There are signs of desperation at the Daily Terror as impending cuts loom over the reptiles - clearly they didn't read the Oreo in yesterday's lizard Oz celebrating the "democratically elected" Assad and wondering if the Donald had done the right thing ...
And if a University of Sydney academic is a deluded gasbag of the Putin-loving, RT-watching Oreo kind, how to explain this in the Terror's opinion pages?
Barking mad, and of course in the way of trolls, it's not about saving the country at all.
It's actually about the country needing to be saved from political correctness, with not a word about how the Daily Terror and the country might be saved from the arm-breaking Mark Latham ...
It's actually about the country needing to be saved from political correctness, with not a word about how the Daily Terror and the country might be saved from the arm-breaking Mark Latham ...
Meanwhile, over at the lizard Oz, it was business as usual ...
Coal lives ... Oz coal for the world ... give that company a billion in subsidies and free railways and free water for life ...
And then there was the tracking of the gays ...
And then there was the tracking of the gays ...
Of course a thought crime was involved ...
There's your bigotry in action, right there ... fucking Sydney Anglicans ...
Meanwhile, over in crow-eating land ...
The reptiles always find room for Cory complaining, but how about a story about any religion getting favoured treatment in a public facility ...a taxpayer-funded facility ...
A sensible Anglican? Must be somewhere other than Sydney ...
It reminded the pond of perhaps the most disturbing case of prejudice going the rounds, a blasphemy trial not so far to the north. The idea of any blasphemy trial is antiquated and offensive, even more when its purpose is to derail a politician.
Yet the reptiles have routinely run dead on it. There have been many angles in to the story, including a recent fuss in Marvel Comics, with artwork which featured 5:51 and 212 ...
The artwork and the story can be found covered in geek comic book circles ... and any number of other places ...
The geeks even talk about the political situation of Govenor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, aka Ahok:
The geeks even talk about the political situation of Govenor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, aka Ahok:
Tjahaja, who was elected in 2014, is Jakarta's first non-Muslim governor in 50 years (he's Christian) and the first ethnic Chinese person to hold the position. He's been relatively popular for his stance against corruption, including among the nation's moderate Muslim population. However, some conservative Islamists, largely led by the Islamic Defenders Front (also known as FPI), have argued that the world's largest Muslim-majority nation should not have a leader who isn't Muslim
But the reptiles have run dead on this story, even as Islamic fundamentalists prove they deserve a good verbal stoning and a mocking. Why? Well like the Australian government, they probably hope it will go away before they have to notice ...
If only the pond had this sort of easy option, but perforce the pond must now turn to its Tuesday duty, because today is Caterist day ...

If only the pond had this sort of easy option, but perforce the pond must now turn to its Tuesday duty, because today is Caterist day ...
There's the usual irony of course. Here's a man with his paws deep into the Australian taxpayer, embarking on his own moral crusade about moral crusaders ...
If there's a single mention of Orwell, Orwellian or 1984, the pond is likely to barf ...
Yes, that's rich in irony. A man with his paws deep into the taxpayers pockets has the cheek to talk of the media and political classes, while scribbling for the lizard Oz ...
As for the rest of the wank, it could only come from a remote scribbler safely ensconced in his Canberra eerie, not having to do business with live consumers and customers, but instead living off the taxpayer like a bloated northern rivers leech ...
But to be fair, there's been no mention of Orwell or 1984, so it's on to the next gobbet ...
Oh fuck, Orwellian, Orwell, and 1984, with bonus Kafka and The Trial ... yep, that'll do it for sure and certain ...
And yet there's not a word about administrative overreach and totalitarian enforcement of the Caterist kind ...
And yet there's not a word about administrative overreach and totalitarian enforcement of the Caterist kind ...
As for the rest, what a tiring and tiresome litany it is, and how pleasing to see that corporate America is under no illusion what advertising on Bill Orally's program will bring them golly what a list that is ...
The pond joked that Rebecca Weisser looked as if she'd been weaned on a pickle, but really the notion applies just as well to the Caterist ...
Of course the funniest thing is that in the very same issue as the Caterist, there came another self-promotional piece ...
Oh dear, it sounds positively Orwellian, with a whiff of Kafka ...
It's advertorials all the way, from LiveHire to the Menzies Research Centre ...
... which just leaves time to note that the Liberals plans to save negative gearing, overheat the housing market and ruin superannuation as a scheme for old age are well under way, and are celebrated this day by David Rowe, with more Rowe here ... as always, it's the little touches like that dart that lighten the pond's mood for the day ...

And for those whose logarithms don't help them keep track of all the fun to be had with the Orally situation, there's Catheter man at the end of this clip
"...ruin superannuation as a scheme for old age "
ReplyDeleteJust as you say, DP. However, if you look at how the young are expected to fare, consider:
1. they probably have some kind of HECS-like debt (whatever it's called now) hanging over their heads which will cut in just as their salary starts to get better.
2. they'll probably be trying to leave home and make their own way so they'll have to find the money for rented accommodation.
3. they'll have to start saving for that white picket fence triple fronted cream-brick villa to eventually have a family in (at which point, a MacMansion in a good school district will become essential)
4. and the great expense of a family soon to come
5. all when they are earning the lowest salary they'll probably ever earn.
This kind of unmitigated front-ending of debt and expense and low income on the young is simply insane. But somehow they're expected to smile and triumph above it all.
Probably apocryphal, but a great Calvin Coolidge story. A young socialite was invited to dinner at the White House and was seated next to the president. She had prepared in advance, knowing his reputation for taciturnity, and when she had his attention, she said: "Mr President, I have a bet with my friend that I will get more than two words from you this evening". He replied: "You lose". End of conversation.
ReplyDeleteYes, I had heard of that one. And everybody has heard of the also probably apocryphal one about the rooster, the chickens and Mrs Coolidge.
DeleteWas Calvin the one who ran with the slogan, "What this country needs is a good ten cent cigar!"?
DeletePeople in expensive suits telling people what to think? Oh the ironing!
ReplyDeleteFirst dog on the moon has found the perfect description of the Caterist income: "veteran's pension from the culture war".