Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Oh there's nothing like a pussy groper to please a reformed, recovering feminist ...


The moment the pond saw the Oreo at the top of the lizard Oz page, it immediately knew the winner for the day. 
Sure, it was about the Donald, and the pond is so over the Donald. Sure, it was after the news of the latest petty firing, this time Mark Esper because he refused to go full authoritarian and deploy the military on protestors. Sure, it gave the pond trouble with a header - was something like 'recovering, reformed feminist now in a position to fully approve of pussy-groping by an authoritarian. demagogic, self-confessed pussy-groper' strong enough?

How does this bizarre psychology work, of the kind the pond saw on rampant display on Media Watch last night? BTW, isn't Rowan Dean the weirdest of all the weirdies who accumulate in the Sky News basement?
ROWAN DEAN: … I never thought I would see an attempted political coup in the greatest democracy on earth, the USA, yet increasingly that is what it is looking like. - Credlin, Sky News, 6 November, 2020

With those weird staring eyes and that weird paranoia, he surely had to be the winner, which is to say biggest dropkick loser of the mob assembled on the show here ...
Luckily, the pond has a cartoon to hand that gets to the heart of the issue, and how a recovering, reformed feminist might become infatuated with a great beast slouching towards the White House, La Belle et la Bête as it were ...

And that's how you get an Oreo scribbling about Godzilla's many achievements ... and doing so the easy, lazy way ... not by looking at the pussy grabber and his works, but by looking at others and smiting them mightily ...


Sad, really, even as the world contemplates the impossible job at hand ...



The upside? Well there's actually fuck all about the alleged achievements, and so the Oreo piece is short ...


Whatever recovering, reformed feminists drink, it must be good stuff. Perhaps extra strength home beer from a Brett Kavanaugh recipe? You'd need it to scribble crap about an independent judiciary and all the rest of the malarkey in that last par ...

On the upside, the recovering feminist keeping it short left room for a few cartoons ...




And it also left enough room for a runner up, and when it's a Dame Groan, what a pleasure to make available her moaning ... 



These days the reptile taste for visual clichés from a stock image library is getting more remarkable by the day ... but in a way, and to be fair, you need a decent cliché to get things off on the right foot when rolling out Dame Groan ...


Not an original thought in that entire gobbet, so vacuous and superficial that the pond was left speechless, and wondering what the fuck was the point of it. 

But soon enough there would come the sting, whereby Dame Groan celebrates her day job as an Uber driver and her night work for Deliveroo, and counts the cash rolling in and leads a sumptuous life of leisure, full of riches beyond measure ... but first, we have to get past Enron, the new standard of American wildfires, climate science, renewable energy, and such other detritus not worthy of Dame Groan's attention ...

Perhaps the infallible Pope might help her focus?



No? Then, please driver, take the pond to crazyville, and step on the gas...

Here it comes, and remember all the yowling and the howling of the Murdochians about the unfairness of big tech, and its ravishing of traditional media? 

Forget it, it turns out being fucked over is the American and the Dame Groanian way ...

A fair go? Oh so that's why Dame Groan does a little Uber work each day, and can be relied upon to deliver coffees on a Sunday morning for a pittance?

She loves a fair go, and she's an independent contractor who must slavishly follow company orders, or be told to fuck off ... because that's what makes an independent contractor, aka a mug punter caught in a screwing machine in a world full of Groanians that don't care ...

Whatever the reptile brew they deliver to Dame Groan, it must be potent stuff, to make sure that the serfs are invisible as they ride past on their bikes, or offer up their cars as tribute ...

And so to the Rowe of the day, with more Rowe as usual here ...


And yes, there is a tweet for every occasion ...


So true, Vlad, so true. By the way, got any good neuro toxins handy?  A little Noviochok? Just asking for a friend who's having a hard time getting rid of the rats ...



  1. Groany tries to do a character assassination of California: "Interestingly, [California's] population has shrunk recently as some Californians have hotfooted it ..."

    Interestingly, the reptile habit of either just lying or at best failing to fact check has remained strong recently. The truth is:
    "The state added 186,807 residents last year, bringing the estimated total population to 39,927,315 as of Jan. 1, according to estimates released by the state Department of Finance on Wednesday. The overall growth rate slipped to 0.47% last year from 0.78% in 2017, the slowest since data collection started in 1900, department spokesman H.D. Palmer said."

    900,000 more people left California for other states in 2019 than came to California from other states, however 1.5 million international immigrants plus 2.2 million births kept the population increasing.

    So, lies, lies and more lies; thus Trumpism has been and will be with us forever.

    1. It hardly needs stating that blaming renewables for the Californian blackouts is just another lie intended to play off grandad's fear of anything new:


      The facts indicate that thermal units are the weak link in hot weather:


      Just not sure how you get the message out to folk who are too lazy to check.

      Oh - and here's a guy who understood what needed to be done and lacked the courage to even try:


    2. How do you get the message out ? You don't: 71+million people who voted for Trump are never, ever going to get that message. And about 76+ million who voted for Biden either already have that message or will never get it either. And that leaves a majority of voting Americans who have not, and will not, get that message.

      But the 'renewables cause blackouts' trope is international; the wingnuts and reptiles also used it in South Australia and it was just as much a lie then, too. Have I yet mentioned 'lies, lies and more lies and that's how Trumpism will be with us forever' ?

      As to Malcolm, well just consider this: that Biden will find it extremely difficult to do anything much for at least 2 years (until next House election) and maybe much longer. Moscow Mitch will do every big or little thing he possibly can to stymie Biden, and he can do a lot. Whatever Biden can do by presidential executive order has a chance of being done, provided Moscow Mitch can't just freeze the funding.

      Now, does an Australian PM have the power of 'executive order' ? To some extent, yes, but legally far less than a US President. So what could Mal do ? Round up a few like minded Libs and pass legislation and then be voted out of the Prime Ministership by his outraged colleages ? That simply can't happen to a President, of course.

      But I do like the way that rhe Americans try hard to pretend that the USA is a real - Greek model - democracy where citizens can vote on and pass legislation that is binding on various state governments. It has led to some appallingly stupid pieces of legislation being passed and some very good legislation being killed off for a very long time.

    3. Sorry, BF, the pond has no time for actual information. It only alarms the reptiles and what good does it do? Next thing someone will be talking of science, and knowledge, and such like stuff, and where does that all end. The pond is dedicated to reptile experts with a singular lack of expertise in the subjects whereof they scribble, and that surely is the meaningless point of it all. Suddenly it's possible to understand the Sartrean nothing ...

  2. DP - thank you for the link to ‘Media Watch’. Often I am doing something else on Monday nights, miss the broadcast, and do not always remember to summon it up on iView.

    Anyway - the new thing I learned is that ‘Prue McSween’ seems to be an actual person. I had thought she had been ‘created’ by Gina Riley and Jane Turner.

    Still not sure about Rowan Dean, but - what writer could dream up a character like that?

    1. The scriptwriters who dreamed up 'The Apprentice' and 'Celebrity Apprentice' ?

      So who is worse: Dean or Trump ?

    2. Rowan Dean does create a level of disquiet and uncertainty doesn't he?

      Mike Carlton refers to him one assumes unaffectionately as "the talking pikelet", and image I am never able to leave on the rare occasion I see Dean plying his trade. He seems particularly itchy and nervous as he tries to get this conspiracy away.

      Later over on QANDA, Nattering Ned was being beset from all sides, and before he started yelling, he did make the point with shocking clarity that the conspiracies about democracy being hijacked in the USA had to stop RIGHT NOW. It was emoted with all the alacrity of a News Ltd drone who often just has to pretend he neither sees nor hears what the lower reptiles are up to in the herpetarium. This was a moment that Ned was in charge I thought. A very brief moment indeed - as it got progressivey worse as the show progressed

    3. and just a soupcon more if you are willing on the Macsween.


  3. GB - Trump has some ability to schmooze an audience. There is no intellectual content to what he puts to the audience - like a second string standup, he tries a line - no response - try another - move the idea around a kind of moral compass until you pick up reaction and make that your theme. The mercifully little I have seen of Dean did not reveal any such human attributes - neither ability to sense what his audience might feel, nor talent to work a successful theme.

    VC - yes, thank you for that soupcon - confirming that I am happy to remain ignorant of the, er - lady, and her supposed opinions. That puts her in the same category as Miranda Devine, Rebecca Weisser and a few others of that ilk, who, as it happens, are on retainers with Limited News.

    1. Yes, I have seen it said that Trump is a good schmoozer, basically as shown by his success with the 'Apprentices' - and his ability to always walk away undamaged from his business failures. But I have never seen him actually perform, except for a few seconds on TV at one of his rallies. So thanks for some clarification. It's still just a bit weird to me though, that he could capture 71 million American hearts and minds that way.

      And indeed Dean doesn't appear to have any ability to sway people - though I suppose that maybe half a dozen somewhere might 'admire' him. Homo sap saps seem always capable of some insanity for no particular reason. It is one of our core defining qualities.


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