It isn't the same as a jigsaw puzzle - quick, rush out to a store now for your supplies - nor is it remotely entertaining, but reptile watching has its joys, even on a slow day when the reptiles are completely uxorious, and head over heels in love with SloMo …
Oh, they were all at it, with the bouffant one leading the way …
There was Troy, smiting the enemy and discovering rats in the ranks, with vile treason and gunpowder plots hovering in the air …
Sheesh, all that meant was that the pond had to use up its immortal Rowe cartoon early (others might rush off for more here) …
Sure, our Adam was his usual discontented self, and ready to punish filthy rich pensioners …
But it left the pond in something of a jigsaw quandary. What could possibly match the delights of a jigsaw puzzle?
Yes, the pond could have returned, like a dog to its vomit, to the dog botherer yesterday …
But once you've left the dog botherer on the bedpost overnight, it completely loses its flavour … though many will argue it always tastes of horseshit and isn't worth the saving anyway …
Besides, the pond was as wildly excited at the arrival of socialism down under as the reptiles, and so it felt the need to stay with the theme of the day …
But what exactly is the new normal?
And here an important column by contributor """, one Damian Eales set a sterling example …
It immediately reminded the pond of one of its favourite tunes …
It’s been waiting down there, waiting half the day
They never ever see it from the top
It gets pushed around, knocked to the ground
Facebook and Google just love to pound
It gets to his feet and it says
What about me, it isn't fair
I've had enough now I want my share
Can't you see I wanna live
But you just take more than you give
And all at once the pond knew what the "new normal" meant.
Government action, government intervention, government taking steps, government protecting Chairman Rupert, government not forgetting the reptiles, government doing their thing for the lizard Oz, and government doing all it could to help all the chairman's works and deeds …
Frankly, the pond was moved to tears. Even though it won't see a cracker from all the government largesse itself, of course the government should move to support the reptiles …
Yes, the reptiles are hurting, if you listen to Media Watch here ...
News Corp flags redundancies, executives take pay cut due to COVID-19
… executive chairman Michael Miller said the company would look at reducing costs across the entire business by making more staff part-time, encouraging annual leave, introducing nine-day fortnights and forced leave over Easter.
- The Sydney Morning Herald, 25 March, 2020
Meanwhile, subscribers are already fleeing Foxtel and Kayo — both owned by News Corp — as sport shuts down around the nation, and the AFL, NRL and a host of other competitions blow the final whistle.
Which is why the pond joins in the cry of "socialism for all", because we are all socialists now …
Say what? The Bolter is alarmed by all this Marxism in the air?
We must get back to work at once, within the Donald's two weeks, and he personally has volunteered to dump his keyboard and join the garbos or perhaps become a checkout chick to deliver vital services, or a nurse to tend the sick, since what they do is vastly more important than his current job, which involves churning out endless drivel ...
No, no, no, remember the song, and sing along with Damian, a name which either invokes horror movies or millennials, because forget all that, goodbye to all that, things are looking up, things are on the up, the reptiles are doing tremendously well ...
Indeed, indeed, who will challenge Fox News on its many falsities, and who will provide a platform for climate science denialism of the dog botherer kind if the lizard Oz goes down?
Thank the long absent lord that the Bolter remains as keen as mustard to do the right thing, and show how important it is that decent journalism, full of integrity, survives …
But enough Bolter excitement, and his desire to take a turn as a garbologist, because daily garbage in the HUN has lost its point, if it ever had any …
Instead the pond thought it might also visit the heart of lizard Oz wisdom, the font of insight …the lizard Oz editorialist ... because in its simple-minded way, the pond had thought all this talk of government intervention and government action was a classic example of FDR new dealism, of socialism with Australian characteristics (even if SloMo had copied the Poms, sort of) …
Little did the pond understand, little did the pond realise how urgently it was in need of thought correction …
Of course, of course, all that talk of government intervention to save the reptiles was capitalism at its finest …it seems we're all capitalists now, even when we wear government intervention socialist caps …
"We are fashioning an evolving strain of crisis capitalism with Australian characteristics".
And you wanted a jigsaw puzzle for entertainment! Please, do go on ...
Ah yes, it's all thanks to our effective public institutions. Government lives … which explains why many reptiles have been calling for the slashing of payment to public servants to teach them an egalitarian lesson …
Why only yesterday the selfless recovering reformed feminist the Oreo was explaining how public servants would have their front-line morale improved by slashing their pay …
By the end of it all, the pond was more confused than if it had failed, as it usually does, when attempting a jigsaw puzzle or some other tricky game…
And so to a final disappointment for the day.
The pond searched high and low - well at least six commentaries - in search of the Lobbecke of the day, because of the incessant demand for distraction, interpretation and worship, way more useful in these troubled times than a jigsaw puzzle or a return to 1851 … and could only come up with a pale imitation, at the top of a grand challenge…
With the greatest respect to Tom, he isn't the master … and the pond isn't up to a grant challenge, and decided to leave it there …
Never mind, perhaps a touch of comedy to end …
And here's one for the Bolter, bless his garbo socks …
And that of course is a grand excuse for a few Hokusai, some of which still litter the pond's walls …