Now that the theme for the day is established, with news of the founder and first führer, please allow the pond to take a detour through what's on offer this day in the Catholic Boys' Daily, weekend edition ...
First up are a couple of ripsnorters ...
Reasoned debate? What next, reasoned debate about Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny? How is it possible to have a reasoned discussion about imaginary friends?
And why is it that extreme voices and bigots always rail at others as if they're the bigots and extreme voices?
Do these dog bothering bigots and extreme voices think no one reads what they actually scribble? Oh, and while we're at it, an Oz cheer for the bouffant one's piece on Oz coal for the world, oi, oi, oi ...
And why is it that extreme voices and bigots always rail at others as if they're the bigots and extreme voices?
Do these dog bothering bigots and extreme voices think no one reads what they actually scribble? Oh, and while we're at it, an Oz cheer for the bouffant one's piece on Oz coal for the world, oi, oi, oi ...
Then as if to make the dog botherer's point all the more poignant, the latest head that dared to venture above the parapet scored yet another reptile kicking ...
And what about this line-up?
Score another one for the usual reptile piety about a well-meaning media ... and Dame Groan harping on about coal ... well what else is there with reptile wind so unreliable? - and gloomy nattering "Ned" doing his chicken little routine yet again ...
But the most pleasing one for the pond was the way that the bouffant one scribbled about 'electricity Bill'.
Occasionally the pond wonders about its demeaning use of nicknames, but when the bouffant one starts doing the same, it gratifies the pond that its plan to turn the lizard Oz into a gigantic blog of tree-killing abuse might slowly be coming to fruition ...
Occasionally the pond wonders about its demeaning use of nicknames, but when the bouffant one starts doing the same, it gratifies the pond that its plan to turn the lizard Oz into a gigantic blog of tree-killing abuse might slowly be coming to fruition ...
Meanwhile, to return to the Nazis, as all Godwin's Law swear jar devotees must do at some time in any given day ...
Prattling Polonius this day wrote an earnest piece about the importance of education for Aboriginal people and held up Stan Grant as an example, and accordingly this piece was kicked to the very bottom of the digital rat heap by the editor of Oz ...
As a result, the pond had to turn to Polonius's media page to get its serve of prattling Polonial pedantry for the day, and what a delight it was ...
First came this letter, right down the bottom of the page ...
That opening line could have stood a little amendment.
Avid readers of Polonius knows that pedants like him don't like others acting like him and turning pedant, especially if they happen to be pedantically right!
Now in any normal world any normal pedant would accept that Drexler was in fact the founder of the party that became the Nazi party, and was its first führer and was in fact Hitler's first mentor, until Hitler kicked him out and took over ...
There are any number of ways to discover this ...Greg Hunt lovers unafraid of southern walri can find out a lot more at the Nazi party wiki here, but the pond prefers a simple graph, and a story from the UK Terror ...
Avid readers of Polonius knows that pedants like him don't like others acting like him and turning pedant, especially if they happen to be pedantically right!
Now in any normal world any normal pedant would accept that Drexler was in fact the founder of the party that became the Nazi party, and was its first führer and was in fact Hitler's first mentor, until Hitler kicked him out and took over ...
There are any number of ways to discover this ...Greg Hunt lovers unafraid of southern walri can find out a lot more at the Nazi party wiki here, but the pond prefers a simple graph, and a story from the UK Terror ...
So how did prattling Polonius respond? Admit with grace that he mis-spoke or at least mis-scribbled. It's a minor error and a minor show of grace would see it quickly forgotten.
Certainly not, and the tone of the reply suggests just what a fatuous loon Polonius really is, both deep in his heart, and here, on the nakedly silly surface ...
Certainly not, and the tone of the reply suggests just what a fatuous loon Polonius really is, both deep in his heart, and here, on the nakedly silly surface ...

"Commonly regarded as the founder"?
No, he's not, and one ignorant citation doesn't obscure the fact. And then with a wave of the hand, in recognition of the folly of that ploy, a quick pivot claims the matter as of little moment, except in pedant land ...
No, he's not, and one ignorant citation doesn't obscure the fact. And then with a wave of the hand, in recognition of the folly of that ploy, a quick pivot claims the matter as of little moment, except in pedant land ...
And then the pedant goes on to talk of other pedants yet again ...
Well as the Donald and tricky Dick established, it's not always the original lie that matters, it's the nonsense that goes with the cover-up that causes the trouble.
Well as the Donald and tricky Dick established, it's not always the original lie that matters, it's the nonsense that goes with the cover-up that causes the trouble.
An honest response would have been to cede the point and get on with other things. But prattling Polonius is up there with the Donald in terms of his self-regard, his pomposity and his inability to admit even the smallest of mis-steps ...
It was so ineffably stupid, so typically Polonian, that the pond decided it needed more waffle of the highest order ... cue Freedom Boy ...
It's been a long time since Freedom Boy graced the pond's pages.
Would he be up to the job of delivering the waffle in style? Would he be a top notch replacement for Polonius?
Would he be up to the job of delivering the waffle in style? Would he be a top notch replacement for Polonius?
How could the pond have doubted Freedom Boy? And that reference to the pasty fundamentalist Andrew, born of creationist Dad, Hastie was the capper.
It reminded the pond of some of the pasty Hastie's greatest hits ...
More from Joe here, but the point seems obvious enough.
That vile sinner, Freedom Boy, should just bugger off to hell ...
That vile sinner, Freedom Boy, should just bugger off to hell ...
Oh wait, he hasn't finished scribbling his piece, come back Freedom Boy ...
It was around the time that "deconsolidation" entered the fray that the pond determined it was up for a strong, possibly authoritarian leader, who might unilaterally stop the abuse of the English language, no matter how many times inverted commas might be deployed to soften the blow ...
It turns out that this wretched word migrated from shipping, The separation of the components of a consolidated shipment (usually in a shared container) for delivery to their respective consignees, and it reminded the pond that there might be something worse than Polonius being pedantic about pedants ... like Freedom Boy regurgitating academics while blathering on about how to charm and woo the citizenry, so that they might vote for many more years of listening to or reading Freedom Boy blather on and on...
No doubt Freedom Boy thought his last couple of pars had the rhetorical strength and flourish of a Menzies, or possibly even a Churchill, but for the first time in its life, the pond understood the appeal of Pauline Hanson ...
In achieving that feat, Freedom Boy has achieved what the pond itself, as well as many others, thought pretty well impossible ...
It is also to redress the trust deficit by rebuilding contemporary institutions to deliver them??!!
What, like coal-fired power stations?
The pond immediately turned feral Hansonist...

No doubt Freedom Boy thought his last couple of pars had the rhetorical strength and flourish of a Menzies, or possibly even a Churchill, but for the first time in its life, the pond understood the appeal of Pauline Hanson ...
In achieving that feat, Freedom Boy has achieved what the pond itself, as well as many others, thought pretty well impossible ...
It is also to redress the trust deficit by rebuilding contemporary institutions to deliver them??!!
What, like coal-fired power stations?
The pond immediately turned feral Hansonist...
And so, as the reptiles maintain the rage about coal and Islam, to a couple of coalition cartoons ...

And now for anyone who came in late, and thanks to a correspondent - yes the pond reads the comments - this little burst from one Nick McKim - twitter him here ...
The Q Society Gazette? Could this displace, or perhaps deconsolidate the use of Catholic Boys' Daily?
As Gasan once remarked about the Xian bible, "That is excellent. Whoever said that is not far from Buddahood", McKim weeping over the dead trees of Oz made the pond think he wasn't too far from pondhood ...
And then this exchange confirmed it ...
Polonius' scribblings have "avid readers"? Pull the other one, Gerry.
ReplyDeleteAnd Freedom Boy goes all Rock 'n Roll by quoting Billy Joel! At this rate they'll be playing Motorhead at the IPA Christmas disco by around 2050.
I reckon Polonius aspires to be Eric Olthwaite.