Wednesday, October 11, 2017

In which the pond is forced into overtime thanks to a new Shepherd of the flock ...

The pond has at last worked out the reptiles' game plan.

By increasing the amount of nuttiness on view in the lizard Oz, the pond simply wouldn't be able to attend to the Daily Terror, currently going wild with excitement about the wonders of the Liberal government fucking over Sydney in ways too huge to imagine or contemplate ... unless you get out on the road and see the urban wilderness in the inner west that they're creating ...

Part of the game plan has been to steal FOML, which is to say Friends of Mark Latham, or FOTAB, which is to say Friends of the Arm Breaker, and offer them redemption ...

Simon Benson showed how it was done a couple of days ago ...

Mercifully Benson kept the thing short ... at least he realised this sort of stupidity tasted best in small portions ...

Nutty as a fruitcake, but the next time he takes to the road, no doubt Leyonhjelm will drive on the right because that's how they do it in the United States, and crash through red lights because it's just an attempt by the government to control the traffic situation ...

No wonder the arm-breaker joined Leyonhjelm's party ...

And then the reptiles, in their bid to distract the pond, doubled down this day with a new Shepherd of the nutty flock ...

The very last thing the pond needed was another nut job celebrating a nut job ... but that's what the reptiles offered ...

Yep, this Shepherd is at one with the arm breaker flock, apparently unaware of just what a rabid ratbag the arm breaker is ...

Scrub that, of course, he's aware, he probably loves all that unconventional misogyny and homophobia and ratbaggery, such a breath of fresh air ...

It made the reptile headline story the previous day seem even more ironic ...

The dinosaurs have had their day?

Not in this Shepherd's world ... the Lathamites roam wild and free ...


Perhaps in his own lunch time, but the ploy, the Shepherd gambit worked, and the pond ran out of time for the Devine ... and she was in such top form ...

Indeed, indeed ...

It reminded the pond how everything was now politicised, thanks largely to the rabid outpourings of Murdochians ... willing to forgive anyone or anything provided it was deemed on the right side of the fence ...

It reminded the pond of an exchange between Jimmy Kimmel and a certain Trump, a stripling even thicker than the original tree ...

And there was a follow-up ...

The pond tends to watch the unofficial versions of Kimmel, but this is the official version of that moment...

And that's the thing ... you could show Hillary with all sorts of pussy-gropers ...

You could also show Leyonhjelm and Shepherd consorting with a notorious and contemptible man, who like the Donald and Harvey, sails through because no one calls him out ...

No, it isn't a parody account.

It's the real Mark Latham ... and he really is a homophobic misogynist bigot ...

And yet the Shepherd sees him as a like-minded member of the Leyonhjelm flock ...

Well you won't find Miranda the Devine get agitated about any of that ... not when he's her fellow Terror columnist. 

So splash it on, it's okay if it's right wing bigotry and misogyny, why then it might even be thought presidential and a way to  MAGA ...


  1. Shepherd: "He is a breath of fresh air in a cloistered political environment with its constant attacks on freedom and its tax and spend phobia."

    "tax and spend phobia" ? That's the problem with libertatrians, they simply don't have any understanding of what they're talking about, and no idea of how to talk about anything, either.

    Or did he perhaps swap phobia for phillia in an act of deliberate, witty irony ? You be the judge (as Tony, Mark and David would insist that you be).

  2. Like all "libertarians" I'm aware of, Leyonhjelm is just a tiresome hypocrit. Jokes are funny except when they are about him, threatens to call the cops when two women mock him on public land. Doubles down again in the followup video when he uses his parliamentary bully pulpit to get in some implied threats against his interlocutors, and simply makes up shit to deflect his hypocrisy.

    No surprise Latham regards him as a mate. Birds of a feather...

    1. Or possibly a 'rat king', FD:

  3. Ha, ha! Nice, GB - very apt.

    I imagine we'll see a few more Mal-contents leave the party of Pigiron Bob in the months ahead; those that decline to glom onto the Coreyservatives might entwine their tails here too.


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