Monday, March 20, 2017

In which the pond's back to basics Monday takes it to the truth-squawking Major Mitchell ...

The pond has already noted the way that the reptiles must now routinely appeal to St Bill for protection, aid, and insight ...

The pond is thinking of striking a medal for the reptiles ...

By golly, just scratch out Christopher, insert Bill, and the pond is on to a rip snorter money winner ...

And so to the latest missive from the Major Mitchell in the pond's 'back to basics' Monday ...

Now there's any number of good Major Mitchellisms in there, but the pond will just settle for this one:

"Twitter is a world in which the feelings of self-identifying urban Aboriginal university students and their friends trump the rights of outback Aboriginal children ..."

It's got all the best resentments, in one lump of bile. 

Resentment of Twitter - the old Major Mitchell hates social media in all its forms; resentment of uppity well educated urban Aborigines who dare to head off to university; and mockery in its purest form of those who dare to call themselves black, because after all, this is mere "self-identifying" ...

Damned uppity blacks, with their smart arse twittering ways. Get off the Major's urban lawn ...

The Major Mitchell might like to explore the nature of bigotry. Hint, avoid looking at mirrors ... instead enjoy the cockatoo stamp awarded each week by the pond ...

And so to the second part of the missive .... certain and safe in the knowledge that there will be many more references to, and invocations of, St Bill ...

There is of course a rich irony here, and not just in the eternal invocation of the transubstantive matters of 18C and St Bill ...

It comes with that line about bright Aboriginal kids turning up in school ... what the Major Mitchell had meant to write, and the pond discovered in an earlier discarded draft went ...

"Twitter is a world in which the feelings of self-identifying bright Aboriginal high school scholarship students and their friends trump the rights of self-identifying, white in disguise, urban allegedly Aboriginal children ..."

Or some such ...

And now, for a moment roughly equivalent to the Trumpists using a New York Times' report to defend made-up nonsense, as if any truth could be discerned by reading that failing organ of fake news, the Major Mitchell is about to turn to the ABC for proof ...

Yes, the Major Mitchell will trumpet Paul Barry and the dreadful Media Watch, making the pond wonder if Barry's ears might be burning ... after, of course, an invocation of the suffering of St. Bill ... because the reptiles can never be offended enough whenever the sacred name of St Bill is impugned...

The heretical swine must be punished, the culture of reptile offence-taking is strong ...

Indeed, indeed. 

It's this damned amalgam of postmodern Marxist thought and the politics of identity, and endless parroting about same ...

It explains the Major Mitchell's heroic lifetime endeavour to find the holy grail of the Order of St Lenin ...

Thus far of course the only way the association can be made known, plain and evident, is in a Currish Snail photomontage, where guilt by association within the frame is a splendid trick, well known by Marxists ...

Still to catch a Marxist, it's best to emulate Marxism and the thought police ... and by golly the Major Mitchell is an adept ...

And so for a bit of light relief, to Moir, who has been whipping up a Barners storm of late. It's not just the St Bill heretics that are causing the problems, it's those ancient medievalists who chant the unholy religion of climate science ...

More Moir here ...


  1. Mitchell scribbles a lot of nonsense here. He is always trying to claim that only the Murdoch press prints the truth, but we know it does not, especially when it comes to discussing opinion.

    Take this question from Mitchell: "Why do progressives who insist white fathers need to play a bigger role in the raising of their children not agree the same applies to black fathers?"

    The falsity is embedded in the question. Who are these 'progressives' who do not insist on black father taking a bigger role in the raising of their children? As Thatcher might have demanded: "Name them."

    Of course Leak was stirring the pot, but it was a distraction from the big issue of the treatment of children in detention, not far from the issue of deaths in custody.

    Another falsity: The cartoon "Is my bomb look big in this?" The assumption is that Muslim women dress so as to hide bombs, or guns, or are in fact men disguised as women so as to cause some terror here in Oz. How often have such terrorist attacks been conducted?

    As for the "amalgam of post-modern Marxist thought and the politics of identity", this is part of the confetti of Murdoch catch-phrases which are tossed in the air and the task is for the scribblers to meld them into some EXCLUSIVE piece for the edification of voracious readers of the kind which idolise St Bill. It is a ploy to claim intellectual rigour which is to be assumed but not actually proven.

  2. Sayeth the Maj:
    I can't tell you how often I have confonted wealthy left-wing parents who sent their own children to restigious GPS schools but think there is something wrong with scholarships to such schools for bright Aboriginal kids.

    Yes you can, Mitch, you can tell us, we'll listen. Go on then, was it once ? twice ? maybe even three times ? And was it the same "wealthy left-wing parents" each time ? And tell us who are these "wealthy left-wing parents" ? Can you name any of them ? Did any of them have Order of Lenin medals ? C'mon, 18c won't prevent you answering all that, will it ?

    St Bill of the Leak must be spinning under his halo to see how utterly gutless you are.

  3. Why is the Major,at every opportunity,telling the world of the wonders of the Australian. He is like a broken fucking record! The Oz this ...the Oz was we what said it! Things must be crook over at accounts: I linked to the Oreo's article via twitter this morning and the Oz has been following me around all day at the Grauniad like a fart in a bottle with their 50% discount...conditions apply...must be fucking brain dead.

    1. Or maybe this ditty from The Big Heat album,as everything left of Ghengis Khan is an eternal nail for the Lenin Hunter... the true pile-driver of journalism.

  4. Wait on: it's the fault of Indigenous parents that some sadistic warder harasses and intimidates their kids? That's the essence of Leak's "truth telling"

    1. Oh dear, Tim, of course it is. If it wasn't for all those dreadful fathers, there wouldn't be tens of thousands of abbo kids who have to be put into institutions and brutalised so that they can become decent, picket fence painting, home non-owning Aussies.


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