It being a Sunday, a time for quiet reflection, let's get down with the Christians and enjoy a little bit of their caring, sharing way with love:
The same God who instituted the death penalty for murders is the same god who instituted the death penalty for rapists and for homosexuals, sodomites and queers!
Oh yes, come on down Pastor Steven Anderson, a recent discovery of Pam Spaulding and Crooks and Liars, as he goes about the joyous business of preaching love and peace and a little capital punishment at the Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe, Arizona.
I've driven through Tempe, but failed to notice the magnificent church, but there you go. Thanks to the intertubes, it's possible to catch up on Anderson's consoling, healing words:
You know why God wanted the sodomites in the Old Testament to be killed? You know why every good king of Israel, the Bible says they got rid of the sodomites in the land? You know, the good kings that came after the bad kings who had allowed the sodomites to infest their land, they had infiltrated ... King Asa got the sodomites out of the land, Jehoshaphat exterminated the sodomites that were left from the days of his father, Asa. Why? Because the sodomites are infectious, that's why. Because they're not reproducers, that goes without saying, they're recruiters.
Oh yes, here it comes. Helen Lovejoy thinking of the children, with a particularly vicious twist:
How are they multiplying? Do you not see that they're multiplying? Are you that blind? Have you noticed that there's more than there were last year and the year before, and the year before that? How are they multiplying? They're reproducing right? No, here's a biology lesson: they're not reproducers, they're recruiters! And you know who they're after? Your children. Remember you dropped off your kids last week? That's who they're after. You drop them off at some daycare, you drop them off at some school somewhere, you don't know where they're at. I'll tell you where they're at: they're being recruited by the sodomites. They're being molested by the sodomites. I can tell you so many stories about people that I know being molested and recruited by the sodomites.
They recruit through rape. They recruit through molestation. They recruit through violation. They are infecting our society. They are spreading their disease. It's not a physical disease, it's a sin disease, it's a wicked, filthy sin disease and it's spreading on a rampage. Can't you see that it's spreading on a rampage? I mean, can you not see that? Can you not see that it's just exploding in growth? Why? Because each sodomite recruits far more than one other sodomite because his whole life is about recruiting other sodomites, his whole life is about violating and hurting people and molesting 'em.
Wow. Feel the hate. Um sorry, got that wrong. Feel the love. How about sending some love Barney Frank's way?
They recruit through rape. They recruit through molestation. They recruit through violation. They are infecting our society. They are spreading their disease. It's not a physical disease, it's a sin disease, it's a wicked, filthy sin disease and it's spreading on a rampage. Can't you see that it's spreading on a rampage? I mean, can you not see that? Can you not see that it's just exploding in growth? Why? Because each sodomite recruits far more than one other sodomite because his whole life is about recruiting other sodomites, his whole life is about violating and hurting people and molesting 'em.
Wow. Feel the hate. Um sorry, got that wrong. Feel the love. How about sending some love Barney Frank's way?
I'm here to preach the Bible. And I'm sick to death -- hey, let me tell you something. Our country is run by faggots. You know who wrote this 700-billion-dollar bailout bill? You know who was the man who was the architect of the bailout? His name is Barney Franks, he is a pedophile, he has been arrested for uh, interacting with boys that are in their teenage years when he's in his 50s, it's in the news, he's been arrested for it. He is a pedophile, he is a homosexual, he has stood up in the floor of the sacred halls of justice and said, 'I am gay, I am a sodomite.'
That's Barney Frank, that's who just sold our country into fascism. That's who just sold our corporations to the government. That's who sold out our country, a faggot! And I'm here to tell you something! I'm not going to stand for it, and let a faggot run the church! It's bad enough that we've got a bunch of faggots running the government!
But why stop at Barney Frank. How about sending all your love to that deviant Obama in the hope of his salvation?
Yeah, God appointed him to destroy this country for the wickedness of the United States of America. God appointed him because that's what our country has turned into. That's who we deserve as a president.
But let me tell you something: I don't love Barack Obama. I don't respect Barack Obama. I don't obey Barack Obama. And I'd like Barack Obama to melt like a snail tonight. Because he needs to recompense, he needs to reap what he's sown.
Melt like a snail? Oh yes lord I'm feeling the love and the urge to do a little bit of gardening:
You see, any Christian will tell you that someone who commits murder should get the death penalty. Because that's what it says in Genesis Chapter 9, that's what it says in the Mosaic Law, that's what it teaches us throughout the Bible. 'Who so sheds man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed.' 'From the image of God created he Man.'
And when Barack Obama is gonna push his partial birth abortion, his salty saline solution abortion, hey, he deserves to be punished for what he's done. I'm not going to pray for God to bless Barack Obama. This is my prayer tonight to Barack Obama.
...Now, look, if somebody wants me, it somebody twisted my arm and tells me to pray for Barack Obama, this is what I'm going to pray, because this is the only prayer that applies to him: 'Break his teeth, O God, in his mouth. You know, as a snail which melteth, let him pass away. Like the untimely birth of a woman, that he thinks -- he calls it a woman's right to choose, you know, he thinks it's so wonderful. He ought to be aborted. It ought to be, 'Abort Obama.'
... I'm here to tell you tonight, that God is a God of wrath and vengeance. And that's the message that oughta be thundering from every pulpit in America today. People oughta be trembling today. People in America oughta be scared to death and trembling! And saying, 'Oh God! What are you gonna do to our country?! Oh, God! Are we gonna be able to survive?! Oh, God! Are you gonna allow us to go into the depths of socialism, and communism with Barack Obama!?'
... Let me tell you something: Barack Obama has wrought lewdness in America. America has become lewd. What does lewd mean? L-E-W-D? [Pause] Obscene. Right? Dirty. Filthy. Homosexuality. Promiscuity. All of the -- everything that's on the billboard, the TV. Sensuality. Lewdness! We don't even know what lewdness means anymore! We're just surrounded by it, inundated with it!
... And yet you're going to tell me that I'm supposed to pray for the socialist devil, murderer, infanticide, who wants to see young children and he wants to see babies killed through abortion and partial-birth abortion and all these different things -- you're gonna tell me I'm supposed to pray for God to give him a good lunch tomorrow while he's in Phoenix, Arizona.
Nope. I'm not gonna pray for his good. I'm going to pray that he dies and goes to hell. When I go to bed tonight, that's what I'm going to pray. And you say, 'Are you just saying that?' No. When I go to bed tonight, Steven L. Anderson is going to pray for Barack Obama to die and go to hell.
You say, 'Why would you do that?' That our country could be saved.
... And yet you're going to tell me that I'm supposed to pray for the socialist devil, murderer, infanticide, who wants to see young children and he wants to see babies killed through abortion and partial-birth abortion and all these different things -- you're gonna tell me I'm supposed to pray for God to give him a good lunch tomorrow while he's in Phoenix, Arizona.
Nope. I'm not gonna pray for his good. I'm going to pray that he dies and goes to hell. When I go to bed tonight, that's what I'm going to pray. And you say, 'Are you just saying that?' No. When I go to bed tonight, Steven L. Anderson is going to pray for Barack Obama to die and go to hell.
You say, 'Why would you do that?' That our country could be saved.
Pray that he dies and goes to hell? Jesus wept, and in this case, possibly for a couple of thousand years.
Sorry Obama, guess it's eternal hell for you, while the caring sharing Steven L. Anderson and his flock groove with god for all eternity, in a state of supernatural bliss. Nah nah.
Gee, thanks Pastor Steven. You're an inspiration to the world, you're an inspiration to all those militant Christians in Australia who want to destroy the anti Christ, and best of all you're an inspiration and role model to the mad mullahs of Iran.
Hatred, fear and loathing. The bread and blood of the crazed fundamentalist.
Even more peculiar, it seems Pastor Anderson and his flock are hung up on of all things the King James version of the bible.
We believe that the King James Bible is the word of God without error.
We believe that homosexuality is a sin and an abomination which God punishes with the death penalty.
We believe that homosexuality is a sin and an abomination which God punishes with the death penalty.
Well I'm sure like a lot of other fundamentalists, Pastor Steven has done research on King James the 1st, a flaming red headed queen of a king, and has managed to lie to himself about the difficult, dangerous historical reality that the man who stumped up the cash for his own version of the bible was in fact a filthy pervert.
The deniers of this reality - usually fundie Christians addicted to the King James version - clutch at the fact that James produced at least seven children with Anne of Denmark, but I note that restoration of Apethorpe Hall revealed a previously unknown passage linking the bedchamber of James and his favorite George Villiers, 1st Duke of Buckingham (you can wiki on James 1 here).
And you can bet James wasn't using that particular passage just to share a few good night prayers.
Which is why I'm happy to go along with the notion that Villiers and James were more than just good friends (check out the personal relationships of James 1st of England).
How did poet Théophile de Viau put it?
Apollo with his songs
Debauched young Hyacinthus
Just as Corydon fucked Amyntas,
So Caesar did not spurn boys.
One man fucks Monsieur le Grand de Bellegarde [a friend of Viau],
Another fucks the Comte de Tonnerre.
And it is well known that the King of England
Fucks the Duke of Buckingham. (cited here).
Golly, those deviant, devious homosexuals are everywhere. Imagine god allowing the good book to carry the name of a deviant.
Now don't get me wrong. I love the King James version (in fact I've got a bit of time for James as well), it's a great read, but please don't try to pretend he had nothing to do with the translation, except for cash flow. He convened the conference that conceived the version, and gave the translators specific instructions on how to make sure the 47 scholars involved produced a result conforming to Church of England requirements (here).
So sad to say Pastor Steven, you'd better tear James' name out of your copy of the bible, because god made a terrible mistake.
(Below: Pastor Steven, James 1st and George Villiers, 1st Duke of Buckingham).

God is a God of wrath and vengeance...until of course he's a God of forgiveness and love...when he's not being a God of petty blood-lust.
ReplyDeleteYep, and strangely he (or she) allowed a flock of translators hired by a bisexual king to come up with a translation full of technical errors, but good enough for the believing flock in Tempe Arizona to hold is the word of god without error. It surely is a wonderful, if passing strange world ...
ReplyDeleteEveryone who knows anything about Tudor and Stuart architecture knows that every grand bedroom of that era was connected to a closet, so the argument that this passage is proof of homosexual activity is spurious wish fulfillment.
ReplyDeletePS. I am an atheist.
You might be an atheist, but that doesn't stop you from being an atheist with a curious attitude. The renovations in question did not just involve a connection to a potty room, they involved a link between bedchambers.
ReplyDeleteThe further argument that the rooms were mutually linked to the potty chamber and had no further or other purpose - except to allow Villiers and James 1st to meet in the toilet as a kind of early parkland beat - clearly did not impress the renovators, who had the chance to see the potty chamber layout in the manor in action:
Originally built in 1470-80 by Sir Guy Wolston, it then sold to Sir Walter Mildmay and stayed in his family for 350 years. Its stately apartments were where James I indulged in "more commodious entertainment... and princely recreation" with his favourite, George Villiers, later to become the Duke of Buckingham. Workers uncovered a passage connecting the pair's bedchambers during the recent renovations.
The desire to see this back passage, and its possible use, as a kind of spurious wish fulfillment is odd, especially given the track record of James 1 and Villiers. The use of the word spurious suggests that the matter of James 1st's bi-sexuality is up in the air, when in fact it is clearly in the closet.
PS I too am an atheist. So? James 1st was bi-sexual and enjoyed sex. So?