The reptiles tried to sneak a quick one in on the pond, as if the pond wouldn't be dancing in the street with the news that the 'Gong is now the new home to Western Civilisation.
Weary crusaders can now drop into the 'Gong, though the pond is a tad miffed, because it always had a soft spot for Port Kembla (how many people know that the Australian movie Soft Fruit featured the mighty Kembla?)
The pond knew all along that the 'Gong was the true and proper home for Western Civilisation, with a long and proud tradition of bringing elevated culture to the primitive pagans who dwell elsewhere in the land …
Of course there'll be bloody Marxists who want to ruin the dream, and bloody snobs who cackle at how the dream ended up at a university not renowned for its status in academic la la land, and the reptiles have strangely failed to exult in their reporting …
Desperate, moi?
Meanwhile, the reptiles were trying to pull another swiftie while the pond was on its break …
An EXCLUSIVE on solar panels, more usually, commonly, even sordidly, known as an OZ BEAT-UP?
What could have provoked this?
Well there were a couple of reasons.
First there's the fine art of reptile distraction. You see, elsewhere, as in the Graudian, attention was being paid to a CSIRO report involving actual scientists making a report based on scientific observations …a terribly unsporting sort of approach, almost ideological, certainly theological ...
Graudian the details here …and send all angry letters about mis-spelled nouns used as verbs to the lizard Oz …
Make sure to moan about the decline and fall of Western Civilisation, and urge them to get onboard with the 'Gong solution …
And then there was news of a dangerous heretic, who required both reptile barrels …
Yes, the cad was a coal lover in disguise, and the reptiles needed to 'release the Bjorn' to teach him a lesson about scare stories and hyperbole …
Still blathering about a smart focus on green technology, while the reptiles rage at solar panels? That's just the usual seasonal idiocy ...
The reptiles presumably were spanking Harwin for being a hypocrite, but how poignant that the reptiles should see coal-loving as a dastardly example of double dealing.
Begone from the temple, you hypocrite, hie thee to the 'Gong to learn the fate of all those who deny the cleansing power of dinkum clean Oz coal, while seeking to profit from its carbon goodness …
As if 'releasing the Bjorn' wasn't enough, the reptiles released the Groan …
Now the pond had some saucy doubts and fears about breaking the holyday silence.
Would news of the 'Gong as the new home for crusaders, and Dame Groan rabbiting on about rogue heretics be as good a place holder as nattering "Ned", or the world-famous musings of one of the greatest climate scientists ever known, namely Moorice the heretic slayer?
No matter. 357k is the sort of price that must be paid to Grand Inquisitors ready to flatten state upstarts, and show the Angus how to conduct a beefy exchange with his lesser colleagues …
See how the reptiles reminded the lizard readership of those dreadful, dire coal links …
Meanwhile, in another bolt from the blue …
Graudian as above, and of course what Harwin and the state Liberals know, presumably from their polling, is that the climate science denialism of the feds, the reptiles and all the rest is pretty much on the nose with those remotely in touch with what's actually happening in the world … and so the more distance and sunshine that Harwin and the state Libs can put between themselves and the beefy Angus and the speaker in tongues and all the rest of them, the better, given the election looming in a few months time ...
But 357k will buy you a power of climate science denialism from Dame Groan, while Moorice might even do it for free, so desperate is he to match the Groan as a Grand Inquisitor expert at hunting heretics …
The climate wars? But, butt, billy goat Groan, everyone knows solar panels are killers, and dear sweet pure undiluted essence of dinkum clean Oz coal, oi, oi, oi, is the future of the country and of the planet … and soon trained crusaders from the 'Gong will spread far and wide to spread the joyous news …
And now, once again, oi, oi, oi, Io Saturnalia! and a little Ovid for the new year …
Behold, two-headed reptiles …
And now the pond will truly fall silent, though not without noting that the infallible Pope seems determined to find a match for the holyday season. Try hitching up with the Pope here …