Right from the get go, the pond had a problem.
No, it's not that Marcus is blonde. It's that Marcus is dumb, and incidentally blonde. Naturally this leads to a conjunction which many will construe as being more than coincidental ... a dumb blonde let loose, alone and with only bubble-headed thoughts arising, on a computer keyboard and pounding out thoughts for the Terrorists to publish...
See right there at the beginning.
Forget Meryl Streep? Okay, she's just an actor, not the pond's favourite, and why pay attention to a celebrity whose expertise is in acting the lives of others?
Forget Meryl Streep? Okay, she's just an actor, not the pond's favourite, and why pay attention to a celebrity whose expertise is in acting the lives of others?
But then while forgetting Streep, we should pay attention to the spot on Nicole Kidman?
But that's infinitely stupid. She too is just an actor, with her best roles long behind her. She was dumb enough to marry a man deep into Scientology. Now she lives in Nashville with a second rate country musician (yes Jeeves there are good country musicians, the pond has a particular taste for the alt country kind, but Urban is simply too bland, or urbane if you will).
But that's infinitely stupid. She too is just an actor, with her best roles long behind her. She was dumb enough to marry a man deep into Scientology. Now she lives in Nashville with a second rate country musician (yes Jeeves there are good country musicians, the pond has a particular taste for the alt country kind, but Urban is simply too bland, or urbane if you will).
Why on earth should the pond pay attention to these dropkicks? Might as well listen to that epic loser and really strange man Ted Nugent. And it seems he was too wild for the Donald, what with all the dropkicks and losers that are getting together for the inauguration ... including a Bruce Springsteen tribute band, The B Street Band (list at The Independent here). That's beyond the valley of the pathetic.
But why is the pond surprised? After all, the Donald himself is just a jumped up reality TV show celebrity, of a minor kind. Sort of Clive Palmer on steroids, with more cash and wanting to act the dinosaur rather than build statues of them, but just as delusional ...
Okay, the pond has tried to dance around the Marcus, but perforce we must get down with it ...
Oh dear, there it is, that simpering, ingratiating smirk ...
Stop it, stop it, for fear that the pond will go blind and not be able to read the words ...
Stop it, stop it, for fear that the pond will go blind and not be able to read the words ...
As for stopping the gossip and the blame games? What planet is she on?
Well there you go, that's how you get to be Nicole Kidman, hitched to a Scientologist. And Marcus acting as little Miss Echo Chamber, with bonus theory of parodies ...
The United States has never worked on simple-minded support for the President of the day. It's worked on the contest of ideas, and the presidency has always been a lightning rod for those oppositional ideas ...
The United States has never worked on simple-minded support for the President of the day. It's worked on the contest of ideas, and the presidency has always been a lightning rod for those oppositional ideas ...
Just look at the past few presidents - don't bother going back to honest Abe having an off-night at the theatre.
This shouldn't be hard to grasp, but then Marcus is the sort of person that can invent weird excuses for a man who mocked a disabled reporter.
This shouldn't be hard to grasp, but then Marcus is the sort of person that can invent weird excuses for a man who mocked a disabled reporter.
Why not just say, in these hardened-up, pussy-grabbing times, that Trump mocked him? Why dissemble, why apologise, why attempt to pander to the politically correct?
He's a nasty mocker and a pussy-grabber, he could shoot someone in the street and not lose votes, and he's still going to be president.
Okay, here's a deal. Anyone who thinks Trump is getting a raw deal can demand the same sort of loyalty, fealty and support the Donald gave to that illegitimate Kenyan bloody socialist and his fraudulent birth certificate ...
There's dozens more, all tidily assembled at Slate here ...
Well that settles that, doesn't it? Give him the same sort of chance he gave Obama?
If you like, with bonus jokes about orange hair.
The pond loves the irony, which makes it go a little biblical:
If you like, with bonus jokes about orange hair.
The pond loves the irony, which makes it go a little biblical:
Be not deceived. The Kenyan socialist is not mocked: or if he is, for whatsoever a man soweth in twitter, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth mockery and talk of illegitimacy shall reap talk of corruption, Putin, golden showers and illegitimacy.
Uh huh. Well it's sometimes necessary to take to the streets when confronted with sublime nonsense ...
Oh no, they didn't go there, did they?
Why even a mug punter whose swallowed Scientology whole might find that a little hard to swallow ...
Obama should step up?
It's lucky he's not a Trump-style tweeter.
Oh sweet long absent lord, it's all beyond the valley of the delusional ... and more at Huff here ... and Twitter going off about it, in patented Trump style, here ...
It's lucky he's not a Trump-style tweeter.
Oh sweet long absent lord, it's all beyond the valley of the delusional ... and more at Huff here ... and Twitter going off about it, in patented Trump style, here ...
Well it seems that Marcus has also decided to camp in the valley beyond the delusional, getting agitated about the right of people to say what they think, which the pond apparently mistook for signs of an energetic democracy and people alert to rampant hypocrisy ...
Here's the thing. If Lewis wants to say Trump is illegitimate, he has as much, if not more evidence, than Trump had for his birtherism. If he wants to say it, that's his right. If others want to demonstrate, that's their right.
The Donald set the pace for outrageous protest and mockery, let him reap what he sowed.
Here's the thing. If Lewis wants to say Trump is illegitimate, he has as much, if not more evidence, than Trump had for his birtherism. If he wants to say it, that's his right. If others want to demonstrate, that's their right.
The Donald set the pace for outrageous protest and mockery, let him reap what he sowed.
Civilised debate and diplomatic channels?
Good luck with that ... here's what passes for civilised debate in Trumpist circles ...
Lies, fraudulent excuses, mockery and ridicule, of the kind you might expect from a reality TV show celebrity addicted to Twitter and television, and who reached his own kind of level of fame by running a particularly cruel form of reality TV sacking losers ...
Well if Trump wants to compare dick sizes with the North Koreans or the Chinese, or dismantle NATO to please Putin - his latest gambit this day - that's for him to do. He can blow up the world if he likes, he's got the code.
But that doesn't mean the pond has to like it or to listen to his addle-headed, scramble-brained tweeting ...
Well if Trump wants to compare dick sizes with the North Koreans or the Chinese, or dismantle NATO to please Putin - his latest gambit this day - that's for him to do. He can blow up the world if he likes, he's got the code.
But that doesn't mean the pond has to like it or to listen to his addle-headed, scramble-brained tweeting ...
But then Marcus is the sort of addle-headed scribbler who also works for Sky TV ...

We have to listen?
No we don't.
If anyone wanted to formulate a form of words that's most likely to send the pond into a frenzy, the pond opines that that is one of them ... what is this? Bad writing in a Biggles' book?
Ah, just forget it. From now on, the pond will be too busy screaming ... or laughing ... or crying ... or perhaps wondering when the first move to impeachment comes and from what quarter ... or when Vlad the impaler makes his first moves on Europe ... for it to listen ...
Stupid people can listen if they like. Stupid people can write pieces for the Terrorists. And stupid people can blog about stupid Terrorist scribblers ...
That's the way it goes in this stupid world ...
Stupid people can listen if they like. Stupid people can write pieces for the Terrorists. And stupid people can blog about stupid Terrorist scribblers ...
That's the way it goes in this stupid world ...
Meanwhile, the Marcus can join the red head in a special kind of dreaming, with more excellent Rowe to be found here ...
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