Monday, February 28, 2022

In which the pond returns to reliable old favourites, the Major, the water in quarries and government cash in the paw man, and the Oreo ...



К черту Путина. К черту вторжение. К черту войну. Да здравствует Украина на свободе. Поздравляем отважных россиян, осмеливающихся протестовать.

Apparently Google doesn't do "fuck" in its translations, but "to hell with Putin" will do nicely … and the grammar might be a little clunky, but hopefully this works in Ukrainian ...

Хай живе вільна Україна

And so to reptile business on an unhappy Monday … with the sociopath waving about nukes in the carefree way that sociopaths have...




At least the bromancer scored, with tanks not doing that well ...

Meanwhile, did anyone notice this curiosity in the Graudian?




Foxtel forced to ban RT, which has been cheerfully recycling the quisling Cucker Tarlson!! 

Foxtel bans News Corp!! For delivering biased, unreliable content!! Faux Noise. Cucker Tarlson with subtitles ...

There's an irony in there too rich for the pond's breakfast cereal … 

Now come on down Major and take our minds off the ironies of life, by warning the world of the dangers of free markets and big capitalists and all that jazz ...


Ahh, of course, Lloydie of the Amazon, an impeccable source to remind the planet of the dangers of the free market and rampant capitalism, especially if it involves a beard and a baseball cap. 

Now do carry on Major ... and perhaps the reptiles will include a snap of steam, to show that you're all steamed up and talk of a free market in action is truly frightening to a reptile ...


Ah yes, good old climate denialist Major in full cry ... and no doubt the reptiles will seize the opportunity to insert a terrifying click bait video about a bearded capitalist shocking the terrified reptiles ...


And so to a final gobbet of fear, and inevitably the reptiles finished with a click bait video warning of the dangers of capitalists and big carefree investors, and it's sad that the pond's screen cap methodology neuters such dire warnings about the perils of western capitalism ...



Speaking of ironies, the pond is aware that some cruel punters wanted to do a flashback in time, to the glorious days of the Caterist, say on 9th March 2015, under the header Flood inquiry ignored wave's witnesses ... (no link, that's just to help punters able to break the paywall do a google) ...

Here's a sample of the Caterist in his prime, his glory days ...




Oh it was brave, intrepid stuff, if a tad expensive and astonishingly stupid, but thankfully, the Caterist has a hide as thick as a rhino and the size of a pea-brained T Rex, and so he keeps on banging on ...






Even worse, imagine what quarries inducing floods added to Covid added to wartime injuries might do to hospitals!

Hmmm, that's a tad too black humour even for the pond ... best keep on with the best merchant of Caterist comedy ... the Caterist himself ...



Ah brave Caterist, he's for going nuke for nuke with Xi and Vlad the sociopath to teach them a lesson ... after all, in the Caterist world, this isn't a black comedy, it's an inspiring dramatic narrative about warcraft ...



Meanwhile, a final serve of climate science denialism, because there are many excellent ways to fuck the planet, and indulging in a full-on nuke exchange is just one of them ...



Um, perhaps it might be possible to wean off fossil fuels and hasten Russia's decline? 

Oh come on, you can't expect lateral thinking from a floodwaters in quarries climate science denialist man. Why do you think the federal government gives the MRC cash in the paw each year?

And so to the final reptile outing for the day. 

 The pond did think of holding over the reformed, recovering feminist for a late arvo posting, but what the heck ...who in this mob would have acted as her consort?



No, the pond has had the pick of them, and so the reformed, recovering feminist must tag along behind the men, as is only fitting and appropriate in reptile la la land ...





Say what? The perfidious fundamentalist Hindus decided to take a powder? But what of the Quad, AUKUS and all that? Aren't we on side with barking mad Hindu fundamentalists? Hasn't the Quad sorted all that out?

It's too much for the pond to fathom, but the pond can at least note that the reptiles are still taking Clive's cash in the reptile claw ...





Good old Clive, it turns out he had something of a Covid makeover himself ...




Sorry, sorry, the pond's endless quest for more irony in its breakfast cereal isn't intended to disrespect the reformed, recovering feminist or her tremendous insights ... but what do you know, suddenly all that reptile blather about the wonders and joys of Xianity are up for a tasty Oreo pounding ...




Speaking of Xianity, is it wrong for the pond to return to that old meme given a pounding in the NY Post?




Oh of course, RT! A mocking RT commentator!

How could the pond forget that News Corp, Sky News, Faux Noise and RT are all on the same page?

And now, meaning no disrespect, a final gobbet from the Oreo ... and on the upside it's short ...

Apparently the Oreo isn't strong on recent events in Ukraine ... Putin didn't have a need to pick his targets. He had Viktor Yanukovych ...

During his second foreign visit to Moscow in March, Yanukovych vowed to end years of acrimony with Russia, saying that ties between Russia and Ukraine "should never be the way they were for the past five years". He indicated that he was open to compromise with Russia on the Black Sea Fleet's future (this led to the April 2010 Ukrainian–Russian Naval Base for Natural Gas treaty), and reiterated that Ukraine would remain a "European, non-aligned state", referring to NATO membership. Both Russian President Dmitry Medvedev (April 2010 and Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin (June 2010 soon stated they noticed a big improvement in relations with Ukraine since Yanukovych's presidency.

Of course we have our own quislings and lickspittle fellow travellers, and the reformed, recovering feminist fellow travels in the same pack ...

There's an irony in there somewhere, but the pond will settle for a Rowe, with more settling Rowe available here ...





Oh that's not settling Mr Rowe, that's not settling at all ...

Sunday, February 27, 2022

In which the pond opts for a quiet Sunday meditation with prattling Polonius and our Gracie ...





What a relief it is - for that to be the last mention of the sociopath in this Sunday meditation - though the pond does thank Rowson for an insight into the creepily weird man ...

What a relief that prattling Polonius had other things on his mind, and so the pond could just hope that Vlad ended up with a bloody nose, while Polonius brooded about local bloody noses ...




Hmm, didn't Hawkie and the French clock man have a stoush? And what about that drover's dog? 



Ah yes, that drover's dog ...


Still, what would the pond know up against the majestic wisdom and mighty memory of Polonius, and his many sweeping assertions.

More to the point, it's all part of the pond's desire not to mention the war for its Sunday meditation ... and all the better that Polonius is prattling about internecine internal war so savage that Polonius almost seems to have forgotten about the ABC, though surely it's all the ABC's fault ...


Phew, take your breaks where you can find them ABC ...

Polonius is still banging on about the Split, as he's wont to do, and yearning for the good old days of Commie bashing, and now what's left to him?

Bloody useless greenies and that Holmes a Court chappie, and perhaps worst of all, primarily professional women, who pose a dire threat, enough to make even a strong Polonius tremble, quaver and wet his pants ... bloody activists.

Now must be the right time to note that the ABC is their natural home, because there's not a single conservative voice to be heard on the ABC, except all the times the IPA bobs up ...



The pond could barely believe it, and had to read it several times to make sure... Polonius joining in the internal feud, and not mentioning the ABC or all his other pet hates, fears and phobias.

The pond was completely mortified. How could it be a proper Polonial meditation, a proper pond Sunday meditation, without mention of either Pellism or the ABC?

To remedy the damage, the pond trawled back through the reptile archives to add a bright, cheery Sunday note ...


That's better, that's more like the feisty Polonius of old ... 

Sheesh, the stress of watching Polonius strut about on stage, and then dry up and forget his lines was too much for the pond, and as usual, the pond reverted to an infallible Pope for comfort ...





Eek, the bloody war and the sociopath, completely obliterating Polonius's valiant effort in not mentioning the bloody ABC, Pellism, and the whole damn thing ... and incidentally ruining the pond's promise not to mention the war.

How to make amends? Luckily the pond could hie off to another bright spot, because for some time the pond has been worried about our Gracie, but a flash of the old Gracie shone through this weekend, and it was a vast relief to the pond ...


Actually, that 'no one knows' line, while pure Gracie, does tend to obscure the fact that some do know, as noted in the AFR under the header The politics of the Sydney train strike that wasn't... (outside the paywall at the moment, because as noted elsewhere, occasionally the AFR wilts and lets the odd story pop out into the world).

It wasn't a strike, it was a lockout, as any goose apart from Gracie might know ... 

And so to a few samples from the AFR piece ... celebrating the wonders of the lockout in sodden Sydney ...

Uh huh, perhaps a little more gruel please, what with the singing of praises and the singing for supper ...


And so on and on, a colossal cock up, and a lock out and union bashing as the federal election looms, but our Gracie has gone back to her old ways and is in strike mode ...



Yes, yes, but if the pond might just slip in another note from the AFR ... just a quick one, spoiler alert, from the very end of the piece, with a grace note of full irony ...

Well yes, but our Gracie is off with DumDom and the Liberal pixies blathering about strikes while bunging on a lockout ... and irony of ironies, the work bans remained intact ...


And why should politicians and bureaucrats be able to bung on a lockout and throw a city into chaos? What does our Gracie propose to do about this unregulated activity?

Sorry, can't expect an answer to that one from our reverting Gracie, but here's what happens when you do absolutely nothing, keep an invisible profile, and let the clowns go about the business of throwing pies at each other ...




Of course it's not just DumDom, there's another prize loon at the centre of the storm ... speaking as Polonius does of factional idiocy ...




But that's many other prize loon stories, with many other links here ...

And now to make amends, at least the pond can finish off with a non-war cartoon, this one by Kudelka, with the Saturday Paper always worth a look here ...



Saturday, February 26, 2022

In which the pond does a cut and paste of bromancer and dog botherer for a late arvo slot and thoroughly confuses itself ...



It's a busy weekend for the reptiles, and as usual the pond has sent the dog botherer to a late arvo ghetto, but this time the pond decided to liven things up by doing a William Burroughs' style cut and paste (there will be no attempt to shoot an apple off a stray woman's head) ...

As a result, the pond will make no meaningful comments (not that the pond ever tries to be meaningful in reptile company). 

Just following the weird differences between the dog botherer and the bromancer will be enough to make any stray reader's head spin ...

So let the pond begin with the dog botherer doing his usual bothering stuff ...





And so to the first chunk of the bromancer, and it will be immediately apparent that the reptiles are deep into mind fuck territory ...




Now the pond will make one observation. This is clearly a warning to SloMo to toe the reptile line, because there's a good cop and a bad cop routine going down here, and the reptiles are hedging their bets, and who would have guessed that the bromancer would have been sent off to do the mollycoddling while the dog botherer did the usual head kicking?


Now this is going to get hard to follow, but for the record, that was the dog botherer, and this is the bromancer's second gobbet ...




Already feeling like a stunned mullet? The pond preferred a stunned catfish for that muddy bottom of the river flavour, but now back to the dog botherer for a third gobbet ...



Followed by a third gobbet from the bromancer, with bonus neutered click bait video ...




Mind fully fucked yet? No? Then you need a fourth serve of the dog botherer with an alarming snap of Xi activists in the street...




And so to the bromancer's fourth gobbet, and hold his beer on the matter of former Chairman Rudd, because first we need a snap of the French clock man, likely to induce a total freak-out in the dog botherer ...




At this point, the pond's grand game plan broke down ... because this is the last gobbet the dog botherer could muster ...


Meanwhile the bromancer was still going strong ...





Oh what to do? The bromancer still on Albo song, and the dog botherer given the game way ...

Well, the pond had promised that snap of former Chairman Rudd, so it was on with the bromancer,  and that'll teach the dog botherer to leave the field before time's up ...




Oh if only the dog botherer had hung in, how he could have vented at former chairman Rudd and fellow traveller Albo, and yet it's the bromancer and the diabolical Albo who have the last words ...



 Oh dog botherer, see what happens when you take an early mark and duck out of reptile school.

"He's come a long way, Albo ..."

Yep, it was a complete mind fuck, but worth remembering not up there with what sociopath Putin is doing to Ukraine, nor for that matter what the Poms currently tolerate, with Rowson celebrating British tolerance here ...