But enough of local comedy, it's time to do a Dr Strangelove and get out into the wider world of comedy ...

You see, the pond knew it was time to talk about the Donald again ...
Not because the pond maintains its secret vice - now, thanks to a Chromecast, even watching American cable news in the privacy of its kitchen ...
Well that's assuming that Malware's broadband works, which is a very big butt ...(yes, the device is much cheaper in the US, and there postage is free. Hurry before the empire collapses completely. Just relax, sure it says 'made in China' but google designed it. What more do you want?)
There's almost nothing like watching obsessed hosts talk to a multitude of panellists about the impending end of the American imperium ... unless it happens to be reading the local reptiles ferreting through the runes and hysterically shouting at clouds ...
The current run at the lizard Oz began with the bromancer yesterday ...
It was relatively short, but the bromancer sounded a little startled, labelling the Donald insane ... or at least an idiot capable of much foolishness and many idiocies ...
It was like a shot of Morning Joe straight into the vein, and the pond knew it was serious when this day the ponderous, portentous nattering "Ned" also bestirred himself and came out slugging ...
Now "Ned" is no bromancer ...but even he began to flourish adjectives, with talk of astonishing naivety ...
Indeed, indeed. The pond would love to see the Donald ban all trade with any country doing business with North Korea ...
But what always bemuses the pond is where "Ned", the bromancer and the rest of the reptiles were when the Donald was on the march.
Off with Assange, Vlad the Impaler, RT, Hannity and Fox News? Why do they consistently refuse to acknowledge Chairman Rupert's contribution to the current situation?
Things are now so desperate that "Ned" even turns to former Chairman Rudd as an authority ...
There's no need for rhetorical flourishes here.
Questions, schmestions ... though the pond understands why nattering "Ned" indulges in them.
Even now he can't straightforwardly admit that Chairman Rupert and Fox News have helped put in place a President capable of almost any kind of disaster, with a garnish of ego, narcissism and childlike displays of petulance and schoolyard bullying ...which routinely backfire.
And there we have it.
Is there nothing the Donald can't accomplish?
Suddenly Chairman Rudd is back in favour with nattering "Ned" and with the reptiles, as an expert offering sound advice on China and North Korea ...
At the very end, nattering "Ned" made a half-hearted attempt to blame it all on Obama, but while it was heartening, in the end "Ned" reverted to his usual gloomy self ...with nary a word about Chairman Rupert's "leadership from the front" which saw the Donald ascend to power ...
What better way to celebrate this singular achievement than with a TT cartoon or two, with more TT always on hand here ...
America has a president that was assisted into power by Murdoch so there is no point in nattering Ned complaining.
ReplyDeleteWhile on a long drive the other day I had the radio on 774 and Jon Faine guest was Robert Fisk of the Middle east fame and he described Trump as a Lunatic and certifiably mad.
America has a president that was assisted into power by Murdoch so there is no point in nattering Ned complaining.
ReplyDeleteWhile on a long drive the other day I had the radio on 774 and Jon Faine guest was Robert Fisk of the Middle east fame and he described Trump as a Lunatic and certifiably mad.
The Fisk interview was excellent...and Fisk didn't hold back, that's for sure. Well worth a listen if you missed it.Cheers.
But where is the Slapper ? She who wore his hat around NY and would have freely offered hers to be ritually grabbed ?
ReplyDeleteLike the fine, courageous libertarian she is, Trump needs her to stop the 'false news makers' - such as the Bromancer and Neddy - from this vile and unjustified hectoring of a great president who leads from everywhere all the time.
What's an ICMB Ned?
ReplyDeleteI can't memorize bombs?
DeleteGotta love the mention of the "devastating post-9/11 legacy of the Iraq war and its legacy". Such a succinct way of obfuscating and conflating, has Ned, when required. Acres of vacuous, meandering blank verse, then that deft haiku. Megalomaniac dictators retaining the merest semblance of rationality but who, alas! might not be aware of Ned's nattering, are left to conclude lessons from Iraq's fate that lead to the obvious: get nukes or be nuked. Saddam 101. Iran will do likewise, just as soon as it believes it can.