The pond lives in a quiet neighbourhood. A merchant banker here, an elderly Greek Orthodox couple there, and so on and so forth ...
Oh sure the streets around feature first class rat runs, and nearby there's a Scientology school ruining the minds of young ones in a school building which was once a Catholic school dedicated to the ruining of the minds of young ones ...
But generally things are peaceful and nothing untoward happens, and then, just to serve as a distraction, a flyer was popped into the pond's letterbox by some unknown, crazed, delusional person ...
This was the top half ...
Weird shit, and the pond's German blut made it instinctively recoil at the first weird mention of "progressive Aryan" and it got even weirder when the pond looked at the second half ...
Now it's deeply offensively anti-Semitic weird shit as well, that goes without saying - how astonishing Nazis R Us should visit the neighbourhood - but it's also extremely odd in the way that it manages to mangle weird juxtapositions, such as a love of tatts and fantasy, while at the same time dissing modern Art, or putting the Greenies and the crazed loons of Australia First together.
It fried the pond's neurones thinking about the discordant disconnections.
It fried the pond's neurones thinking about the discordant disconnections.
The pond could only think that this is what happens when weird hipster shit moves into the neighbourhood, and a love of 1960s crap leads to a worship of beards, phonograms, record player needles gouging LPs, fluff on the stylus and other nonsense ... yes, even eight tracks and Phillips cassettes ...
And that illustration ... it had the same sort of bizarre quality the pond used to associate with Flirty Fishing ...
Well we could have selected some much fruitier illustrations but the pond generally doesn't like to do NSFW ...
Better to keep it under the blanket, and probably better to have left the flyer in the letter box, and let the rain reduce it to sludge ...
But it seemed just right for a Sunday meditation.
Is this sort of prime shit an indication we are in the end times? Has a bizarre, weird, cultish form of Hansonism even spread to Camperdown?
Is this where Cory Bernardi and George Christensen have led the country and the pond's letter box?
Never mind, it makes a change from the Catholics and the angry Sydney Anglicans and their complimentary women - apparently with Polywaffle bar this Sunday - and it's a reminder that in no small part thanks to the weirdness of News Corp, bigotry and prejudice now don't lurk just beneath the surface, they regularly float to the surface ...
And speaking of weird shit, how weird is it that weirdness also gets funded by the federal government ...
With the Athena school just around the corner, and along with Melbourne's Yarralinda school, featured recently in Public funding for schools associated with Church of Scientology revealed, though the pond has been fuming about it for years ...
With the Athena school just around the corner, and along with Melbourne's Yarralinda school, featured recently in Public funding for schools associated with Church of Scientology revealed, though the pond has been fuming about it for years ...
Completely secular? Not a front? Why then, why not stop by, as the pond did recently, and pick up your own L. Ron Hubbard guide ...
Talk about a front. Oh they dress it up and walk around it, but it's got more front than Myers, especially given the hard times the poor old Melbourne Myers has fallen on ...
End times, it's the only logical explanation. There shall be a red-headed monster, and she shall rise and say "Please explain", and it shall herald the beginning of the end times, and weird religions shall stalk the earth ...
Speaking of weird religions, one last matter for a meditative Sunday, and it follows on from another Fairfax story, Atheists urge Australians not to joke around by putting Jedi as their religion on the census.
Since when did a non-belief and a non-faith decide that everyone must declare their non-belief as a faith, so that the Church of Atheists might celebrate the size of its congregation?
What the heck?
Well the pond recognises all faiths, but not the Church of Atheists ... the pond's just too much of an atheist for that nonsense of declaring its faith in being 'not religious'...
Mark yourself how you will ...
End times, it's the only logical explanation. There shall be a red-headed monster, and she shall rise and say "Please explain", and it shall herald the beginning of the end times, and weird religions shall stalk the earth ...
Speaking of weird religions, one last matter for a meditative Sunday, and it follows on from another Fairfax story, Atheists urge Australians not to joke around by putting Jedi as their religion on the census.
Since when did a non-belief and a non-faith decide that everyone must declare their non-belief as a faith, so that the Church of Atheists might celebrate the size of its congregation?
What the heck?
Well the pond recognises all faiths, but not the Church of Atheists ... the pond's just too much of an atheist for that nonsense of declaring its faith in being 'not religious'...
Mark yourself how you will ...