Friday, May 06, 2016

Day 46, and the Bolter is revolting ...

Good old Patrick Henry ... some great sayings ...

The pond especially liked that rhetorical flourish "If this be treason, make the most of it."

Caesar had his Brutus, Charles I his Cromwell, and George III ... well say no more ... and teh Donald has ... well everybody is aware of the way that Republicans are in rampant revolt  ... Republicans are burning their voter registration cards ...

And who can blame them?

But Americans always think that they're at the centre of the known universe, and so it's with great pride and joy that it seems now we can throw into the mix ...

Malware has his Bolter ...

Yes, treason, treachery, poisonous treason flourishes like serpents and rats running riot in the sewers, or at least in the pages of the treasonous, treacherous Bolter ...

At first the pond thought little of this apocalyptic moment ...

After all, the pond has started to get used to the man in black, the vengeful preacher, announcing the end times for all and sundry ...

We've all been there and sung the song ...

But now naked treason struts the earth ...

Yes spite-laden vipers, asps thrust at the bosom of Malware, are being given sheltering space in the home of the vipers ...

Of course the master plotter must dissemble and purport to being solid and pretend that Labor would be worse:

The Turnbull Government is increasingly resembling a Labor Government in drag - high spending, higher taxing, warming alarmist and with not the slightest intention of restoring lost freedoms. Now it’s even promising retrospective laws to snatch super savings. 
Labor would be worse, but with Turnbull in charge can we ever hope for better?

But steady lads - and the odd lass who wants to dress up as an angry white male shouting at clouds - that's what we have to say before the tea goes over the side into the harbour, and vengeance is ours, and the four horsemen of the apocalypse ride the earth, and it all comes down, the whole damn rotten thing ...

Is there anything else we should mention before we close this meeting of the bruvvers?

Even Liberal ministers ...

Well the pond knew that reader's poster would come in handy, but who thought it would come in so handy so soon?


  1. Ms Pond
    the Superannuation limit of $1.6m could get interesting (depending on the actual legislation). Advice being given out it that amounts above the $1.6 will have to be withdrawn. What to do with all that cash? (assuming that it does not go into brown paper bags and find its way to our Tones - did he actually say he gave it back?). Equities are not looking flash, gold is a risk, there are only so many holidays to be taken so the best place would be the property market. That should do wonders for housing affordability.

  2. "Caesar had his Brutus, Charles I his Cromwell, and George III ... well say no more ..."

    George III had John Wilkes, DP, after whom John Wilkes Booth - and several thousand other juvenile Americans - was named. And John Wilkes had ... the Lord Sandwich, but of course.

    But, butt ... today I encountered an amazing quote linked by Mark Thoma as follows:

    Richard Hofstadter opened his 1963 Herbert Spencer Lecture at Oxford with these prescient words:

    "Although American political life has rarely been touched by the most acute varieties of class conflict, it has served again and again as an arena for uncommonly angry minds. Today this fact is most evident on the extreme right wing, which has shown, particularly in the Goldwater movement. how much political leverage can he got out of the animosities and passions of a small minority. Behind such move­ments there is a style of mind, not always right-wing in its affiliations, that has a long and varied history. I call it the paranoid style simply because no other word adequately evokes the qualities of heated exaggeration, suspiciousness, and conspiratorial fantasy that I have in mind."

    Now is that, or is that not, the most amazing piece of Cassandra-style (to be totally ignored) warning you have ever encountered ?

    Thoma's link points to this:

    1. PS: Hillary was, of course, a Goldwater Girl .

  3. Man seeks restraining order against God

    An Israeli man has petitioned for a restraining order against God, claiming the almighty has been particularly unkind to him over the years and that the police are unable to do anything.

    The man, named by Israeli news site NRG as David Shoshan, represented himself at a court hearing in Haifa, a port city in the north of Israel. The report noted that God was not present to defend himself.

    God could not be contacted for comment.


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