Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Not only are the reptiles anxious about the ABC, SBS, a fair, just and equitable society, and the Donald, they're worried about Pauline ...

It's now official … the reptiles' online business strategy is clearly dead, and they need others to blame. 

The pond will leave others to debate which stages of a big project the reptiles have now reached … especially as stage 3 cites panic and hysteria, but doesn't mention delusional …

Of course the pond feels the reptile sense of pain, which even now haunts a newspaper that blessed the world with many an awesome front page and made the Daily Terror seem like an exercise in kindergarten Photoshop …

Never mind, American capitalism always eats its own, and today is Dame Slap day, and rightly she's enthusiastic about corporate capitalism and terribly anxious at the thought of a fair and equitable society …

Before proceeding, the pond should note its profound disappointment with Dame Slap. 

Along her long march many heroes have arrived and then departed with a thud. Whither Screaming "Lord" Christopher "Wren" Monckton? Or should that be wither?

Wherefore the Donald, long after the Dame slipped on her MAGA cap and slid out onto the night-time streets of New York to celebrate?

The pond asks this purely out of self-interest, because it has a lot of spare Donald cartoons it would like to ship …

But once she's written, the Dame always moves on, armed with new states of anxiety, paranoia and fear ...

All the same, while the pond applauds the Dame's endless capacity for fear and loathing, there is this matter of the pond's surplus cartoons that equally urgently cries out for attention … speaking of social engineering, as it seems we must …

But the pond must put aside the Donald for another burst of Dame Slap paranoia ...

Indeed, indeed, the last thing the world needs is a fair, balanced, equitable and just society … how much better to join the Donald and Dame Slap in a MAGA anthem …

Well there's one last burst of Dame Slap paranoia to go, deploring as she does the collectivist, which the pond naturally interprets as a reminder of Dame Slap's love of Screaming "Lord" Monckton and Donald the individualists ...

Of course there are a few that might point out the dire results of Dame Slap's love of the Donald experiment, but for the pond it remains a source of most excellent cartoons, with David Rowe holding his head up on the world stage, and with more excellent Rowe here ...

In its quest to liquidate its excess Donald cartoon stock, the pond perforce felt the need to turn to another reptile outing this day ...

Talk about an infinite capacity for comedy, and a chance to off-load a few cartoons …

What's going to be deeply funny about this piece?

Well all that needs to be remembered is the role that Fox News and other Murdochians have played in propping up the Donald and the GOP ... and continue to play right to this moment ...

Yep, there you go, blame the critics of the Donald for reinforcing his preferred reality, as opposed to Fox and Friends daily reinforcing his preferred reality on a morning basis, as do so many other devoted Murdochians, as if Shep alone might stand against the horde of Donald lovers …

Here, have a cartoon …

There are two strategies for dealing with the Donald … the Dame Slap one, of walking around and walking on, and walking amongst other hideous leftist conspiracies, and then there's the attempt to walk the hideous reality back into some sort of comfort zone …

That latter strategy requires a remarkable capacity for delusion, nee delusional optimism, and a capacity to scribble lines such as "that included Fox News, which had stood apart in supporting him…"

The pond invites anyone interested in eyeball torture to drop in on a Fox News stream, available on YouTube, to discover the full depths of John Lee's delusions … here, have another cartoon or three …

The pond still hadn't exhausted its supply, and as this was the pond's only post for the day, resorted to the reptile digital splash at the top of the page for yet another reliable source of laughs ...

Not only are the reptiles anxious about the ABC, SBS, a fair, just and equitable society, and the Donald, they're worried that Pauline seems to have abandoned them in Malware's hour of Longman need …

Now the pond hasn't been worried about the by-elections. What will be will be, but the reptiles seem suddenly to have been flung into a panic by One Nation's ocean-going cruise to irrelevance …

This is all well and good - a red handbag is surely a sign of Marxist affiliations and a crucial detail - but what about the Donald, the pond cries …

Phew, they clearly need that sort of vacuum cleaner up Deep North way ...

Okay, the reptiles have done their work, and the pond has had its Donald fun, and leaving this final homage to the Dodgy Brothers aside …


… the pond feels the need to leave a note to the reptiles …

If you get down with Hansonite puppies, and Hansite preferences, you must expect a fair share of Hansonite fleas …

And now it seems only fair to end with a cartoon about another carpet bagger …


  1. Wow mega run-down today on the reptiles Dot. Good work.

    It is so true that the reptiles do seem to be anxious about a lot of things; one wonders why they are so worried about so many things and are so obviously not having a good time.

    Do they not have enough money to buy more stuff or happiness or something?

  2. Oh wau, look at this:

    Dame Snap: "The ASX has been more focussed on diversity targets and other social issues than sound, individually tailored governance processes within a corporation. That much is clear from the rotten behaviour by our biggest banks, superannuation companies and other listed companies within the broader finance sector uncovered by the royal commission."

    Out of the mouths of babes and Dame(s) !

    So now we know why the Murdochian business plan is failing: spending all of the available time and resources and whatever small amount of intelligence they can muster on achieving their diversity targets such as employing more Dame(s) - and Sharis. Which means that they just aren't able to operate their organisation as a well-governanced business. Can't walk and chew gum at the same time. SAD.


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