Friday, February 02, 2018

In which the pond travels the world with the Oz editorialist ...

Old news my dear ... 

And naturally the hand moves quicker than the eye, and the reptiles have long moved on ...

Yes, while Malware pays hugely for the pleasure of being the leader who might destroy the NBN, and otherwise proves a futtocky flop in almost everything, distraction is the name of the game ...


He paid $1.75 million to keep his day job, so he could ruin the NBN? Doesn't have the right reptile ring to it as a headline ...

Never mind, with only the second rung of the commentariat on display, the pond thought it might indulge in a rare treat, and travel around the world with the lizard editorialist of Oz.

This is rather like being in the cockpit with the captain ... and the first leg was just a hop and a step across the dutch ...

Oh dear, the pond presumes they meant dutch, because the talk is of bad signs in fush and chup land, and in just a hundred days ...

Free education, when the young might be enslaved by debt for a generation? Shocking.

It's a disaster no doubt about it, and then the pond went sleepless on the longer leg to London ...

Here a cartoon might come in handy ...

There's more Graudian cartoons here, as the lizard Oz editorialist glumly considered the grum news from London ...

"Supported strongly in last year's historic referendum"?

Waiter, the pond will have a double dose of what the reptile editorialist is drinking.

It seems the reptiles are living in their very own Brigadoon, with the vote having taken place in June 2016, and when the pond last checked, January 2018 already disappearing fast down the gurgler....

As for "supported strongly", waiter, can the pond have what the Oz editorialist is drinking, because if it was supported so strongly, why have the country and the Tories been divided and everyone at everyone's throat ever since?

And look, over there in the corner is the wild-eyed, wily socialist, when everybody knows that the Tories were born to rule, and what a fine mob of rulers they make ...

And after that, it was back in the cockpit for a quick dash across the Atlantic, and what a relief, at last a country doing spiffingly well ...

It was purely by chance that the pond happened to look at volume VII of the Cambridge Modern History, and the final words in the final chapter written by one B. Wendell ...

Oh dear ... in this context, "modern" means the 1934 edition, and how strange to think of those distant, lost times, and that distant, lost America ...

And so to actual modern times, with the Oz editorialist as our guide ...

And it's true that the Donald has already ticked off many of the things on his 'must do' list ...

And it's also true that a few more cartoons might come in handy before downing the last reptile gobbet ...

And now it's back to the Oz editorialist, clearly a reptile with a taste for vintage grapes pressed by the fine Chateau Delusion label ...

Waiter, the pond simply must buy a bottle of what the Oz editorialist is drinking, so that it can take it home and get quietly sloshed ... then it might not need the rose-coloured spectacles and might fully enjoy the sight of forelock-tugging reptiles, dancing for their master ... or it might simply enjoy a few more cartoons ...

Whatever. Remember the Cambridge "historian" scribbling that guff about "education should be a fearless search for the truth"?

Still, how could he have imagined the age of Murdoch, Fox News and the Donald, and the supine Oz editorialist lost in the clouds down under ...


  1. Is it just me, or have the reptiles fortified their paywalls a little of late? I haven't been able to sneak past by googling a URL for the past few days. I've tried clearing cookies, changing browsers, changing my IP address - nothing works.

    1. It's not just you MD. They've tightened the paywall on sacred items, like reprints of The Times and Major Mitchell, a notoriously sensitive bird who doesn't like to be mocked ...but in the end if they want to take themselves out of the conversation entirely simply to punish the pond and others who refuse to pay for reptile detritus, why the pond will be laughing all the way to the convent ...

  2. Off Topic but why is Independent Australia website inaccessible they were running a story about the filing cabinets going to the ABC and suggesting there has been something fishy in how and why this load of documents were not checked before sale maybe we need to have a legal challenge to see who on sold these cabinets to the purchaser and why the person did not seek a reward either from the ABC or the government.

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