And what better way to do that than to read the reptile editorialist delivering a double header whack...

If the pond might just paraphrase, the pond being no good at being noble, the problems of three little people, Abe, Malware and the TPP, don't amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world. Someday they might understand that ...
Somehow the reptiles think that sanity will prevail, even as the CIA goes to war with the Donald, and the Donald imagines he's living in Nazi Germany ...
In this vale of tears, what loon would start off an editorial with idle chatter about "the powerful message of support" ...?
The Donald's off to a love-in with Putin, and the losers are left on the sidelines ...

Mexico? The Donald is going to give the likes of Mexico an easy path, considering how deeply in debt they are as a result of building the wall?
Well it was a classic editorial beat-up derived from someone getting a flea in the ear from Malware's office, with those hardy souls desperate to talk about anything other than snouts in trough ...

Yes, every so often, it falls to the reptiles to channel, Pravda-like, the inner wisdom of the Malware, doing his level best to stay afloat ... though your average cork at sea would have more direction and purpose ... and yes, gravitas ...
And what do you know, Mexico scored a mention ...

If only the pond had this in hard copy form and could store it in the outside toilet for future reference (oh yes, the pond is civilised and has an outside loo for deeper forms of meditation).

Serious concern? Strongest terms?
You silly, wretched people, this is the language of politics and diplomacy these days ... insults and CAPS SHRIEKING OFF THE PAGE ...
Jawohl, mein Führer! I can walk!
What have you got for the pond reptiles?
Jawohl, mein Führer! I can walk!
What have you got for the pond reptiles?

A cultural change?
Well here's a headline to match that one ...
Well here's a headline to match that one ...
Thank the long absent lord it's only a cultural change.
Good on you Barners, stick with the rich ... and now let's see how it's going in that epic Centrelink v snouts in trough joust, at least according to the reptile editorialist ...
Good on you Barners, stick with the rich ... and now let's see how it's going in that epic Centrelink v snouts in trough joust, at least according to the reptile editorialist ...

A knee-jerk reaction? It really was the socialists having a go at the Suss in Sussan?
Well in another country, the looting that is about to happen will make the Liberals here feel like small beer, even lap dog Barners trailing behind Gina ...
And so to a sorbet, though it being the reptiles, it's sure to have an acid taste ...

Ah yes, his greatest victory was surely to make pussy-grabbing a national sport for men ... now there's a victory for the ages ...
Never mind, what's the bet that the reptiles will seize the moment to go Trumpist and dump on the usual suspects, the different, the other, and the powerless?

Reading all that made the pond think that the reptiles were stuck back in a 1950s mindset.
But then the pond gradually recalled the 1950s, and a movie which had a seminal impact on a young mind ...

Of course Billy Wilder fled Nazi Germany, him being a Jew and all, at a time when actual Nazis were more than a Donald Trump Godwin's Law Twitter routine ...
Well it's good that the reptiles think that the way forward is to promote themselves as supplying REAL NEWS, and that REAL NEWS is snarky bitchy comments about TG people ...
Pardon the pond's Trumpist tendencies, but fuck them and the FAKE NEWS horse they rode in on, even allowing that snide horses' arses are unlikely to be perfect ...
And now for those who, like the pond, don't follow Facebook, a kindly correspondent sent along this recent entry ...
ReplyDeleteOneiric? Wouldn't Onanic be a more apt descriptor of the Oreo?
ReplyDeleteAww, c'mon Donald, please play our game. Look, we've set everything up - just the way you like it. Shinzo and I have been hard at work giving powerful messages of support for our game. We think we're close enough friends of yours that we can tell it to you like it is. We feel very, very strongly about this.
ReplyDeleteDonald? Donny? Don?? Pullleeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaze!
Hi Dorothy,
ReplyDeleteMurdoch back to pulling strings;
Gove very nearly became the PM of the United Kingdom (soon to be the DisUnited Kingdom) but who was he actually working for?
Doesn’t look like that there will be any dissent from the Murdochian Press to the Trump regime.
The Murdochians see a chance to make out like bandits DW ... it'll take a mighty series of fuck-ups before they abandon the pirate ship the Donald ...