Last night in the lizard Oz the bigots were out and about, with Islamic and Catholic fundamentalists on the same page ...
The pond has always thought that the onion muncher and Daesh deep down had a lot in common, not least their position on certain cultural and social issues. The pond reckons when it comes to music the onion muncher is fair odds to be tone deaf ...
The pond has always thought that the onion muncher and Daesh deep down had a lot in common, not least their position on certain cultural and social issues. The pond reckons when it comes to music the onion muncher is fair odds to be tone deaf ...
Suspicious Minds? Oh sweet long absent lord, stop the music, blow up a statue, vandalise a painting...
Meanwhile, this morning the Bolter was shrieking in the Terror in the usual way ...
It takes a genuine bigot, certified as such by courts in the land, and an expert hate-monger, to spot a bigot and scribble, in a furious fearful frenzy, of a climate of fear ...
The Oz editorialist was also up in arms ...
Had it all gone too far?
Had the onion muncher and the reptiles lathered up so much fear and anger, had the gormless spineless Malware - in Tamworth the term 'gutless wonder' would have been trotted out - given up the ghost completely?
Had the onion muncher and the reptiles lathered up so much fear and anger, had the gormless spineless Malware - in Tamworth the term 'gutless wonder' would have been trotted out - given up the ghost completely?
Fear not, because Thursday is the day when the reptiles rediscover their sense of balance, and check back in to reality ...
Of course this produces a bizarre queasy surreal sense of living in Bizarro land ...
Keep calm and carry on? Only the bromancer ...
But nattering "Ned" was also doing something most peculiar mamma ...
There, onion muncher, take that slap on the wrist with a warm lettuce leaf as fair warning.
We're in hard reality Thursday, which means the pond is already salivating for the savvy Savva's reassuring, redemptive prose ...
We can trust politicians?
Oh surely, even for a hard reality Thursday, that's going a step too far.
Does that mean we should trust copper for broadband, and Malware to suddenly defy biology and grow a spine when it comes to matters like energy, coal and climate science?
Oh surely, even for a hard reality Thursday, that's going a step too far.
Does that mean we should trust copper for broadband, and Malware to suddenly defy biology and grow a spine when it comes to matters like energy, coal and climate science?
The pond just loves the notion that the Turnbull government is in a position to risk kissing credibility goodbye. There's a reason that Comrade Bill's party has maintained its lead in polling, despite the Comrade's lack of popularity. That's because Malware kissed credibility goodbye long ago, and when last seen, it was over the hills and far away ...
This entire mess has been the doing of Malware and his conservative ministers, including, in absence of spine, a vastly useless and expensive postal survey, the bill for which should really be delivered express post to the onion muncher.
This has resulted in a slack process which has seen stories - naturally outside the Murdoch press - featuring all sorts of hi and low jinks, including US fundamentalist-driven push pulling from a firm associated with Ted Cruz, a man better known for popularising video streaming services of a certain kind ...
This has resulted in a slack process which has seen stories - naturally outside the Murdoch press - featuring all sorts of hi and low jinks, including US fundamentalist-driven push pulling from a firm associated with Ted Cruz, a man better known for popularising video streaming services of a certain kind ...
How goes the free and fair debate?
And so back to the savvy Savva, but astonishingly, it seems that we can't trust politicians. Well we can trust a few politicians of a certain stripe, but we certainly can't trust other politicians.
Trust should be very selective.
What Savva's splash really meant to say - you can't trust all splashes these days - is that you can trust Malware.
He did so terribly well with broadband for example - and he's doing tremendously well with energy, blowing with the wind, and shining with the sun, and showing off his trainer wheels ...
Trust should be very selective.
What Savva's splash really meant to say - you can't trust all splashes these days - is that you can trust Malware.
He did so terribly well with broadband for example - and he's doing tremendously well with energy, blowing with the wind, and shining with the sun, and showing off his trainer wheels ...

More Pope here, as Savva transcribes directly from Malware's desk, a press release detailing his many great triumphs ...

So there we have it.
Why you can't trust all politicians, but why you can trust Malware, and a few other politicians.
Remember the Donald is tactically sound, and Malware is a strategic master, and whatever you do, trust in the reptile form of trust and soon enough you too can be crooning Suspicious Minds at karaoke night ... and everything will be fixed in time for Xmas, with all the nastiness behind us ...
And if you can believe that, please leave out the plum pudding and a glass of port because Santa, in from the north pole, will really enjoy the treat when he comes down your chimney to hand you your signed copy of a Rowe cartoon showing Santa at work in the laneway, with his bag full of goodies... (and in the interim there's more Rowe here ...)
Gormless, spineless, gutless wonder... you are too kind, Dorothy. Remember, he appointed a Wind Farm Commissioner, expected to cost $2 million over three years.