Dame Slap performed an awesome feat this day, which resolved a dilemma for the pond - how to stay strictly isolationist, while thoroughly approving the efforts of the interventionist Donald ...
It seems it's up to the Arabs to work it out for themselves, but a bomb up the bum will probably help them on their way ...
This is almost as mysterious as transubstantiation, and so must be admired ... look how it starts with a vengeful face-masked figure, intent on staying out of the local derby, yet someone intent on staying in ...
Indeed, indeed, just imagine the entire middle east in flames, and everybody at each other's throats. It isn't hard, and what a splendid bonfire it would make.
Really we didn't get enough pleasure from Iraq v. Iran for many years. Why not a demolition derby featuring the lot of them, even the Persians?
Yes, it's not enough that the pesky Persians feel the need to be discreet about working with the Ruskis to support Assad. They should be open about it, and the Saudis should bomb them, and maybe Iraq could join in, because they haven't got enough on their plate with Daesh, and soon the entire joint could be reduced to rubble. And how cathartic and good that would be ...
Of course Dame Slap has been there before when it comes to the cleansing effect of war. The pond always goes dewy-eyed at the memories.
One of the tragedies of modern times is the way the reptiles have changed all their links - it's why, apart from the paywall, that the pond never bothers with links to the Oz - but every so often, if the story is remembered, it can be found in the Wayback Machine, as here, where the pond this delicious, fragrant gobbet from 2009:
Really we didn't get enough pleasure from Iraq v. Iran for many years. Why not a demolition derby featuring the lot of them, even the Persians?
Yes, it's not enough that the pesky Persians feel the need to be discreet about working with the Ruskis to support Assad. They should be open about it, and the Saudis should bomb them, and maybe Iraq could join in, because they haven't got enough on their plate with Daesh, and soon the entire joint could be reduced to rubble. And how cathartic and good that would be ...
Of course Dame Slap has been there before when it comes to the cleansing effect of war. The pond always goes dewy-eyed at the memories.
One of the tragedies of modern times is the way the reptiles have changed all their links - it's why, apart from the paywall, that the pond never bothers with links to the Oz - but every so often, if the story is remembered, it can be found in the Wayback Machine, as here, where the pond this delicious, fragrant gobbet from 2009:
The pond always sheds a tear at the exalted notion.
Bomb them to democracy, and sure enough, democracy will follow ... and didn't it turn out so remarkably well...
No wonder that Dame Slap, marvelling at the way that Protestants and Catholics have sorted out their difference, calls on the schismatics to sort out the middle east ...
Bomb them to democracy, and sure enough, democracy will follow ... and didn't it turn out so remarkably well...
No wonder that Dame Slap, marvelling at the way that Protestants and Catholics have sorted out their difference, calls on the schismatics to sort out the middle east ...

Indeed, indeed. A single strike on an airfield that saw planes back in the air within a day or so, has totally transformed the situation. It's an overdue message of continuing impotence, and it's terribly important such messages should be sent.
But sadly, it's simply not enough. Arabs must slaughter Arabs, so that in due course Arabs won't slaughter Arabs.
Now do you see the sublime transubstantive mysteries. The isolationist intervention, and the slaughter that will end the slaughter?
Yes, it's not enough that Saudi Arabia should be bombing weddings in Yemen, they should be bombing all over the place, and the Yemeni should be bombing their neighbours and oh what a joyous marching towards democracy these bombings would be ...
Curiously, this also reminded the pond of the splendid time back in the day when all the reptiles thought the way to sort out the middle east was to bung on a full-out war, as recalled by that isolationist and ABC refugee Tom Switzer here ...
Naturally Dame Slap flew in from her planet to be a cheerleader ...

Actually Dame Slap is egging on everyone in the middle east to have a go at each other, preferably aided by proxies, so that the Ruskis can take on Uncle Sam, because frankly how else is anyone going to enjoy the rapture any time soon?
Never mind, no doubt Tom has something to gloat about.
And speaking of gloating over misbegotten, woe-begotten neocons, who totally fucked everything up and yet expect they can just go on fucking things up, it's time for a final gobbet from Dame Slap ...

Ah fucketty fuck. At a time when the Xians are all over the lizard Oz, braying about their right to parade in brazen fashion bashing teh gays, Dame Slap suddenly is talking about the separation of religion and state, and Islamics heading off to practise a private personal faith separate from public life and politics.
What the fuck? Did the pond miss something in relation to the funding of religious schools and school chaplains and students in state schools being herded off to score a little religious indoctrination?
And the pages of the reptile rag full of hectoring, bullying Xians asserting their right to go on with their public bullying and braying? Sounding just as Daesh as Daesh when it comes to how the gays are ruining everything ...
Never mind, every day the pond says a silent prayer of thanks to the long absent lord that Dame Slap has found a good supportive home, scribbling nonsense for the reptiles of Oz.
The thought of her being anywhere near actual military power or foreign policy levers is one of the more terrifying dreams the pond has ... almost up there with flying United ...
And so, after being reminded by a reader of the benefits, here's a modest chunk of a First Dog cartoon. There's more meaty goodness and hearty chunks here, but the pond operates on the impression that everybody will drop in on the dog once in a while after over-dosing on reptile stew ...
Special Seating and Apparel Division?
ReplyDeleteShh. Nobody mention the oil.
We live in foggy times,with bad actors right across the political spectrum.Thank the Lord we have the massive brain of Janet Albrechtsen to guide us through these treacherous times!