Sunday, July 02, 2017

In which the Devine takes to one corner, and petulant Peta the other ...

Every so often the pond thinks it should follow the Bolter on Malware - who else would raise the spectre of class warfare in such a Bolterish way? Who knew that the Bolter had it in for toffs and the filthy rich?

But when the Bolter gets going, it's the sound of an old 78 with the needle catching on the broken shellac (ask your grandfather to imitate the noise):

Of course the infallible Bolter is never wrong, but sadly that's a bit like looking at god in all her Her dazzling sunburst glory, or at least one of Her ministering angels, and as tedious as all get out ...though some might think it's more like watching a man routinely disappear up his very own fundament in a public place.

Alternatively, it could be a desperate attempt to boost Crikey, by providing a link to a count of Bolterisms currently outside the paywall here ...

Such is the massive narcissist ego, grander even than Trump, that this little collection is seen as some kind of pandering homage to the Bolter's perceptive, infallible genius ...

Never mind, there's fresh news this day on the feud, with the Currish Snail even featuring its EXCLUSIVE on the front page ...

... which isn't quite the same promise as the Terror reported in its splash of its EXCLUSIVE ...

Leaving if he loses the Prime Ministership is quite different from vowing to leave the game if he loses the next election ... especially given the numbers in the house of Reps ...

Meanwhile, as reliable as clockwork, the Terror has provided a smackdown feast this Sunday, with the Devine in one corner ...

... and petulant Peta in the other ...

Oh yes, the ring is a broad church ...

Remarkably the Devine has little to say ...

That link about the onion muncher being driven by revenge led to a story here,  which concluded this way ...

Now not being a fan of pugilists inflicting brain damage on each other, the pond can't talk of that fight, but the pond can talk of the brain damage suffered by petulant Peta after the few rounds she did with the onion muncher before they were evicted from the ring ...

Oh wait, sorry, technical error, that's not the poodle apologising, that's the man who stuffed up government explaining his plans for his future government ...

Here's the correct illustration for the yarn, featuring the onion muncher in illustrious company ... some visitor admiring a koala bear, so that prattling Polonius could crack a joke asking if anyone could bear it ...

Say what? The Terrorists are accepting ads from that hustler and self-help huckster Tony Robbins? Go for a walk and enjoy the burns? (He or his supporters fiddled with his wiki but that story is still there). 

So that's how desperate and pathetic the Terror business model has become ...

... which is also a sideways admission by the pond that it's well and truly over this fight. It makes jelly wrestling at the old Oxford seem like sophisticated entertainment.

He said, you said, she said, they said ...

As for petulant Peta, her talk of bedwetters said it all ...this is the way that the onion muncher is going to win back friends and sway the 73% of coalition voters relieved to see the onion muncher's back?

Amazing to think cartoonists such as Pope have been scoring laughs from this feud since way back when ...

Never mind, petulant Peta is still flogging that dead horse as a new Tour and Wimbeldon and, soon enough, another Cup fast approach ...

Actually none of this needs a comment. The resentment and the bile and the silliness bubbles along nicely, and all on the surface too ...

How much navel gazing and fluff gathering can a koala or a reptile columnist bear?

It seems being a prick on the record is all that's needed to make a prick some sort of noble warrior on a valiant enterprise to blow it all up... though perhaps the pond should bow to the expertise of others, and acknowledge that the onion muncher might just be the proud owner of an arsehat ...


  1. Not being a fan of pugilists inflicting brain damage on each other, I can't talk of that fight either, but I do know spelt Pacquiao's name wrong.

    You'd think they'd have a little more respect, even for a brain-damaged pugilist.

    1. Especially since their hero, Tony 'Bruiser' Abbott got an Oxford "blue" for boxing and thus is brain-damaged goods himself.

      Did you know that in the USA "Brain Injury Rate 7 Times Greater among U.S. Prisoners" ?

      "In prisons, however, approximately 60 percent of adults have had at least one TBI—and even higher prevalence has been reported in some systems. These injuries, which can alter behavior, emotion and impulse control, can keep prisoners behind bars longer and increases the odds they will end up there again. Although the majority of people who suffer a TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) will not end up in the criminal justice system, each one who does costs states an average of $29,000 a year."

      Abbott, on the other hand went in for politics and has cost Australian $Billions !

    2. A truly astute set of observation there GB. Still laughing....well done sir!

    3. My pleasure, Anony, I'm just glad I occasionally make sense to somebody.

  2. Free arsehat for Polonius for his work on insiders. Sounding more and more like a reactionary, out of touch, old duffer. Stepping very gingerly around the Pell charges, but you can tell it is winding him up.


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