Before getting on to lunch time business, the pond would like to honour the Terrorists yet again ... but doesn't that new layout for the online business look clinical and dead and ... well, yes, pathetic for a rag supposedly with a tabloid instinct?
And with duty done, so to the savvy Savva ... because there's nothing like an irony overload to match the iron in a seaweed and carrot juice smoothie ...
Where to begin with the ironies? Is it that Bruce Gordon spends most of his year in Bermuda, enjoying the sunshine?
Is it that Lachlan Murdoch is a US citizen? Well thanks to Malware's merry bunch we know what happens when your dad goes Yankee and how that works ...
Is it that Lachlan happens to be co-chair of an American company which was lining up to buy Ten with the Bermudan?
Are we talking about the way a United States citizen controls, as if in a personal fiefdom using assorted classes of poisoned pill shares, an unseemly amount of media around the planet?
So what's the diff between a bunch of Americans at CBS, a bunch of Americans at News Corp, and a Bermuda lover?
Please allow the savvy Savva to explain ...
It seems it's a different story when News Corp Americans want to do the deal, as opposed to CBS Americans ...
Is there not a joyous and rich irony in that line by Nick X about wanting the Murdochians to succeed because they're dinkum?
This is the reason the pond cherishes its quality time with the savvy Savva ... rabbiting on about filthy foreigners while scribbling for a reptile rag controlled by an American ...
As it is, Ten screens much of its foreign product by way of CBS, in an over-priced deal which hasn't helped the bottom line and which sees Colbert go out after midnight, so that the pond simply reverts to YouTube for its Colbert fix ...
But that's another matter.
The point here is that as long as News Corp remains in denial about its true nature, all the nonsense scribbled about foreigners taking over dinkum Aussie businesses will remain that much hot air ...
How could Malware object to CBS if News Corp is the other suitor? Who cares if comrade Bill sings a different song according to the occasion? That's what the onion muncher did in the cause of nattering negativity. That's how the political game is played ...
If foreign ownership is such a pressing matter, why not nationalise News Corp's Australian holdings?
We keed ... we keed ...
The density of that hypocrisy reaches the status of lead in the nativist nationalist ratbaggery of the Daily Terror ...
Never mind, as always, the Pope is on hand to provide the good news of the day, with more papal insights here ...