 2014 fierce secularists with a fondness for choppers were also rallying to his side ...
Somehow that reminded the pond of another piece in the lizard Oz this day, by the oscillating fan ...
Why, back in 2014 fierce secularists with a fondness for choppers were also rallying to his side ...
Somehow that reminded the pond of another piece in the lizard Oz this day, by the oscillating fan ...
It is, of course entirely insulting to consider Angela a dinosaur.
It's true she's a lesser Shanahan, but only in a biblical sense, as a result of God's clever biological methods. As is well known, She crafted the likes of Shanners from a spare rib, and so complimentary women were born unto the world ...
Adam is simply incomplete as a creature without his counterpart, whose difference of body makes him as a creature fruitful. His individual wholeness is disrupted by the lack of a ‘suitable’ or ‘fit’ helper. The parade of the animals before Adam serves to underscore Eve’s rightness as the companion of Adam. (Jensenites go here for a nostalgia hit).It's true she's a lesser Shanahan, but only in a biblical sense, as a result of God's clever biological methods. As is well known, She crafted the likes of Shanners from a spare rib, and so complimentary women were born unto the world ...
Oh it's more Anglican than Catholic, but at least they invented a religion to change the definition of marriage and divorce. These are the sort of traditional values we need in these troubled, troubling times ...

Indeed, if the right to discriminate is lost, what a shabby, pointless thing life will become.
What on earth will happen if the Catholic church can't keep discriminating against gays? Where's the justice or fairness in that?
There must be safe spaces created so people can retreat there and mutter about the dangers poofters pose to western civilisation and Judeo-Christian traditions ...
Where will it all end, this assault on traditional values? Will we never return to the good old days of ECT and chemical castration?
Must other dominoes topple before we become aware of the dangers?
Look, see how Rowe warns us of the toppling of traditional values, with more toppling top Rowe here ... with only a few twitterers swimming, or standing, against the tide of topplers ...
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