Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Tired of the crisis in Western Civilisation? Come on in and enjoy some hearty climate science denialism ...


The pond is finding it difficult to keep up with all the different reptile neuroses, what with the crisis in Western Civilisation consuming so much time, but the pond had to pause to admire this one at the top of the lesser member of the Kelly gang's tweet and piece … showing a plant with absolutely no emissions of any kind.

It's a miracle, a bloody miracle … why there's just some natural clouds in the sky ...

Well played lesser member of the Kelly gang ...

That's reptile skill of the first order, roughly equivalent to the Daily Terror effort noted in Media Watch last night, as the reptiles wandered from "privatisation deal has many benefits" to "How homebuyers are being gouged for millions."

The pond has never felt the need to re-visit the shameless Terrorists, and what need, with the reptiles of Oz routinely tracking the valiant work of the onion muncher …

By golly, he's a goer, and for anybody wondering why the pond stays loyal, how pleasing it is to see him combine the holy trinity of wrecking, undermining and sniping, by joining together the holy trinity of Malware hatred, climate science denialism and coal loving …though he is looking a little worn from all the raging ...

And what do you know, it's the same faithful member of the Kelly gang, keeping track of the maverick …

Dinkum Oz coal, oi, oi, oi, and so we come to the always reliable Dame Groan …

There's no point in having a discussion with Dame Groan … it's enough to note that she and the onion muncher are of like mind …though there's a little terminological inexactitude at work here.

It seems the owners of wind farms and solar installations are "rent-seekers" … what then to make of the onion muncher's desire to own a coal-fired power station, and subsidise its operations so that it might compete?

Who knows, but Dame Groan is an expert economist, while also a world-renowned climate scientist, so everything will no doubt become clear in the wash, except perhaps the coal, which needs the cleansing of a reptile diligently picking emissions-free photos …

Where the pond came from, common sense meant placing some credence on scientists, but alas and alack …

Will Dame Groan mention any of this in her plaintive weeping over the lost coal dreaming?

Nope, it's just an explanation of how we're all rooned ...

And there you have it, the Dame and the onion muncher are as one … and how shocking that coal suffers so, and emissions are being given a hard time, and to what avail?

Well as we've been there many times before - even more than the current visits to the crisis in Western Civilisation - it's time to wrap things up … as Dame Groan heads back down the path to buying carbon credits...

Ah good old carbon credits …but wait, haven't we been there before, and not so long ago?

And that's why the pond had to start off admiring the lesser member of the Kelly gang and the capacity of the Terrorists to go on an infinitely repeatable loop of hypocrisy and forgetfulness … because here's the onion muncher and that other member of the Kelly gang talking about credits in that January lizard Oz piece ...

The pond had to cut it off there, leaving Dame Groan, the onion muncher and that other member of the Kelly gang to fight it out …

It's enough to remind the pond of the important principle at the heart of it all … create confusion, saucy doubt and fear, rinse and repeat the cycle endlessly …and soon enough there'll be no emissions in the smoke stacks, and all will be well ...


  1. Meanwhile a recent edition of New Scientist magazine had a cover article titled Finally We Can Power The Planet On Renewables Alone - Here's How

  2. So many words, so little sense. Nothing shreds the reptilian credibility quite as effectively as the blather about energy policy.

    Dame Groan roles out HELE technology like a gem in an urchin's grubby paw. Even a cursory investigation shows HELE to be neither new or particularly efficient. "High Efficiency Low Emission" is the engineering version of "A Better Future For Our Children Party" - it appeals to the person who cannot be bothered or is too stupid to determine the facts.

    Finkel covered all this but I suspect the old sourpuss couldn't be bothered reading it. A glance at the tables would show that it wouldn't support her case.

    Incidentally, living in a coal mining area for any time will show who the rent seekers are (hint-it's not wind and solar)

    1. How's the illness and early death rate in a coal mining area, Bef ?

      Everybody lives long, healthy lives ?


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