It's the custom of the pond for a TGIF luncheon to kick back the heels and enjoy some quality fun time with a Sharri sojourn, thanks be unto the Terrorists ...
Even starting on the Sharri hunt routinely produces fond memories of the bliss poop kind ...
Oh look, sweet Akker Dakker in his Stalinist five year plan phase urging on the socialists to do what's right for coal ...
The pond loves a whiff of socialism and nationalisation and Corbynist thinking at lunch time ... let the government invest in cola and the fat owl will pick up the bill, and still have enough left over for a snack at the tuck shop ...
And so to Sharri, as usual at her apocalyptic Friday best ...
Say it ain't so ... the pond could cope with Xi in a quest for world domination, and the Donald as a doofus, but Lisa Wilkinson switching television networks?
Why the stars of heaven have dimmed ... the pond heard the owl scream and the cricket cry, there's husbandry in heaven and their candles are all out ...
But with a singular act of will the pond avoided the clickbait and pressed on with Sharri ...
Ah, indeed, indeed, a splendid graphic, evoking the government's political agenda ...
Having ruined the NBN, there must be many more things for Malware to ruin or at least reduce to the third rate spineless jellyback sort of compromise he loves ...
Perhaps Sharri will explain the next bright shiny toy to be trashed ...
Oh sweet long absent lord, he's found a solution to climate change? That's the next NBN?
That's what the pond loves about Sharri ... she's a deep thinker, and the Terrorists love to show her in deep thought up against the government's deep thinking PM.
Why, the pond can feel its own little deep thinking montage coming on ...
Why, the pond can feel its own little deep thinking montage coming on ...
Sorry, there's not much in that for the discerning elderly gentleman reader, but the pond must press on ...
What did he say?
Oh pick me, pick me, I know the answer miss.
He said, look, I'm a multi-millionaire living in Point Piper in a quite handsome harbour-side shack, and I find if you spend anywhere between 30 and 50 k you can end up with quite a nice solar array, and if you throw in a battery or two - I think they start around the 8k mark, but never mind, I didn't much notice the price being a multi-millionaire and all - you can iron out any wobbles in the supply ...
Please allow me to refer you to this story here, if you want a Malware role model ...
Indeed, indeed, just the way to establish an affinity with the battlers struggling to beat the impending summer heat ...
Explain to them how you're doing it tough, just like them, but there are solutions.
Explain to them how you're doing it tough, just like them, but there are solutions.
Lead by example, the pond says, and a handsome splashing of the cash.
Oh heck, the pond probably got all that badly wrong.
Malware probably didn't boast about his power bill in his home ...
Malware probably didn't boast about his power bill in his home ...
Oh dear, the pond has no idea why Malware might be a bit leery ... after all, every other grand prediction has come to pass in splendid, wondrous ways, such as this one back in November 2013 ...
It'd be a bit like promising great connectivity via copper and multinodal hyperdrive ...
Electricity Bill? Why Mr Harbourside Mansion is much cleverer, coming up with Blackout Bill ... when he really needs to be Lithium Battery Bill ...
Now can we have a snap of a very serious looking Josh to help wrap things up?

Well we've been there before, and we'll probably go there again, with or without battery storage, and the pond finds that the old nicknames are always worth keeping on hand, a bit like energy stored in a battery. You never know when something will come in handy ...
And so to a Rowe and a different sort of fizza ... with more fizzling Rowe here ...
Sharri: "All the modelling in the world can show that electricity prices will fall by $115 a year from 2020, but no one genuinely believes this will be the outcome."
ReplyDeleteI'd be satisfied, more or less, if somebody could just genuinely say what it means. Does it mean that my domestic electricty bill - currently about $800 per annum (I have gas heating and gas hot water) will reduce by $115 per year after 2020 ? So that in 2027, my bill will drop to zero and then go down to about minus $345 by 2030 ?
Not a hope in hell, especially if Sharri is right about the 15% (minimum ?) retail increase per annum. So what does it mean ? It can't mean a $115 decrease in power generation and grid gold plating costs per annum can it ? If so, I can pretty much guarantee I won't see any of it.
WTF does it mean, can anybody inform us ?
PS: DP, that was not quite our usual Lairy Sharri in the picture. Almost demure - well as demure as a blatant temptress can be, I suppose.
Pffft - $115.00 saving - that's not a lie! $550.00 off your power bill, $100.00 lamb roast - that's real, conservative standard, lying.
ReplyDeleteSeriously, even if it wasn't a lie, who would say "stuff the future I am taking the $2.21 a week". I am really baffled how anyone would trot this out as a vote winner.
Baffling, indeed, Bef. However today Paul Bongiorno explained it all in the Saturday Paper (and nobody would disbelieve a former Catholic priest, would they). Let me just quote:
Delete"The latest prescription reads like a back-of-the-envelope calculation within the parameters of no emissions intensity scheme and no continuing subsidies for renewable energy. All of this is designed to second-guess Tony Abbott and his fellow travellers in the Liberal party room, as well as the Nationals. There wasn't even time enough for modelling the price-saving for consumers. It was obvious this saving had to be bigger than Finkel's $90 a year. So, bingo, up came $115.
...the Chairman of the Australian Energy Market Commission, John Pierce, admits no modelling had been done. In a briefing to the opposition attended by Frydenberg, Pierce said the figures in the policy were a "judgement call"."
There we are, mate: nobody can explain the so-called "price saving for consumers" because there is no such thing in the energy plan. Just like there's no action to improve reliability of the power supply or to in any way reduce the large and growing cost of continuing to 'gold-plate' the grid.
"deep thinking montage"? That pic of Sharri reminded me more of this sort of thing - I can almost hear the coy giggle as she presents her hard-working man with his first martini of the evening...
ReplyDeleteCruel FD, but arguably fair ...