(Above: go here to The Guardian, a liberal leftie pinko pervert rag for more details).
Dear lord, it's a miracle.
Opposition Leader Malcolm Turnbull will not be quitting any time soon.
In the biggest test of his leadership yet he has managed to come through, though he should ponder why his and the parliamentary Liberal Party’s position on an emissions trading system became such a liability.
The position the shadow cabinet agreed to some four months ago has not changed and it does not present the Rudd Labor government with a victory.
Shadow cabinet has taken the position that it will prepare serious amendments to the Rudd government’s ETS Bill but it will not approve the Bill if the Rudd government disallows its amendments or agrees to only minor changes.
As Turnbull has bluntly told MPs: if Rudd accepts some amendments but does not exclude the coal industry or agriculture from his scheme then he is whacking the nation with a more onerous tax than Barack Obama is prepared to introduce in the US.
Turnbull says he would fight the ETS if Rudd refuses to do what Obama has pledged to do to protect US jobs.
Taking such a position would win the Liberals third-party endorsements from the important rural and mining sectors and even from parts of the trade union movement that are more focused on the realities of the workplace than Rudd and his elitist supporters in the ALP’s inner-urban branches and the totally detached Greens who fantasise that job creation is all about building bicycle paths and counselling the unemployed.
Most importantly, taking this position to party members should keep most thinking Liberals happy and keep the National Party in the Coalition.
Rudd has numerous reasons for wanting to sell Australia out before December’s meeting on global climate change in Copenhagen. He has pandered to those for whom climate change has become a religion, he has posed internationally as a world leader on the issue and would happily sacrifice the economic well-being of the nation to remain the country’s supreme media tart.
A blanket refusal to negotiate with the Government would permit the Rudd spin machine and its enormous media chorus to depict the Liberals as negativists with nothing to contribute.
That was the position of the Labor Opposition when it rejected all of the previous government’s far-sighted economic reforms - the very reforms that permitted Rudd to inherit the soundest economy in the Western world when the US sub-prime crisis send the global economy into a tailspin.
Putting his job in play briefly achieved little or nothing, particularly as his leadership is fragile at best.
Preservation of the unity of the Coalition is the most important task, second only to that of unity within the Liberals.
In his heart, Turnbull is more supportive of the climate change argument ...
Thank the lord. A Lord. And a former policy adviser to Margaret Thatcher! Would that be the very same person who suggested anyone who had AIDS should be shipped off somewhere and placed in permanent isolation?
The Nationals’ Senator Barnaby Joyce and the more outspoken Liberals, led by MP Wilson Tuckey, are not as entirely illogical on this as their critics claim and there must be some sanctioned differentiation within the Coalition to permit them to legitimately express their views.
Anything otherwise assists Labor in its drive to paint the Coalition as chaotic and dysfunctional and distract from the extraordinary positions Rudd Labor has taken in recent weeks.
Its very public gloating over the failure of economist Henry Ergas’ company is a case in point, as is the glee with which Infrastructure Minister Anthony Albanese greeted the shotgun approach to dismantling Telstra with a subsequent loss to millions of small shareholders.
Both provided very public examples of Labor’s desire to hold government for the power it delivers, but not necessarily for the greater national good.
Hard heads within the Liberals must acknowledge that as wrong as Kyoto was initially and remains, the previous government’s blanket opposition at the last election probably cost it more votes than WorkChoices because many younger voters have been comprehensively brainwashed to toe an extremist environmentalist line by their teachers.
With that lesson, they must acknowledge that political gain can be made by accommodating those who think they need to do something about the environment, but in doing so insist that whatever action is legislated does not cost one Australian job.
Arguing strongly from the national interest point of view and against Rudd Labor’s disastrous plan to damage Australia is the way forward for the Liberals and the Coalition.
Dear lord, it's a miracle.
Suddenly Piers Akerman, beloved Akker Dakker, well known as the fat owl of the remove to the few regular readers of this site, has fallen into line with Malcolm Turnbull and his call to arms regarding climate change.
Unlike Miranda the Devine, Akker Dakker has bitten the bullet, sucked up the spit, swallowed the dummy, and pronounced all is safe, especially Malcolm Turnbull's job, as outlined in Jobs are key for coalition:
Opposition Leader Malcolm Turnbull will not be quitting any time soon.
In the biggest test of his leadership yet he has managed to come through, though he should ponder why his and the parliamentary Liberal Party’s position on an emissions trading system became such a liability.
The position the shadow cabinet agreed to some four months ago has not changed and it does not present the Rudd Labor government with a victory.
Only in Greyfriars could there be a more comprehensive understanding of the truth than what you could find in The Magic Faraway Tree. There's only victory here, sweet victory.
It seems Malcolm is a hard man. It's not that he's taken Wilson 'Ironbar' Tuckey to the cleaners, he's taken the Rudd government to the car wash:
Shadow cabinet has taken the position that it will prepare serious amendments to the Rudd government’s ETS Bill but it will not approve the Bill if the Rudd government disallows its amendments or agrees to only minor changes.
As Turnbull has bluntly told MPs: if Rudd accepts some amendments but does not exclude the coal industry or agriculture from his scheme then he is whacking the nation with a more onerous tax than Barack Obama is prepared to introduce in the US.
Valiant warrior Turnbull is in fact Obama in drag, fighting for the coal industry and the innocent farmer, unlike the fiendish Chairman Rudd:
Turnbull says he would fight the ETS if Rudd refuses to do what Obama has pledged to do to protect US jobs.
Taking such a position would win the Liberals third-party endorsements from the important rural and mining sectors and even from parts of the trade union movement that are more focused on the realities of the workplace than Rudd and his elitist supporters in the ALP’s inner-urban branches and the totally detached Greens who fantasise that job creation is all about building bicycle paths and counselling the unemployed.
Most importantly, taking this position to party members should keep most thinking Liberals happy and keep the National Party in the Coalition.
Hallelujah, take me to the river and wash the blood away so that I can reach the promised land. The coalition is safe, and Barnaby Joyce a whole-hearted supporter of big Mal.
By golly, there was Tim Blair suggesting that Malcolm Turnbull had joined the Labor party, but Akker Dakker has seen the coming of the lord, and understands the evils he must battle, in particular the satanic Chairman Rudd, and his desire to sell out Australia, so he can remain a media slut
Rudd has numerous reasons for wanting to sell Australia out before December’s meeting on global climate change in Copenhagen. He has pandered to those for whom climate change has become a religion, he has posed internationally as a world leader on the issue and would happily sacrifice the economic well-being of the nation to remain the country’s supreme media tart.
Oh Australia, that ever you should have elected a hooker to run the country. Only too happy to portray those nattering nabobs of negativity as naysayers and nonpareil numchucks. Well perhaps if climate change has become a religion and pandering to these delusional folk is the way to power, maybe Liberals have to become panderers to the delusional just like Chairman Rudd. Because otherwise the outlook is grim:
A blanket refusal to negotiate with the Government would permit the Rudd spin machine and its enormous media chorus to depict the Liberals as negativists with nothing to contribute.
That was the position of the Labor Opposition when it rejected all of the previous government’s far-sighted economic reforms - the very reforms that permitted Rudd to inherit the soundest economy in the Western world when the US sub-prime crisis send the global economy into a tailspin.
But what of Miranda the Devine's contention only yesterday that Malcolm Turnbull had created a win-win situation for himself, by setting up a situation where he could walk away from the leadership if things got ugly, or he could roll over a helpless hapless back bench like a steamroller without consideration for the truth, the reality of global warming. The ugly hideous truth. It's all a big fat lie!
Well never you mind that. Big Mal's got the right angle, and Piers has got his back. Oh sure there might have been a hiccup, a glitch or three, but all's well that ends well:
Turnbull was probably unwise to have raised the stakes of the current debate by placing his leadership in the equation but some might think it will help steel him for the far greater test of the election campaign.
Putting his job in play briefly achieved little or nothing, particularly as his leadership is fragile at best.
Preservation of the unity of the Coalition is the most important task, second only to that of unity within the Liberals.
But what about this nonsense of the coalition going to the last election with an actual climate change policy in place? After all, Senator Ron Boswell had never heard of such a thing. It was all news to him. And what about big Mal and his inclination towards heresy. How say you Akker Dakker?
In his heart, Turnbull is more supportive of the climate change argument ...
Oh no, say it ain't so, not big Mal. No way he could be one of those zealots, those fundamentalist creationist religionist loons who believe in global warming without a shred of scientific evidence.
What on earth can we do to save him, and thus save Australia, and in the process perhaps even save the world. Is there some expert we can turn to in our hour of direst need?
... despite a growing number of distinguished sceptics coming forward on an almost daily basis. Among the latest has been Lord Christopher Monckton, a former policy adviser to former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.
Monckton told a conference in Calgary on Thursday that the science linking rising CO2 levels to calamitous environmental consequences is fatally flawed.
Thank the lord. A Lord. And a former policy adviser to Margaret Thatcher! Would that be the very same person who suggested anyone who had AIDS should be shipped off somewhere and placed in permanent isolation?
But actually Monckton hasn't come forward lately on this matter, nor indeed he is the latest. He's been banging on about it like an old drum for years, as Akerman well knows, without even consulting the record by looking up the wiki on Monckton here.
Monckton's actual scientific qualifications? Well let's not go there, nor should we bother to recount tawdry criticisms of the kind peddled by the ratbags who've labeled his views as cherry-picking, downright misrepresentation, and pseudo-scientific gibberish.
No, for proper scientific information, we can instead turn to that pillar of science, Akker Dakker himself, who's got a handle on the very latest science:
The latest studies - based on direct measurements in the atmosphere rather than frequently cited, notoriously misleading computer modelling - say the expected warming from the doubling of carbon dioxide (CO2) between now and 150 years hence is going to be one-sixth of previous UN Climate Panel estimates.
But if that's the case, why have we wandered down the wrong path with big Mal, whose got a soft spot for the heretics, and as Environment Minister in the Howard government was even known to talk a bit of heresy himself. After all, if there's no panic and nothing to worry about, why has big Mal sold out, and decided to do a deal with that Satanic hooker Chairman Rudd?
What happens to all the true believers celebrated by Akker Dakker these past few months?
The Nationals’ Senator Barnaby Joyce and the more outspoken Liberals, led by MP Wilson Tuckey, are not as entirely illogical on this as their critics claim and there must be some sanctioned differentiation within the Coalition to permit them to legitimately express their views.
Oh that's nice. There has to some sanctioned differentiation - don't you just love the phrasing - for the Moncktons of the Liberal and National parties. Can you just imagine the chortling if Akker Dakker had managed to find a phrase like that coming from the lips of the evil satanic Rudd? Sanctioned differentiation?
So it's a broad church, and just like the current Pope, there's room for a bunch of right wing anti-semitic ratbags like the SSPX.
Phew, thank heavens that's sorted. Chairman Rudd is talking nonsense about climate change and so is Malcolm Turnbull - Lord Monckton tells us so - but we must rally behind the fearless leader, and with a flurry of sanctioned differentiation, all will be well. Surely we can now spend a bit of time explaining just how bad Labor has been these past few weeks?
Anything otherwise assists Labor in its drive to paint the Coalition as chaotic and dysfunctional and distract from the extraordinary positions Rudd Labor has taken in recent weeks.
Its very public gloating over the failure of economist Henry Ergas’ company is a case in point, as is the glee with which Infrastructure Minister Anthony Albanese greeted the shotgun approach to dismantling Telstra with a subsequent loss to millions of small shareholders.
Both provided very public examples of Labor’s desire to hold government for the power it delivers, but not necessarily for the greater national good.
Oh the evil heartless bastards.
But what about climate change? I'm still not sure. After all, Rudd grand-standed his way through that waste of space called Kyoto. Doesn't it stick in the craw just a little to put the tail between the legs and walk away? Can't we keep banging away that the basic lie perpetuated by these craven creationist religionists who believe in the totally unscientific nonsense known as climate change science? Steady, take it easy, at ease valiant warrior soldiers. Take the soft tissue from the cranium, harden your heads:
Hard heads within the Liberals must acknowledge that as wrong as Kyoto was initially and remains, the previous government’s blanket opposition at the last election probably cost it more votes than WorkChoices because many younger voters have been comprehensively brainwashed to toe an extremist environmentalist line by their teachers.
Sob, that's right, the young have been brainwashed. Why they've even brainwashed Malcolm Turnbull. It's costing votes, it's costing government, what to do? Surely we can't be talking about selling out, about acting like quislings up against the Hitlerite climate changistas?
With that lesson, they must acknowledge that political gain can be made by accommodating those who think they need to do something about the environment, but in doing so insist that whatever action is legislated does not cost one Australian job.
Accommodation, negotiation, big Mal still the leader ... oh no, say it ain't so, it's a sell out, it's a disaster. The best we can do is hold the Brisbane line, and ensure not one Australian job is lost. Even the job of that quisling Malcolm Turnbull ...
Arguing strongly from the national interest point of view and against Rudd Labor’s disastrous plan to damage Australia is the way forward for the Liberals and the Coalition.
Well as you can expect, there was some consternation in the ranks at the prospect of this craven, cowardly way forward. The comments section frothed and foamed at chairman Rudd, and a few even questioned Akker Dakker's own logic, his own betrayal of the truth.
But Akker Dakker was firm regarding the need to sell out, or to put it another way to be realistic:
Matt my point of view is distorted by commonsense. The Liberals cannot dump a policy they went to the last election with. The position I outlined is, i believe, the most realistic path to follow.
By golly, hits on this site slump whenever we take a look at Akker Dakker. He has his own loon following, but most people don't seem to have much time for his ideological ranting. But seeing him writhe on the spit, swing in the breeze, hang from the hook, dangle in the dismal swamp, as he shifts from a fierce hatred of the religious zealots of climate change to a solid endorsement of a climate change believer, in the shape of Malcolm Turnbull, is something to relish, something to see, something to enjoy. It even rivals Luke Skywalker's discovery that Darth Vader is his dad.
Oh sweet sanctioned differentiation. Once again, the fat owl of the remove proves himself the most exceptional of the commentariat columnists ... a misunderstood treasure, designed to provide valuable material for students of propaganda, including a willingness to celebrate a change of tack not seen since the grand days of Lord Haw Haw.
Oops, I see I've broken Godwin's Law once again. Never mind, I'll throw another dollar in the swear jar ... cheap at half the price ...
Postscript: this morning through momentary folly caught Tony Abbott being confronted by Laurie Oakes with a direct quote that climate change was utter crap, yet he supported big Mal and a modified ETS. Proving that like Akerman, Abbott would find it hard to lie straight in bed. How he reconciles his deviousness as a politician with his religious beliefs, we'll leave to him.
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