Is it possible to imagine a better Oz frontn page, of either the tree killing or digital kind?
Look, there's dinkum Oz coal for the world, oi, oi, oi, and the demonising of Islamic continues, and right there, in the digital edition, is the latest Oreo ...
Don't ask why. Just think, because the Oreo
Don't ask why. Just think, because the Oreo
But wait, there's more, including a set of halal-free steak knives. Who should be at the top of the opinion section other than dear old rambling Moorice?
This ancient possum took quite a break over the Xmas period, but as always, the pond defers and must put him at the head of the table ... in the position usually occupied by the mad uncle when he ambles down from the attic and joins in the Xmas dinner ...
But why this constant mention of Xmas? Well as we shall see, Moorice still thinks it's Xmas ...
Oh it sounds like it's going to be crazy mad stuff, a wild embrace of secularism and a disdain for the lunacy that all religions introduce into the world ... a fight worth having, as we battle to maintain the insights of science and the enlightenment and the adversarial press and the very best of Jefferson cutting all that miracle tripe out of his version of the bible ...
Dear sweet long absent lord, Moorice really does think it's still Xmas and he's still fighting the war on Xmas...
The pond thought it was just a joke. Did anyone in the 'leet Surry Hills bunker not have the courtesy and decency to tell the silly old codger it's February and the wars over Xmas and Australia Day have long gone, and shouldn't return until around November?
The pond thought it was just a joke. Did anyone in the 'leet Surry Hills bunker not have the courtesy and decency to tell the silly old codger it's February and the wars over Xmas and Australia Day have long gone, and shouldn't return until around November?
Is it wise to allow senility and dementia to parade in public this way?
Will someone explain to the demented one that if the Donald puts American interests and values first, then by definition Australian interests and values must be put last ...
Did anyone in the bunker note for Moorice the cost of the Donald junketing off to Florida or his children cavorting all over the place?
Did anyone point out stories such as Trump family trips cost taxpayers $11.3m in one month - almost as much as the Obamas cost in a year.
Did anyone tell Moorice that the Donald loves to golf, even more than Obama? At c. $3 million the trip ...
Did anyone mention to Moorice he's now one of the "enemies of the people" and possibly one degree of warmth away from traitor? Even Fox News got a little alarmed ...
Now the pond realises that Moorice is a delusional old sod, who, for far too long, reaped the rewards of government, all the perks and the pleasures, while the people wore the cost ...
Now the pond realises that Moorice is a delusional old sod, who, for far too long, reaped the rewards of government, all the perks and the pleasures, while the people wore the cost ...
But how long can the delusional keep peddling the same old hoary myths about a game-changing draining of the swamps when a new set of billionaires, sundry insider bludgers and Goldman Sachs alumni have moved in, and the Donald - a member of the protected New York urban elite - pisses money against the wall?
Well when you sip the Moorice kool aid, the fever can last for a long, long time ...
Oh seesh, it's still Xmas in Moorice la la land. Moorice, it's February, it would be unhinged to wish you a Merry Xmas right at the moment, you silly senile old loon ...
But the pond always humoured the mad uncle in the attic, so if you insist, here's a toon just for you ...
But the pond always humoured the mad uncle in the attic, so if you insist, here's a toon just for you ...
Meanwhile, the Oreo was off busy on the never-ending Oz business of demonising Islamics ...

The pond hesitated to note that the main proponent of dark ages death sentences was in recent times in fact the Communist government of China ... and while Islamic countries in the Middle East were next best, the United States was just outside the medal placings with 220 executed 2007-12, compared to 256 by bronze medallist Iraq (Graudian the data here).
Now before embarking on the Oreo's rant about the Islamics and the wonders of western civilisation and Xians in particular and their relentless, admirable feminism, it's worth the pond spending a little time on context.
This is just a selection from Genesis, which gets up to point 45 before heading off to Exodus and eventually reaching 388 references.
Anyone wanting any more of these can have endless hours of fun with working links at the skeptic's annotated bible here ...
Of course you won't find anything about this in the Oreo. It's what's called, in another biblical passage, a giant bloody mote in the eye ...

Ahem, actually, the bible also approved of female sexual slavery. It was quite the done thing in ancient times, and lordy lordy, these days the angry Sydney Anglicans do so love their complimentary women too ...
This is always the trouble when delusional Oreos are allowed out to cherry-pick their religions while barking at the moon ...

The irony of the Oreo, a Trump lover, suddenly spruiking the free press is just one of the many contradictions not lost on the pond this day ...
In much the same way as the bizarre notion that the secular state has its origins in Xian scripture ...
Now the pond understands that the bigots might want to write the Athenians out of the picture, what with their rather free and fancy ways with homosexuality ...
But why, week after week, do the reptiles pander to the Oreo and allow her delusions to roam around the digital world?
It is a singular mystery, and yet it confirms yet again why the pond must consider the lizards of Oz enemies of the people ...
Anyone pretending that billionaires and Goldman Sachs are friends of the people must by definition be an enemy of the people.
Anyone blathering on about Islamics as the enemy of the people while ignoring the way that Xians have demonised women, gays and other minorities must surely be an enemy of the people.
What to do? Perhaps in the dark of the night, light a fire and apply charcoal to the cheeks and forehead and began to chant:
The Oreo is the enemy, the reptiles are the enemy, the Oreo is the enemy. That's all.
Anyone blathering on about Islamics as the enemy of the people while ignoring the way that Xians have demonised women, gays and other minorities must surely be an enemy of the people.
What to do? Perhaps in the dark of the night, light a fire and apply charcoal to the cheeks and forehead and began to chant:
The Oreo is the enemy, the reptiles are the enemy, the Oreo is the enemy. That's all.
Then the pond would have achieved the full orgasmic game-changing Trumpist understanding urged on it by the Oreo and the Moorice ...
And now in these troubled times, the pond must revert to its new guide to all things media ...
And now in these troubled times, the pond must revert to its new guide to all things media ...
Well yes #lastnightinsweden is fun, and there was the pond thinking that Sweden was only good for dour Bergman movies or a sick failed Scandinavian noir film about a female politician imprisoned in a diabolical compression chamber ...
These days good humoured Swedish questions abound ...
These days good humoured Swedish questions abound ...
A functional crack addict? An inordinately successful crack addict!
Indeed, indeed. Or perhaps just a junk TV addict ... and never mind the nuance, the subtlety or the alternative fax ...
This is a man who has launched, or caused to be launched, a zillion tweets lieu of policies, abilities or vision. It's distraction, deflection, distortion, divergence and deviation cranked up to 11, while the Moorices and the Oreos wander about bleating, lost in their new Trumpian wilderness ...
In the meantime, anyone interested in an oasis of sanity can find more Rowe here ...
Indeed, indeed. Or perhaps just a junk TV addict ... and never mind the nuance, the subtlety or the alternative fax ...
This is a man who has launched, or caused to be launched, a zillion tweets lieu of policies, abilities or vision. It's distraction, deflection, distortion, divergence and deviation cranked up to 11, while the Moorices and the Oreos wander about bleating, lost in their new Trumpian wilderness ...
In the meantime, anyone interested in an oasis of sanity can find more Rowe here ...
Moorice, the Oreo and The Galah all on the same day ! You're seriously spooling us with such riches, DP.
ReplyDeleteThe Oreo, it really must be noted, is regularly quoted by one Malcom Ieuan Roberts. So the 9th smartest Intellectual in Australia is quoted regularly by the author of CSIRoh!, and essay described by Prof Andrew Bolt as "utterly stupid".
ReplyDeleteCircles within circles, and wheels within wheels indeed.
That's exceptionally disturbing VC, but bravely done for actually tracking the cotton wool passing for thoughts in MR's mind ...